Launderers use it every day, this technique prevents your wool sweaters from shrinking

Launderers use it every day this technique prevents your wool

If you’re worried about shrinking your delicate wool sweaters, follow these expert tips to wash them safely. You will no longer have washing accidents.

With the arrival of winter, the essential large wool or cashmere sweater takes its place back in our wardrobes. While these pieces keep us warm with elegance, the washing dilemma often arises. How to clean these little treasures in your wardrobe without risking shrinkage? Dyeing experts share essential tips for preserving your winter sweaters.

Wool is a delicate fiber and requires some care to avoid damaging the fabric or causing it to shrink. Traditional cleaning methods like the washing machine may not be suitable. While some washing programs promise to care for your woolen or so-called “delicate” clothes, they are mainly based on gentle cleaning, at 30 degrees maximum. However, the best thing is to avoid using the machine to care for and make your sweaters last. You will thus avoid pilling and shrinkage in your laundry, the real pitfall when putting a wool sweater in the machine.

Dyers and launderers have some simple tips to avoid ending up with a baby size sweater from the first washes! Here are a few :

  • Does your sweater smell bad? You don’t need to wash your sweater, just put it outside to air out. Wool is a material that does not retain bad odors.
  • If your garment has stains, you can try cleaning them rather than putting it directly in the washing machine. To do this, dab the stained area with a mixture of lukewarm water and special wool detergent or a little Marseille soap. Be careful to avoid scrubbing the stain too much as this may damage the fibers. Rinse with clean water and dry with a clean towel.
  • If your sweater is really dirty, we do not recommend putting it in the washing machine. Prefer to wash by hand. Fill a sink with warm (not hot) water and add a small amount of mild wool detergent. Mix well. Next, carefully immerse the wool sweater in the water and swirl it gently, taking care not to wring, twist, or vigorously rub the garment as this may cause felting and shrinkage.
  • Let the sweater soak for about 10 to 15 minutes before rinsing it in cold water until the detergent is completely removed. It is important that you are very gentle during this process. Squeeze the water out of the sweater by rolling it in a clean, dry towel, again, being careful not to twist or wring it. To dry it, lay it flat on a towel on your laundry rack.

And if you really need to put it in the washing machine or if that reassures you, the best thing is to trust… the famous label sewn on your sweater. This will provide important information on how to clean and care for the garment. It is always best to follow these care instructions.
