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Yellow warning for snowfall

today at 07.17 Amanda Hällsten

SMHI has issued a yellow warning for snowfall in parts of Västerbotten.

During the morning it may snow heavily along the coast, which may lead to limited access on the roads.

The snow can also disrupt public transport during the day.

Latest news

  • Shooting at windows

    At 03.50 the police were alerted to a shooting at Hisingen, reports GP.

    A woman in her 30s had then called and stated that a man had shot at her window.

    – We can confirm that this is probably the case, says Fredrik Flyberg, officer on duty at the police in the West region, to the newspaper.

    A man in his 30s was later arrested in the area.

  • 1.5 million without power in Ukraine

    Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelenskyy says that 1.5 million people are now without power in Odessa, reports AFP.

    This after Russian attacks with Iranian drones on Friday.

    According to the country’s energy authority, it is estimated to take weeks, or months, to repair the damage. Currently, power can only be routed to “critical infrastructure”, such as hospitals.

    A total of 15 drones are said to have been used in the attack. The Ukrainian Air Force says it shot down ten of them.

  • A huge police bill awaits Sweden

    The police calculate that their work to arrange security during Sweden’s half-year as president of the EU will cost at least 700 million, it reports Swedens radio.

    To cope with this, the police have received an extra 400 million in the budget.

    During the presidency, 150 meetings will be held in various places in the country and the police calculate that between 1000 and 1500 police will be needed just for the meetings to be held at Arlanda.

    It will take resources from ordinary operations, says the police’s national command director Per Engström.

    – It will slow down the usual business, he says.

  • Iran’s currency plummets

    Iran’s currency, the rial, hit a new low against the dollar on Saturday. One dollar could buy 370,200 rials on the black market, writes Reuters.

    Since the unrest in Iran began in September, the currency has lost 13.8 percent of its value.

  • Ukrainian attacks on occupied city

    On Saturday night, Ukrainian forces attacked the occupied city of Melitopol in southeastern Ukraine, Reuters reports.

    This is what both the Russian occupation authorities in the city and the Ukrainian exile authorities say.

    According to the Russian authorities, missile attacks have killed two people.

    “Air defense systems destroyed two missiles, four hit their targets,” Yevgeny Balitsky, the Russian-appointed governor of the occupied part of the Zaporizhzhia region, wrote on Telegram.

    Oleksiy Arestovych, adviser to President Zelenskyj, says that Melitopol is the key to the defense of southern Ukraine.

    – If Melitopol falls, the entire defense line to Kherson collapses. Ukrainian forces can get a direct route to Crimea, he said in a video circulated on social media

    read more here

  • Worried when Peru’s new president was sworn in

    At the same time as Peru’s new president Dina Boluartes was sworn in, protests raged in large parts of the country with demands for new elections after the former president Pedro Castillo was deposed, writes TT

    Pedro Castillo was deposed and arrested after he himself tried to dissolve parliament and introduce emergency laws. The reason was a vote in parliament on Wednesday on Castillo’s impeachment.

    Vice President Boluarte was elevated to the presidency, while Castillo was imprisoned in the capital, Lima.

    Boluarte, who has become Peru’s first female president, has said she expects to remain in power for the remaining three or so years of her term.

  • Twitter introduces paid service again

    Twitter wants to try a paid service again. Photo: Jeff Chiu

    Twitter is making a new attempt to introduce a paid service, reports the news agency AP.

    Users will be able to pay for the account to be verified and get the “blue tick” next to their username. It will cost between 8 and 11 dollars a month and for that you get more visible posts, fewer ads and the possibility to post longer videos.

    Twitter tried a similar solution a few months ago after Elon Musk took over the company, but that experiment was quickly canceled after the service was abused by fake accounts.

  • Serbia wants to send military to Kosovo

    Serbian President Aleksandar Vucic Photo: Andreea Alexandru

    Serbian President Aleksandar Vucic announced during a press conference on Friday that he wants to send Serbian military and police to Kosovo, writes Reuters.

    But to be allowed to do so requires the approval of the commander of the NATO force KFOR, something Vucic has “no illusions” that he will get.

    – We will request from the commander of KFOR to send army and police from Serbia to Kosovo and Metohija, Aleksandar Vucic said at the press conference.

    The comments come after unrest between authorities in Kosovo and the Serb minority in the northern parts of the country.

    According to the resolution adopted by the UN Security Council in 1999, Serbia has the right to send up to 1,000 military, police or customs officials to Kosovo to defend religious sites, areas with a Serbian minority and border crossings. But only with the approval of KFOR’s commander.

    When the resolution was passed, Kosovo was seen internationally as part of Serbia, but has since become independent. An independence not recognized by Serbia.

  • Zelenskyy thanks Norway

    Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelenskyy thanked Norway during a speech on Friday after the Norwegian government decided on a $100 million aid package for the country.

    “I thank all Norwegians for this decision. I am so grateful to the government. We receive financial and very important political support from Norway, as well as a great deal of humanitarian support,” he said, among other things, in the speech.

  • Kidnapped German released after four years

    Kidnapped German aid worker released in Niger, reports Reuters referring to the organization Help.

    63-year-old Jörg Lange was kidnapped four years ago in Niger, near the border with Mali.

    He was kidnapped by armed men on motorcycles in an area where, among others, al-Qaeda and IS have carried out kidnappings and attacks for several years.

    Lange has worked with humanitarian issues for over 30 years. It is unclear what led to his release at this time and his whereabouts.

  • EU parliamentarian Kaili will lose all assignments

    EU top Eva Kaili. Photo: AP Photo/Petros Giannakouris

    EU parliamentarian and vice president Eva Kaili has been arrested on suspicion of corruption.

    Now she is getting rid of all her assignments within her role in parliament, reports Focus with reference to the Speaker of the Parliament Roberta Metsola.

    Kaili was arrested during a police raid on her home, Belgian reports Soiree

    Belgian police are said to have investigated suspicions that Qatar tried to bribe politicians to make decisions in their favor. On Friday, they raided 16 locations in Belgium where a total of six million kroner in cash was seized.

    Three more people are said to have been arrested.

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  • Hey! What does the situation with covid infection look like now?


    Hey! The number of infected has increased recently. Earlier this week, FHM held a press conference about this, which you can read about here.

  • Is the report with Lavrov genuine? Does he really say that? About the toilet in Sweden? It’s great fun, what a sense of humor he has!

    Conny Sundman

    Yes that is correct.

    He also got a witty response to Ann Linde’s speech on Twitter, you can see it here. ?

  • What happens in the Tove case?

    Ewa Forstén

  • State a problem with Facebook as you wrote, haven’t they changed their name to Meta?

    Iv’s sale

    The company itself changed its name to Meta about a year ago.

    But their social media platforms Facebook, Instagram and Whatspp are still named as they do!

  • What is happening in Näset, Lindingö? Lots of emergency vehicles… don’t even come close to the hill

    Jens b

    According to the police, it is a medical matter. They don’t want to say more than that.

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