Latest News – Zimbabwe Passes Patriot Act – Criticism Against Criticism Ban

  • Zimbabwe Passes Patriot Act – Criticism Against Criticism Ban

    The Parliament of Zimbabwe has voted through a proposal for a patriot law. The opposition dismisses the proposal as draconian.

    The law is supposed to promote “patriotism” and criminalizes actions that “damage sovereignty and the national interest”. Critics say it prohibits criticism of the government and the authorities.

    “Free speech is now dead. This is a day of mourning for Zimbabwe,” writes journalist and activist Hopewell Chin’ono on Twitter. (TT)

  • Latest news

  • Every second engineering student misses the exam

    Almost half of the engineering students have not graduated three years after the scheduled study period for the program, according to the University Chancellor’s Office (UKÄ). Only 49 percent graduate from the higher education engineering program. Even in the subject teacher program, few graduate, 46 percent. These are the two groups of students with the lowest graduation rate.

    Even the longer civil engineering education has a relatively low graduation rate. There, the figure is 54 percent, according to the authority.

    Students on the nursing program’s various extension courses have the highest graduation rate. In the midwifery program, 92 percent had graduated within three years of the program’s normal time. In the specialist nursing program, the corresponding figure was 84 percent. (TT)

  • Scandal doctor died in plane crash

    Scandalous fertility doctor Morris Wortman, 72, has died in a plane crash with a small self-made plane, AP writes.

    He and the pilot died when the plane lost its wings during a rural flight in upstate New York.

    Wortman was sued in 2021 following allegations that he used his own sperm in the treatment of several patients during the 80s. He told the women that the sperm donations came from a medical student.

  • Forward on Wall Street during Thursday

    Wall Street had a stable Thursday on the stock exchange.

    Above all, it went up when the debt ceiling was voted through in the US House of Representatives, TT reports.

    It was above all a day for the technology sector. Facebook’s owner company Meta rose by 3.0 percent, Apple up by 1.6 and Microsoft closed with 1.3 percent plus.

  • Ikea gets f(ull) r(ull)ei in New Zealand

    25 million sheep and soon millions with flat packages.

    Ikea begins construction of its first department store in New Zealand. From the beginning, the plan was for the department store to open at the end of 2024, but when covid hit, the plans had to be postponed. It is now hoped that the department store will be ready to open at the end of 2025, it says Reuters.

    – These are projects with long time horizons. So usually you don’t open when you originally intended, says Tolga Oncu, Head of Retail at Ingka Group, which owns Ikea.

  • Shooting in Västerås – one man to hospital

    A man in his 20s has been shot at Ica Bäckby in Västerås.

    – There were people who drove him to the emergency room, says police spokesperson Nadya Norton.

    The police have launched a preliminary investigation into attempted murder and are looking for suspected perpetrators.

    Read more here.

  • The president opens for new elections

    President of Kosovo Vjosa Osmani-Sadriu. Photo: Andreea Alexandru/AP

    Kosovo President Vjosa Osmani opens for new elections in the four northern provinces of Zvecan, Leposavic, Zubin Potok and North Mitrovica.

    The announcement comes after calls from French President Emmanuel Macron and German Chancellor Olaf Scholz, reports Whoah.

    – I told them that it is a possibility, she tells the newspaper.

  • Biden on Sweden in NATO: “It will happen, I promise”

    Sweden will become members of NATO. This is what US President Joe Biden said during a speech at the US Air Force University, it writes Reuters.

    – It will happen. I promise.

    He gave no further details.

  • Motorcyclist injured – crashed into tree

    A motorcyclist has crashed into a tree outside Anderslöv in Trelleborg municipality.

    Police and ambulance are on the scene.

    One person is injured.

    – The person must be awake and talkative, says Evelina Olsson, press spokesperson at police region south.

  • Fire in villa – road closed

    A villa is on fire at the old brickworks northwest of Mönsterås.

    The alarm came in just before 6:30 p.m. Police, emergency services and an ambulance have rushed to the scene.

    According to P4 Kalmar there is a risk of the fire spreading.

    Traffic between E22 and Habbestorp is affected during the extinguishing work.

  • Attempted murder: A man badly injured in the neck

    Police on site in Strängnäs. Photo: Andreas Bardell

    At 6:16 p.m., the police received a call about a fight outside between two people in Strängnäs.

    – A man is seriously injured, but was awake when the ambulance took him to hospital, says police spokesperson Marcus Anefur.

    The man is badly injured and the police have arrested a suspected perpetrator in his 30s just minutes after the incident.

    A preliminary investigation into attempted murder has been launched, the police write on their website.

    The police have seized items that can be connected to the crime.

    Read more here.

  • SJ forgot Enköping: “Happens a few times a year”

    Easy to forget. There was no stop for SJ’s train in Enköping. The picture is from an earlier occasion when another train stopped. Photo: FREDRIK SANDBERG / TT

    Travelers on SJ’s train to Enköping had the chance to watch the platform go by outside the window during Thursday afternoon. The train driver forgot to stop with the train that was due to roll into Enköping Central at 16.55.

    – I was going to go and pick up my daughter. She said they forgot to stop in Enköping. At first they would possibly back down, but they obviously didn’t care. She had to drop out in Västerås. It was a bit murderous, says the father of one of the passengers.

    According to SJ, it sometimes happens.

    – It is the human factor. It happens a few times a year. It’s nothing dangerous. All travelers affected will get their money back. We can only regret, says Anders Edgren, SJ press communicator.

  • Woman found SEK 500 – forced to fine almost SEK 14,000

    A woman found a five hundred ring in March on Råslätt in Jönköping. But it took until May before she went to the police with it.

    For this, she must now be fined SEK 13,800 as punishment for waiting to contact the police.

    – One might think that it is an unreasonably expensive cost, says police officer Bo Gunnarsson P4 Jönköping.

  • Kristersson invited to Turkey: “Has a plan”

    Prime Minister Ulf Kristersson has a plan.

    On Saturday, Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan will be installed in office after the weekend’s election.

    Ulf Kristersson opens up that he might be there.

    – We will return to that issue. We have received an invitation and we have a good plan, says the prime minister without wanting to go into more details, he tells TT.

    Earlier today, NATO’s Secretary General announced that he will travel to Turkey “in the near future” to discuss Sweden’s membership in NATO.

    – I keep close contact with Stockholm, says Stoltenberg.

  • SD politician acquitted of murder charges – wants 250,000

    A Sweden Democratic politician has been in custody for two months, suspected of murdering a woman, in the fall of 2021 in Sjuhärad.

    When the two months had passed, he was released and then the suspicions against him were completely dropped.

    Now he has applied for SEK 250,000 in compensation from the Chancellor of Justice for suffering for that time.

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  • Ask us

    check Ask your questions to the editors here!

  • How is the boy who got stuck in the elevator?


    Unfortunately, we have no new information about his injury condition Monica. If we find out how it goes, we’ll update the article 💛

  • What the hell is going on in Bäckby Västerås today


    Hello! It is supposed to be a man in his 20s who has been shot. You can read more about it here.

  • Collision on the E18 outside Enköping.

    Which is the left walking direction?

    Towards Västerås or towards Stockholm???


    E18 is closed in the direction of Västerås.

  • I saw this morning under the heading AFTONBLADET DIREKT: 08:27 SUNDSVALL One person to hospital on fire.

    So my question is why do you drive a person to a hospital who is on fire?….😁😁😁


    Hehe reasonable question Tommy 😅 Aiming errors can really cause it sometimes.

  • When did people start getting pollen allergies?

    I find it hard to imagine that we were allergic to nature in the 18th century and back

    Jimmy Larsson

    The term “allergy” first began to be used at the beginning of the 20th century, but similar symptoms have been described even in the past.

    Pollen allergy is something that has become more common. Possibly because the pollen levels in the air have increased in recent years.

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