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Zelensky fires a senior military officer

today at 06.45 Anna Sjögren

Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelenskyy dismissed a high-ranking military officer on Sunday, reports Reuters.

The announcement came during the president’s nightly speech.

No reason has been given for the dismissal.

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  • Technical problems at TV4 – News morning “struggles”

    News morning in TV4 suffers from technical problems during Monday morning.

    The start of the broadcast was delayed by about half an hour.

    – As you have noticed, we have started much, much later and in a different way, we simply have some technical problems, says the presenter Rania Shemoun Olsson.

    – We have huge technical problems in the entire TV4 house, and we are happy that we can at least get a camera out now and some sound. The whole house is working intensively to solve the problems and we hope that very soon we will be able to drive as usual, adds colleague Thomas Ritter.

    In the box, the usual graphics are not visible, and the news anchor read updates without being able to display features.

    – Right now, as I said, it’s a bit of a struggle for us. But we fight! says Thomas Ritter.

  • Defectors from Nyans form new party

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    Together with several other defectors, they now form a new party.

    – We want a policy that is more realistic and not run politics in a populist way, says Sead Busuladzic who sat on Nyan’s mandate in Landskrona to the channel.

    The new party goes by the name Visionspartiet.

  • Close to nine tons of cocaine seized among bananas

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    The drug, which had been hidden among bananas, was to be shipped to Europe via Belgium.

    Ecuador, located between the world’s largest cocaine producers Colombia and Peru, in 2021 seized about 210 tons of cocaine on its way to European ports.

    In 2022, over 200 tons were seized – 61 percent of which had been hidden among bananas intended for export – and so far this year, 31 tons have been seized.

  • The cost of rental nurses is increasing

    The costs for rental nurses increased by one billion kroner between 2021 and 2022, reports SR Ekot.

    In total, the regions paid SEK 3.4 billion last year. In some regions, twice as much money was spent on hired nurses.

    Even for chartered doctors, costs are increasing.

  • Twitter keeps firing people

    Since Elon Musk took over the social media platform Twitter last fall, the number of employees has gone from around 7,500 to around 2,000, reports TT, which refers to the New York Times.

    On Saturday, many more employees had to leave.

    The exact number is not known, but according to sources to The New York Times, it is about 200 people.

    The cuts are said to have affected most of the company’s departments. Some of those fired were reportedly told by email this weekend, while others reportedly discovered they lost their jobs when they could no longer log into their company accounts.

  • Putin on TV: “They want to dismember Russia”

    In an interview with Russian state television on Sunday, Vladimir Putin said that the United States and NATO want to break up Russia into several smaller states, and that that plan has existed ever since the fall of the Soviet Union.

    – They tried to reshape the world exclusively on their terms. We had no choice but to react, he said according to The Guardian’s translation.

    Putin also commented on Russia’s recent withdrawal from the nuclear disarmament treaty.

    – Under these conditions, how can we not take into account their nuclear weapons capacity?

  • Poop should warm Scandinavium

    84 tons of horse manure collected during the recently concluded Gothenburg Horse Show in Scandinavium will now be used to heat the arena, reports P4 Gothenburg.

    The collected manure from the 240 horses that were on site in Scandinavium will be enough to heat the arena for just over four days, according to project manager Erika Olsson.

    The reuse of the manure is part of the organizers’ ambition to reduce the event’s climate footprint. (TT)

  • Summit on the Northern Ireland dispute

    The President of the European Commission, Ursula von der Leyen, is going to Great Britain on Monday to find a solution to the dispute over Northern Ireland within the Brexit agreement, together with Prime Minister Rishi Sunak.

    Read more in TT’s article.

  • Shooting at apartment

    A shooting occurred in a stairwell in Kungsängen, north of Stockholm, during the night towards Monday.

    An apartment door was fired at with an unknown number of shots. Several people were in the apartment, but were not physically injured.

    The police were alerted at 00:18 and launched a large operation in the area. The patrols searched for perpetrators with a helicopter and dogs, knocked on doors in search of witnesses and checked surveillance cameras.

    A preliminary investigation into attempted murder has been launched.

    No one is arrested.

  • Police hunt for stolen car

    Two people were taken to hospital after a car chase in Halmstad on Sunday evening. It started at 22.10 when the police were checking a car at Coop Gamletull and ended about three minutes later when the chased car ran into a wall and the police car into a pole.

    Two people were in the car, which turned out to be a stolen white Volvo XC60. They were arrested and are now suspected of possession of means of transportation, gross negligence in traffic and drunk driving.

    – They were not wearing seat belts and were taken to hospital to check for minor injuries, says Magnus Schildt, police officer on duty.

    The police officers were not injured.

  • Boy found unconscious next to smoking tractor

    The police were alerted on Sunday evening that a boy was left in a burning tractor in Uppsala.

    – It must have been coolant that ran out, so there was a lot of noise. It seems that it has not burned, says Viktor Åkring Dicksved, RLC commander.

    When the police arrive at the scene, the boy is unconscious outside the vehicle, but the police are said to have made contact with him later.

    – The boy was taken by ambulance to hospital. Now we go around looking for testimonies.

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  • Reading about the cost of rental nurses. Why can’t all Regions agree not to allow temporary staff? Then the own staff could get a higher salary.

    Likewise, skip the rental doctors and take that money to the business instead.

    Are there no such discussions?


    Hi Helena! There is work going on from SKR where they want to change the rules for temporary staff in the regions and make it more difficult, for example, to leave a job in the region and then come back as temporary staff. But banning temporary staff probably cannot be done without the business being affected, on the other hand, there is nothing to prevent improving conditions for your own staff at the same time so that more people want to become or remain employed.

  • His name is Lukashenka or Lukashenko

    Klas Bergström

    Hello! In Sweden, we spell his surname as Lukashenko, but it should be pronounced with an “a” at the end.

  • Have you heard anything more about what happened in the Uppsala mall

    Tobias Ljungberg

    A suspected dangerous object had been found and the mall was evacuated. The national bomb disposal unit was called to the scene and it was later determined that the object was harmless.

    Read more here.

  • Why haven’t you written anything about the Russian ship that docked in Nynäshamn with Russian gas today??

    It is a bigger scandal when all EU countries including Sweden have to follow the sanctions!!!!

    LL Lindqwister

  • Hello, enter the Gym murder and they are released. Is the 17 year old who shot released too?


    Hello! All suspects have been released pending sentencing on March 10.

    The suspected shooter has been placed in SIS home.

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