Lawyer be warned – appealed to the wrong district court

Lawyer be warned appealed to the wrong district court

Published: Less than 50 min ago

full screen Lawyer warned after appealing to the wrong court. Archive image. Photo: Pontus Lundahl/TT

A lawyer is warned after appealing a sentence to the wrong district court. The error led to the client not being able to appeal the verdict to the Court of Appeal, reports Dagens Juridik.

According to the newspaper, the client was convicted in the district court of two crimes and then immediately urged the lawyer to appeal the verdict. However, the lawyer waited until the last day of the appeal and submitted it to the wrong court.

In a statement to the community, the lawyer announced that she did everything she could to correct her mistake – without success. She describes the whole thing as “the biggest mistake of her life as a lawyer”.

The lawyer must also have breached her duty of care and information towards the client by not notifying him that she had terminated her duties as a defense attorney when the Supreme Court decided not to grant leave to appeal.
