Latin first names for boys: our most beautiful ideas

Latin first names for boys our most beautiful ideas

There are many first names of Latin origin for a baby boy. Whether rare, old or short, you will find a wide choice among this list of ideas for Latin male names.

the latin language gave birth to the vast majority of the French language, but also the Italian language for example. Over time, some latin first names have disappeared, but many others have remained in use. Latin names are very pretty to the ear, very delicate, endowed with beautiful sounds and also with interesting meanings. Here is a guide to male latin names for your baby boy.

These Latin names for boys among the rarest

Although Latin first names are the main source of first names in France, some are nevertheless rarely given. So, Crepin is a rare first name, like Crescent. You come across very few Mayol, Jaurès, Servant. Gratian, Gustin, Clementin, Colomban, Maieul, Junien, Honorin, Priscillien who are rare Latin names for little boy! Just like Cadet, Corneille, Valence, AmarinValérien, Célien, Ancelin, which are Latin names that are little used today.

What are the most common male Latin names?

here are the 30 first names of Latin origin the most given in France last year:

What original Latin first name for a little boy?

In the range of original first names, which we do not see everywhere, but which have a Latin origin: there is for example Polwhich is written rather Paul in general. Sylvester is also an uncommon first name, like Ursule, Félicien, Austin or even Maximin. Always Latin, in the library of the originals, we find the first names Modeste, Leonide, Silvère, Pacôme, Amiable or even Juste.

List of ancient Latin names for men

Some male Latin names are particularly old. We find for a very long time Marcel, Christian, Olivier, Emile, Auguste or even Gustave. Still in the list of old Latin names, there is Lucien, Paul, Martial or the classic François. Octave, Augustine, Florentine, Marine, Remi, Aurelius are also part of the essentials when looking for an old Latin name for a little boy.
