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Young people shot fireworks at police and emergency services

December 30 at 11.40pm Josefine Karlsson

The emergency services and the police were called to Larndskrona shortly before 10 pm due to a car fire.

When they arrived to put out the fire, youths gathered and shot fireworks at the firefighters and the police. No one was physically injured and four men in their 20s were removed from the scene.

The police have drawn up a report of vandalism.

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    The warning applies from northern Hälsingland along the coast and up to southern Norrbotten. The ice also affects northern Värmland, southern Dalarna, southern Gävleborg as well as northern Örebro Västmanland and northern Uppsala.

    The warnings are valid until 09:00 on New Year’s Eve.

  • WHO in crisis meeting with China about covid

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    China has eased restrictions on foreign travel for citizens, which is expected to lead to an increase in infection in Europe.

    The WHO states that it has offered its support to China to be able to take measures in time.

    “WHO emphasized the importance of monitoring and publishing timely data to help China and the global community develop accurate risk assessments and effective solutions”.

  • Bomb threat against basketball game: “In bad English”

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    But the email was not discovered until the first period break and before the police arrived the match was almost over.

    – We called, got connected criss-cross and then the police came. At that time, however, there was only a short time left in the match, so it had to be played over, says Borås sports manager Jonas Larsson to Gothenburg Post.

    The police did not consider that there was a reason to evacuate the hall after the email in which the sender threatened to “explode a bomb” if Borås did not lose the match.

    – It said, in bad English, that we would lose the match and that otherwise he would detonate a bomb. We saw that it was written strangely, but still wanted to warn the police, says Jonas Larsson to GP.

    Borås won the match 93–55 and leads the Swedish basketball league, two points ahead of Umeå.

  • Throw firecrackers on Sergel’s square

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    People threw firecrackers at, among other things, Sergel’s Square in central Stockholm, and young people also allegedly threw firecrackers at houses and cars in Hammarby sjöstad.

    “Since 2002, there has been a so-called “firecracker ban” in Sweden. Firecrackers may only be used by those who have the proper training and special permission from the municipality,” the police write on their website.

    You must be 18 years of age to buy and use fireworks.

    “The age limit was introduced to reduce the risk of injury in connection with fireworks and other products, as minors are often involved in these types of accidents,” the police write.

  • Three to hospital after accident

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    Three people have been taken to hospital, two of them by ambulance helicopter.

    – It is not clear how seriously injured they are, says police spokesperson Helena Boström Thomas.

    The accident will be investigated to find out what happened.

  • Clear: Andrew Tate is in custody

    Andrew Tate and his brother Tristan were arrested in Bucharest yesterday. Photo: INQUAM PHOTOS/Octav Ganea

    Influencer Andrew Tate is detained for at least another 30 days, reports Reuters.

    The prosecutor requested on Friday that he should be detained for another 30 days and now the Romanian court has made a decision.

    Read more here.

  • Alarm about masked people – weapons pointed at car

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    “The persons must have had at least one firearm-like object with them. At least one of the perpetrators must have pointed a firearm-like object at a moving car,” the police write on their website.

    No suspected perpetrator has been found or arrested. The incident is classified as aggravated weapons offense and aggravated unlawful threat. No one is said to have been physically injured.

  • Four detained for murder plans on gang leaders

    The lawyer had an affair with a gang leader from Gävle whom she represented. It became known in early 2021.

    Now four relatives of the lawyer are detained on suspicion of having planned to murder the gang leader, write The worker’s sheet.

    Including the lawyer’s husband.

    – The murder preparation took place only a few days before the plaintiff himself was arrested and deprived of his liberty, says chamber prosecutor Anna Stråth.

    The gang leader is serving a prison sentence for aggravated unlawful threats and aggravated weapons offences. It was during that investigation that the love affair was revealed – with the help of decrypted messages from the Sky ECC chat service.

    – It seems jealousy is behind it, says Anna Stråth about the motive.

    The former lawyer is not suspected of a crime. Two more people are suspects in the investigation, writes Arbetarbladet.

  • The police took 100 kilos of fireworks from the shop

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    But the store did not have a license to sell explosive goods, so the pieces were confiscated. The shop owner is suspected of violating the Explosive Goods Act.

    “It is the rescue service that handles the granting of permits and supervision of explosive goods. Anyone who is to receive, use, store, trade (hand over) or transfer explosive goods must apply for a permit,” the police write on their website.

  • Man dead in traffic accident – collided with tree

    A 65-year-old man has died in a traffic accident in Tångeråsa, Lekeberg.

    The man drove off the road at around 3pm and collided with a tree. He was stuck and the emergency services tried to free him at the same time as paramedics attended to him.

    The man later died from his injuries. Relatives have been notified.

  • Politicians in Gällivare raise their salaries

    After the new year, an increase in the politicians’ fees in Gällivare is expected, which is estimated to cost the taxpayers an additional SEK 600,000 per year, writes NSD.

    This is because the base amount on which the politicians’ fees are calculated is being increased. In addition, more politicians in committees and company boards must be remunerated.

    For the chairman of the municipal board, social democrat Birgitta Larsson, the fee is increased from SEK 54,740 to SEK 70,585 a month.

    This means that she ends up in the middle layer in Norrbothnia comparison, writes NSD.

    Party comrade Ulf Normark rages.

    – It is a pure shock increase they are making and I will never agree to it, I am ashamed as a social democrat, he says to NSD.

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  • You write that Andrew Tate was arrested for rape and human abuse, is this really correct or are you basing this on previous rumors connected to Mr. Tate?

    According to sources, it is a regular Swat that affects many streamers


    Hi Satoshi!

    He has been arrested on suspicion of abducting two women together with his brother, the prosecutor says Antena3.

  • When will we find out who was behind the explosion of the gas pipes Nord Stream 1 and 2?

    Franco Baresi


    It is hard to say. Investigative work is ongoing. This article is about what we know so far and the possibilities of finding answers to who is behind it.

  • Will sickness benefit be increased in 2023?


    Hi Janne!

    Yes. The so-called price base amount is increased by 8.7 percent, which affects a number of different grants and allowances. Including the sickness allowance.

  • How do they know that there are 32,000 fish, did they count them or

    Mikael Jakobsson

    Hi Mikael!

    Counting cod by cod sounds like a real Sisyphus project. The figure is likely an estimate of the number of dead fish.

  • Will the tax-free mileage allowance be increased from 1/1 2023?


    Hello Jenny!

    Yes. The tax-free mileage allowance for work trips with your own car will be increased at the turn of the year from SEK 18.50 to SEK 25 per mile.

    Here The Swedish Tax Agency has compiled which amounts and percentages apply for 2023.

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