Lattonedil: 12 million euro loan from CDP

Sammontana investe in sostenibilita grazie a CDP e SACE

(Finance) – Increase production lines in Italy and finance investments necessary for the energy efficiency of the structures and the construction of new photovoltaic systems: these are the main objectives of the financing from 12 million granted by Cassa Depositi e Prestiti to Lattonedil, a leading company specializing in building materials. The group, manufacturer of panels and coverings for buildings, has eight sites in Italy and the new investments will be concentrated in Carimate (Como), Venzone (Udine), Cesena and Crotone. Two million will be used to build photovoltaic systems, the rest will go directly to the factories.

In particular, through the resources made available by CDP, the Lattonedil Group, which it employs today over 800 people in 13 production sites in Europe located in Italy, Germany, Spain, Bosnia Herzegovina and France, will be able to carry forward its sustainable growth and development plan. The funds will in fact be used to create new equipment on the production lines of the factories in Italy and for specific energy efficiency interventions, including the construction of additional photovoltaic systems for the Group’s industrial areas.

It’s about the first loan granted by CDP to the Lattonedil Groupa company that boasts an annual production capacity of over 30 million square meters of panels, and the operation is in line with the objectives of CDP’s 2022-2024 Strategic Plan, which identifies the “Rethinking of Value Chains” as one of the main challenges of the country on which to concentrate its resources.

“Ten million – explains the financial director Stefano Bettio – they are in fact dedicated to production in the strict sense and will be used to add equipment to the current lines to extend the product range, as will happen for the Crotone plant. As well as the replacement of some obsolete systems to improve the overall efficiency of the production process. Under the regime, this also translates into 20 new job positions. In the three-year period 2024-2026 the investment plan envisages an overall commitment by the group of 21 million”.
