Laurence Tardieu, to life, to love

Laurence Tardieu to life to love

Laurence Tardieu publishes “From one dawn to another”. A heartbreaking story about a mother’s fight at the bedside of her 4-year-old son, suffering from leukemia and entering the first COVID confinement in the hospital.

Everyone in France remembers March 17, 2020, the first day of the first confinement. The novelist Laurence Tardieu remembers this key date but for another reason. Perhaps even more appalling. The entrance of her 4 and a half year old son to the hospital, with a terrible diagnosis: leukaemia.

The beginning of another confinement in the room of a Parisian hospital whose little boy, Adam, will make his new home. Of these 158 days of war against death and disease, the writer Laurence Tardieu has made a literary account of an impressive vital force, poignant and luminous at the same time, crossed by these moments of beauty, poetry and humanity. simple to which we only really pay attention in the worst moments of existence.

“From one dawn to another” by Laurence Tardieu was published by Stock editions.

Reporting : In Bolivia Alice Campaignolle became interested in a documentary film shot in the high mountains. A tribute to slowness at a time when the fashion for mountain cinema is performance. The film follows two Bolivian mountain guides, humble and discreet, who notably tackle a particularly difficult summit.
