Lawsuit over wolf that knocked girl over

Lawsuit over wolf that knocked girl over

Lonely Wolf

Several wolves live on the Utrechtse Heuvelrug. A wolf pack with cubs has been living on and around the Den Treek estate in Leusden for some time now. A lone wolf hangs around this family, who displays undesirable behavior and seems to be interested in dogs. That is the wolf that is the subject of the lawsuit.

An attempt has been made before to attach a transmitter to this specific wolf. Last year, the Nijmegen-based Mammal Society received a permit from the province of Gelderland. The goal at the time was to monitor the animal and thus be able to explain when and why the animal behaves so abnormally. Animal rights organizations protested against this at the time.

The Mammal Society failed to tag the wolf and abandoned the attempt. Now it is the province of Utrecht that has granted the permit to the board of the Provincial Executive. An important difference from last year is that permission has now also been granted to scare the animal off with paintball guns and chalk balls if necessary. The permit only applies to this wolf.
