Latest news – Zelensky: Russia can attack nuclear power plants

Today it’s me, Ebba Torstensson and Clara Knäpper Bohman, updating you on today’s events. We continue to follow the critical hours, before the oxygen runs out in the submarine Titan. In addition, it is a big travel day – if accidents occur and traffic is affected, you can read about that too.

  • Zelensky: Russia can attack nuclear power plants

    Ukraine has information that Russia is considering an attack on the Zaporizhzhya nuclear power plant in Ukraine, which could pose a risk of radiation, Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelenskyy warns on the Telegram messaging app.

  • Latest news

  • Clara Knäpper Bohman

    2 min

    22-year-old sentenced to 15 years in prison for attempted murder with a machete

    The Court of Appeal follows the district court’s judgment and today sentences a 22-year-old man to fifteen years in prison for attempted murder and serious assault.

    It was in Malmö in August last year that the man slashed three people with a machete. Two of the people were hit in the back of the head and suffered life-threatening injuries.

    Like the District Court, the Court of Appeal in the same judgment acquits a 24-year-old man who was charged with assault in connection with the fight on Augustenborgsgatan.

  • Long prison terms after shooting

    In October 2022, a shooting occurred in central Hässleholm where a man in his 20s was injured.

    According to the investigation, the shooting was carefully planned and carried out in a gang-criminal environment.

    Five people are now being sentenced for involvement in the incident. The district court has taken their age into account and thus sentences the shooter and one of the instigators to three years of closed youth care.

    – It has been a matter of gang-related violence and the district court takes the incident seriously, especially in light of the recklessness in shooting with an automatic carbine in an open street where there was a considerable risk that more than the intended targets would be injured, says councilor Lena Berlin.

    The other instigator is sentenced to 12 years in prison.

    “Had the crime been completed, according to the district court, there is no doubt that the perpetrator would have been sentenced to life imprisonment,” writes the district court.

  • Large hole on the E4 “creates concern”

    One lane on the E4, at the height of Moraberg, outside Södertälje is closed. The reason is a hole in the road.

    – The E4 northbound direction is a matter of concern, says Bengt Olsson, press manager at the Swedish Transport Administration to Tv4.

    The lane is closed.

    Read more here.

  • Clara Knäpper Bohman


    EU and Kosovo in new crisis meeting

    The EU will hold another emergency meeting with the leaders of Kosovo and Serbia on Thursday, in a bid to ease tensions between the countries.

  • One died in the prison in Skövde

    A man in his 50s was found dead in police custody in Skövde on Wednesday.

    The incident has been reported to the police departments for special investigations.

  • Suspected grenade in Kungsbacka was scrap

    A suspected dangerous object was found at a recycling center in Kungsbacka during Thursday morning.

    When the National Bomb Squad arrived at the scene, they determined that the suspicious object was scrap metal.

  • Clara Knäpper Bohman


    A record number of people call 112

    Last weekend, a new record was broken with 18,000 calls on Saturday. That is 130 more than the previous 24-hour record from New Year’s Day 2010.

    – Midsummer weekend is always intense, but last weekend’s volumes broke all old records. Everyone who does not call unnecessarily now is doing a community service, says Staffan Ekengren, Head of Communications at SOS Alarm,

    In June this year, 45,000 more calls were made compared to 2022.

    Half a million calls per year, around 30 percent of all calls received during a year are wrong calls or non-emergency calls.

  • Clara Knäpper Bohman


    The sampling shows: Bird flu causes seagull deaths

    Dead laughing seagulls in Kalmar are infected with avian influenza of the H5N1 type, states the Norwegian Veterinary Institute (SVA) after carrying out sampling, TT reports.

    Earlier this spring, other parts of Sweden had problems with dead birds, and now also colonies of laughing gulls in Kalmar have been affected. Up to 1,000 birds have died near Kalmar Castle.

    – There is a risk of spread to other areas and it is therefore important to also protect poultry from infection, says Karl Ståhl, state epizootologist at SVA in a press release, TT reports.

  • Clara Knäpper Bohman


    The government presents a new housing policy reform

    At a press conference, the government presented new housing policy measures.

    To counteract declining housing investment, the government wants to expand buildable land, encourage and stimulate municipalities to invest and simplify private renting.

    An appointed investigator will create rules that, among other things, restore the system as it looked before the presumption rents, which entail restrictions on how high the rents can be for newly built rental properties.

    – It is reasonable that prices and rents are determined through negotiation between parties, says infrastructure minister Andreas Carlsson.

  • Clara Knäpper Bohman


    The union: Violent Sis exemptions increasingly common

    Seko and ST trade unions that violent redundancies have become more common.

    This year, there have been at least ten escapes or escape attempts from Sis homes where the staff have been exposed to violent and threatening situations, reports Sveriges Radio.

    – Armed exemptions have increased, says Frida Strandberg Landin, chairman of Seko på Sis, to Sveriges Radio.

  • Two arrested – smuggled 160,000 cigarettes

    Two men in their 50s were arrested and detained after a traffic control on E20, outside Vårgårda last night, at half past one.

    During the traffic control, the police found 30,000 cigarette packs. In total, the police confiscated 160,000 cigarettes.

    The men are now suspected of illegal possession of contraband.

  • Russia: Bridge to Crimea under attack

    The bridge to the Crimean Peninsula has been exposed to shelling during the night of Thursday, according to Russian sources, TT reports.

    “Communication between Kherson and Crimea continues to work – the passage of vehicles along a reserve road has been temporarily organized,” writes Vladimir Saldo, whom Russia appointed as the leader of the occupied part of Kherson, on Telegram.

    The bridge in question is a small bridge leading north from Crimea, not the large Russian-built one over the Kerch Strait.

  • Clara Knäpper Bohman


    Bolsonaro on trial

    Today starts the first trial against Brazil’s former president Jair Bolsonaro.

    He is accused of spreading false information and abuse of power.

    The background is a meeting with around 40 ambassadors that Bolsonaro held as president three months before the presidential election last year. He then questioned the electoral system.

    The speech was given at the presidential palace and is seen as part of his own election campaign.

    Bolsonaro has over 600 reports against him. Most of them concern the deaths during the pandemic, the storming of the presidential palace, Congress and the Supreme Court on the eighth of January.

    Bolsonaro risks being deprived of the right to stand for election for the next seven to eight years.

  • Clara Knäpper Bohman


    Convicted of child pornography offences

    A man in Luleå is sentenced to ten months in prison for a serious crime of child pornography, NSD writes.

    The police found a hard drive with child pornography in a wooded area. The device could be linked to the now convicted man.

    During a house search, almost 18,000 images and 16 films containing child pornography were found. Some of the material has been judged to contain abuse material.

    Luleå District Court writes in the judgment that the material can be assumed to be “documentation of actual abuse”

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  • Someone asked what TT stood for?

    Maybe they wanted to know that TT stands for Tidningarnas Telegrambyrå

    and has been a reliable news agency in Sweden for over 100 years.


    Hello all readers 🙂

    There seems to be a lot of interest and divided opinions about what TT stands for, whether it is “Tidningarnas Telegrambyrå” or “TT Nyhetsbyrån”.

    So we clear it up once and for all.

    This is how TT writes on its website.

    “Our independent news agency saw the light of day under the name Tidningarnas Telegrambyrå in 1921. Today we are called TT Nyhetsbyrån and we make news that is read by almost all of Sweden”

  • What type of aircraft is the B-1 from the United States? When I worked at Skavsta, we had a lot of airplanes from the USA, including the ones that had a big “radar” on top! Be on board yourself and watch!


    The B-1 is one of the US Air Force’s three types of strategic bombers. This particular model has been around since 1985.

  • A few times you mention that a claim comes from “TT”. What does it stand for?


    “TT” is or “Nyhetsbyrån TT” as it is called is a service we use. They report on domestic, foreign, entertainment and sports, among other things.

  • What about the fire north of Ljusdal, have they put it out yet?

    I got


    It is now extinguished and the emergency services have left the area.

  • It would be interesting to know how the large food chains Coop, Axfood and Ica stand towards Mondelez, they have not found anything about it


    Hi Mikael!

    Coop has communicated in its social media that “The goods that Mondelez sells to us are not produced and do not contain raw materials from Russia. Marabou is manufactured in Sweden. We are in dialogue with Mondelez about the situation and are closely monitoring developments.”

    Several local Ica dealers have stopped selling Mondelez. But I have not seen any statements from Ica or Axfood from central sources.

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