Laurie Cholewa releases her first youth album, on behalf of her children

Laurie Cholewa releases her first youth album on behalf of

Laurie Cholewa is releasing a children’s story entitled “Rose, Niels and the Poupounou in the jungle” on the theme of the couch. On this occasion, the host and mother of two children confided in the Journal des Femmes to tell us about her family life and her projects. Interview.

Mom of 3-year-old Rose and 18-month-old boy Niels, presenter, host and producer Laurie Cholewa, has just published with Grund a story for children entitled Rose, Niels and the Poupounou in the jungle“. This is the young mother’s first youth album, which focuses on the theme of bedtime. And that’s not all, the main characters bear the first names of his children. We met her to tell us about her book, but also about her life as a mom: what motherhood has changed in her life, her bedtime rituals, her professional/personal life organization, her projects for 2022 Interview.

Why do the characters in the story bear the first names of your children?

Laurie Cholewa: “I wrote this book for them, to leave them something they can keep. Initially, I had ordered a book personalized with my daughter’s name, but it was not personalized enough for my taste. suddenly, I thought it would be great to make a nice book that tells them a story they would really be involved in. Besides, for the anecdote, at the base, there was only Rose in the story. When I got pregnant with my second, I added the character of Niels”.

How did you choose the names of your children?

Laurie Cholewa: “There was no evidence for either of them. I looked through a lot of books of first names. Rose, imposed himself quite late, he was not in my top list. However, I love Rose for many reasons: it’s the first name of the heroine in the movie Titanic, it’s both ancient and timeless. And then, my paternal grandmother had been hidden during the war by a woman who was called Rose. Niels, I had discovered it in my head for a long time. I like short names and I thought it sounded good and sweet”.

This tale is about children going to bed. What is the bedtime ritual like at home?

Laurie Cholewa: “Frankly, I went through several phases. For Niels, my second 18 month old, I read him a little story, put him in his bed and he sleeps. The absolute dream. On the other hand, my eldest who is 3 years old, I have not used to her enough. You have to read the stories 75 times, make the puppets 812 times and start the stories again with the light out. Then she drinks a bottle of milk and, if we’re lucky, at 9 p.m. she’s asleep! It is true that it takes time, but I also take advantage of it because these are good times that I will miss one day.

How do you manage to balance career and family life?

Laurie Cholewa: “It’s a rhythm to take. Especially with two children of similar ages (18 months apart) since when Niels was born we were just beginning to get used to it. Being well organized is essential and, even if this is my strong point, I learn. Then, I have the chance to be helped enough and to have relay with the two grannies, the nanny and my daughter is now at school. In the end, it “It’s the start that is complicated. Especially since I had my second in full confinement, suddenly I took a year of maternity leave, spent glued to my children”.

How has motherhood changed your outlook on life?

Laurie Cholewa: “Everything. I wonder what we did before, what meaning our life had. Maternity completely revealed me, turned me upside down, transformed: we think of someone else before thinking of ourselves, we constantly recover question, all our anxieties are increased tenfold, because we are responsible for someone else’s life. But it’s great, we are challenged every day with children. And besides, it’s wonderful to transmit something something to a small being who is the extension of oneself, the fruit of a love, which makes us become a family”.

What values ​​do you want to convey to them?

Laurie Cholewa: “The ones that are important to me: the generosity, benevolence, tolerance. But of course we want to have polite, respectful, curious, ambitious children… There are a lot of things we want to pass on!”

Other projects for 2022?

Laurie Cholewa: “No third child planned. I’m happy, I have a daughter and a son, in good health. I have this book which has just come out and which is very important to me. I’m also doing a collab’ for a parent/child sweatshirtwith my childhood friend who launched her brand The Urban Uniform. These are eco-responsible organic cotton sweatshirts. I love everything that’s matchy-matchy, I never get tired of taking pictures dressed like my children and when we look at them later we’re super happy. And then, I still have my shows on Canal +, my production company, “Off” a little short comedy program on C8 and my radio show clap on Europe 1″.
