Laurine Thizy, from mother to daughter

Laurine Thizy from mother to daughter

First-time novelist Laurine Thizy presents her novel “Les Maisons Vide”, the destiny of Gabrielle the heroine who, with prodigious energy, grows up, struggles, frees herself.

Laurine Thizy gives us a very enigmatic first novel: through its heroine, whose contours appear shrouded in mystery – including, moreover, to the other characters who are supposed to know her best; by its narrator or its narrator whose identity we ignore until the end or almost; because of its construction between several colliding temporalities, these permanent round trips between the past and the present, between death and life, between childhood and adolescence, not to mention these clowns who intersperse wonder why.

Enigmatic, but also clear, sensitive and powerful, like the simple and chiseled writing of Laurine Thizy. “Empty houses” was published by Editions de l’Olivier.

Report : Fanny Bleichner met comedian Fadily Camara, who in 2019 became the first French stand-up girl to do her full show on Netflix!
