Latest situation in Karabakh! Azerbaijani army captured more than 60 positions: A call was made to surrender

Latest situation in Karabakh Azerbaijani army captured more than 60

The anti-terrorism operation launched by the Azerbaijani army in Karabakh continues. In his statement, Azerbaijani Ministry of Defense Spokesperson Anar Eyvazov stated that the operation launched in Karabakh continues successfully and more than 60 positions belonging to the Armenian armed forces are under the control of the Azerbaijani army. Eyvazov also announced that 20 military vehicles, more than 40 artillery batteries, more than 30 mortars, 2 missile systems and more than 6 communication stations belonging to the Armenian armed forces were destroyed.

Eyvazov denied Armenia’s statements that Azerbaijan targeted civilian settlements and stated that this was nothing but a smear campaign against the Azerbaijani army and that the Azerbaijani army only destroyed legitimate military targets.


Stating that the Armenian armed forces units placed their military equipment in civilian settlements to escape the attacks of the Azerbaijani Armed Forces units, Eyvazov said, “We have high-precision weapons and combat equipment that meet the most modern requirements. “Our professional military personnel using these weapons suspend attacks if civilians are detected near legitimate military targets,” he said.



Emphasizing that the operations were carried out successfully despite the Armenian armed forces deploying military equipment in and around civilian settlements, Eyvazov said, “As a result of high-precision shooting, only the Armenian forces’ firing points, military equipment and military infrastructure used for military purposes are destroyed and neutralized.”



Stating that they called on the Armenian civilians in Karabakh to stay away from military targets, Eyvazov said, “We call on the members of the Armenian armed groups in the Karabakh region of Azerbaijan to lay down their weapons and surrender. We also advise the civilians in the region not to stay close to them and not to provide any assistance. This is a recommendation.” “Notifications are transmitted through speakers and other technical means,” he said. (IHA)
