Lauri Marjamäki moves to the Swiss traditional club | Sports in a nutshell

The former head coach of the Finnish national ice hockey team, Lauri Marjamäki, will become the head coach of the Swiss club EHC Kloten. The contract covers the coming season.

The former head coach of the Finnish national ice hockey team, Lauri Marjamäki, will become the head coach of the Swiss club EHC Kloten. The contract covers the coming season.

47-year-old Marjamäki has not coached abroad before. Kloten finished second to last in the Swiss main league last season, i.e. 13th.

– Lauri is a professional who has already experienced a lot at the highest level. He convinced us with his values ​​and game principles. As a former junior coach, he is able to develop players, Kloten’s sports director Ricardo Schödler commented in the club’s press release.

– I’m excited when I get to join a traditional club, Marjamäki beamed.
