Laura Alcoba, a clandestine imaginary

Laura Alcoba a clandestine imaginary

The painful questions are the ones we usually don’t think about: under what name were you born, in what place were you born?

Laura’s answers arrive and circulate in the form of stories filled with rabbits, bees, spiders, a whole underground world, from a clandestine imagination, that of a child of opponents of the Argentine dictatorship in the 60s-70s. Follows the exile in France and the passion for the e-mutes. There is also an inclination for stories that place the survivors of this dictatorship on the side of the living and memories that never run out of steam. At Gallimard, we hardly ever present Laura Alcoba, author and translator, in more ways than one. After Merry-go-rounds, a little Argentine history, LAna C passengers, The blue of the bees and The spider danceAlcoba investigates a Medea-like infanticide, committed by Griselda, in his new novel titled Through the forest.

Laura Alcoba is the first author and translator hosted in residence by the festival Vo-Vf translate the world whose 10th edition was held from September 30 to October 2, 2022 in Gif-sur-Yvette.

The musical choices of Laura Alcoba

Dom La Nena and Rosemary Standley Hopscotch/amarelinha

Chico Buarque Buildthatoh.
