Latest news – Woman threatened with a knife

  • Woman threatened with knife – one arrested

    A 35-year-old man has been arrested after he threatened a woman in her 20s with a knife at a preschool in Bunkeflo, the police state on their website.

    No one is reported to be injured.

    There were no children at the preschool at the time.

  • Latest news

  • Woman hit by car

    A woman in her 60s is taken to hospital after she was hit by a car at NK in Gothenburg.

    – We are on site and have drawn up a traffic accident report, says Anna Hammarbäck, press spokesperson at the police.

    The extent of the injury is currently unclear.

  • Gas explosion in Paris

    A gas explosion is said to have occurred in the fifth arrondissement in central Paris, reports Reuters.

    More buildings are said to be on fire.

    The police write on Twitter that an operation is underway on Rue Saint-Jacques,

    “Avoid the area and let the emergency services and police work,” they write.

    Footage on social media shows burning buildings, billowing smoke and people running from the scene.

    Read more here.

  • Clara Knäpper Bohman


    Love on Tinder made a woman pay 2.5 million kroner

    A woman in Oskarshamn was exposed to fraud on Tinder, Oskarshamn states

    When she reported the incident to the police after a while, the bill was up to SEK 2.5 million.

    – It is very unusual for us to receive reports involving such large amounts, says Anders Hultman at the police in Oskarshamns-Tidningen.

  • Child found dead in residence – two suspects

    A child, under the age of two, has been found dead in a home in Jönköping County.

    One person has been arrested and another person is a suspect in the case.

    – An ambulance was called to the scene due to a private person performing cardiopulmonary resuscitation on a child, says Johnny Gustavsson, the police’s press officer.

    The child was taken to hospital but his life could not be saved.

    One person has been arrested and another person is a suspect in the case.

    The place is cordoned off and the police are investigating the incident as causing the death of another person.

  • Clara Knäpper Bohman


    The royal visit cost Örebro 1.4 million kroner

    Security, castle lunch and boundary fence were something that the County Administrative Board in Örebro needed to plan ahead of the king’s visit to Örebro in mid-May, writes Nerikes Allehanda.

    Örebro’s landed actors, from the police to the municipality, have all received a bill totaling SEK 1,450,000, according to NA.

  • Clara Knäpper Bohman


    Giant hail outside Luleå at lunchtime

    Around lunchtime, the beautiful summer weather changed from sunny to a hail storm, states the Norrländska Socialdemokraten.

    – It was absolutely huge. Oh my God. It went on for so long, probably 45 minutes. It picked up and blew and then came more hail. The gutters couldn’t keep away so it became like piles in the gutters, she says.

  • Traffic accident on Gotland – one to hospital

    A person is taken to hospital after a traffic accident outside Klintehamn on Gotland.

    Three vehicles are said to be involved in the accident, the police write on their website.

    At 4:20 p.m., the police announced that the person was slightly injured and that the road was open to traffic again.

  • Suspected knife attack at hospital

    A major operation involving armed police is underway at Central Middlesex Hospital in north-west London.

    According to information in British media has there been any kind of knife attack.

    The police have not elaborated on what the operation is about, but say that a man has been arrested.

  • Seven murder suspects set free

    On Sunday, a person was found dead in a burned-out car in Härjedalen.

    The incident is being investigated as a murder and the same evening seven men were arrested by the prosecutor on suspicion of murder.

    Now all are released, but the suspicions against the men remain.

    The body has not yet been identified.

  • Driver’s license fraudsters were caught red-handed

    A man in Stockholm was exposed when he tried to cheat on the theoretical driver’s license test on Tuesday.

    This is what the police write on their website.

    The staff discovered that the man had an earpiece in his ear and contacted the police who came to the scene.

    A report has been made of gross false declaration,

  • Clara Knäpper Bohman


    The bus stop changes its name for the sake of Ukraine

    On Wednesday, a small piece of Stockholm history was written. The bus stop outside the Russian embassy has now changed its name, writes DN.

    – If you have to describe the road to the Russian embassy, ​​it will now be that you get off at Fria Ukraina’s place, says traffic regional councilor Anton Fendert (MP).

  • Clara Knäpper Bohman


    EU-US meeting: More cooperation on Ukraine and crime

    The EU’s and the USA’s top representatives for justice and home affairs spoke on Wednesday about enhanced cooperation, reports Europaportalen.

    The parties strengthen cooperation regarding:

    1. Joint efforts regarding Russia’s war of aggression against Ukraine.

    2. How the countries can use seized Russian assets to rebuild Ukraine and hold those responsible accountable for war crimes.

    3. Expand joint support for Ukraine’s judicial and rule of law reforms.

    4. How the countries increase information exchange and cooperation against organized crime.

  • Clara Knäpper Bohman


    More acts of violence are linked to extremism against the state

    According to Säpo, the extreme movements that are against democracy are getting bigger, TT reports.

    A report from the Total Defense Research Institute (FOI) shows that more and more acts of violence are committed by younger and younger perpetrators who fall for anti-state violent propaganda, TT reports.

    – We are concerned about the development. The report illustrates the challenges we face and have faced for some time, says Fredrik Hallström, head of counter-terrorism at Säpo.

  • New sanctions package against Russia ready

    EU member states have agreed on a new sanctions package against Russia. It will be the eleventh package of sanctions since Russia’s full-scale invasion of Ukraine.

    This is written by the account for Sweden’s EU presidency on Twitter.

    The sanctions will include a list of new people who will be banned from entering and any EU assets will be frozen.

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  • What type of aircraft is the B-1 from the United States? When I worked at Skavsta, we had a lot of airplanes from the USA, including the ones that had a big “radar” on top! Be on board yourself and watch!


    The B-1 is one of the US Air Force’s three types of strategic bombers. This particular model has been around since 1985.

  • A few times you mention that a claim comes from “TT”. What does it stand for?


    “TT” is or “Nyhetsbyrån TT” as it is called is a service we use. They report on domestic, foreign, entertainment and sports, among other things.

  • What about the fire north of Ljusdal, have they put it out yet?

    I got


    It is now extinguished and the emergency services have left the area.

  • It would be interesting to know how the large food chains Coop, Axfood and Ica stand towards Mondelez, they have not found anything about it


    Hi Mikael!

    Coop has communicated in its social media that “The goods that Mondelez sells to us are not produced and do not contain raw materials from Russia. Marabou is manufactured in Sweden. We are in dialogue with Mondelez about the situation and are closely monitoring developments.”

    Several local Ica dealers have stopped selling Mondelez. But I have not seen any statements from Ica or Axfood from central sources.

  • Haven’t they found the search dog Wilson yet, the one who searched for the children in the jungle? It’s been quiet about it for a few days now, hasn’t it?


    Hi Anna!

    Unfortunately, Wilson has not been found yet.

    The Colombian military wrote on Twitter yesterday that they “will not rest until he is found”.

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