Lawsuit against the 6 months-6,000 km requirement in automobile sales

Bullish messages in used car market data

Motor Vehicle Dealers Federation (MASFED) is taking the decision focused on automobile sales to the court, which was put into effect recently.

The 6 months, 6000 km condition, which imposes a sales restriction on the sale of new vehicles, has entered into force and will continue until July 1, 2023. While discussing the effects of the regulation, which is stated to be exempt from the application if the registered vehicles are sold by September 15, the Motor Vehicle Dealers Federation (MASFED) Chairman Aydın Erkoç stated that they will bring the issue, which was implemented without the opinion of the sector and which is thought to be a solution to the problems, on a legal basis.


Decision covering automobile sales contradicts the Constitution

Erkoç stated that there are 70 thousand registered motor vehicle dealers in Turkey.We will apply to the Council of State regarding this regulation, which contradicts Article 49 of the Constitution and was made without consulting the sector’s opinions. As we have repeatedly said, automobile dealers cannot sell unused vehicles to motor vehicle dealers, and it is forbidden to issue invoices. We condemn this decision taken by ignoring 70 thousand registered businesses, their employees and their families. It is tried to be shown as a scapegoat for the current troubles, the motor vehicle dealers who pay their taxes to the state, employ personnel, and are after their livelihood; This is neither law nor conscience. We all know the problems experienced and the reasons for the rise in prices.” he said.

Emphasizing that permanent and radical solutions are needed to decrease prices and stabilize the market, Erkoç said; “There are many factors waiting for a solution, such as production, exchange rate, difficulty in accessing finance, high interest rates, taxes, etc.… In relation to the new regulation, individuals and unregistered persons who are not covered by the regulation will continue to buy and sell vehicles. should bring a solution so that inflation in prices can be prevented. In addition, the fact that our Ministry takes the opinion of our sector and that we, as second-hand motor vehicle dealers, convey our solution proposals will contribute to the process in overcoming these problems.” made statements.
