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Woman severely abused – man in his 30s arrested

today at 10.31 Niklas Gustafsson

During Friday evening, the police went out to a residence in Uppsala.

On the spot, they found a badly beaten woman. There was also a man in his 30s in the home, who was arrested on suspicion of aggravated assault.

– It is such a severe assault that she has very serious injuries, but not life-threatening. She is currently being treated in hospital, but will be interviewed when possible, says Magnus Jansson Klarin, spokesperson for the police.

The man and woman must have known each other from before.

– We suspect that there is some type of relationship, but which one is a little too early to say, says Magnus Jansson Klarin.

The man has now also been arrested and a number of different investigation measures are currently underway.

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  • Man jumped on woman – then chased her partner

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    Then she was jumped from behind by an unknown perpetrator.

    The woman was also beaten and pushed to the ground and then started bleeding from the head.

    After that, the woman managed to get home, where she told her partner about the incident. The partner, who is also in his 20s, then set out to find the suspected perpetrator.

    Shortly afterwards, the police received a call from the roommate, who told them that he was being chased by a man with a long stick in his hand.

    – We don’t know exactly what it is, possibly a golf club, says Magnus Jansson Klarin, spokesperson for police region Mitt.

    The roommate escaped without injury, but the perpetrator had disappeared from the scene when the police arrived. The incident is being investigated as assault.

    – We are investigating what is behind this, and whether the people involved know each other, says Magnus Jansson Klarin.

  • SEB enters the battle over food prices

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    Now SEB enters the fray and backs the food giants.

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    The latter may be right. According to SEB’s latest figures, several links in the supply chain have seen a sharp increase in price over the past year, while the weak Swedish krona has driven up the price of imported goods.

    – They usually say “many small streams”. In this case, the streams are not very small, but they are many, says Widén.

  • Smashed windows on 15 municipal vehicles – reported himself

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    – The man is said to have subsequently traveled to a station in Gothenburg where he reports himself, says Fredrik Svedemyr, press spokesperson at the police.

    The 20-year-old, who is already known to the police, is now suspected of serious damage and minor drug offences.

    – We do not know why the man chose to go to the police station in Gothenburg. It just happened that way in context, we suppose. We are now investigating possible motives and possible connections to previous events.

  • Suspected serious assault – young man to hospital

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    – It was the staff at the emergency room who alerted us. We don’t really know much about what happened, says Magnus Jansson Klarin, press spokesperson at the police.

    He states that the police suspect that the man has connections to the “criminal environment”.

    – At the moment, there is no suspect. What we believe is that the assault took place outdoors by a person the 20-year-old had known from before, says Magnus Jansson Klarin.

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    Martin Kinnunen. Photo: PONTUS ORRE

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    At the same time, he downplays party colleague Oscar Sjöstedt’s suggestion that the reduction obligation should be zero from 2024.

    – I don’t think it was prepared but more spontaneous. It is always the case that if the Sweden Democrats and the cooperation parties do not agree on important issues, there can be problems, says Kinnunen to the radio.

    Kinnunen says that the parties have not yet negotiated the details of the reduction obligation and that the goal is for the parties to agree on the issue.

  • Car stolen from delivery company

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  • Man badly beaten

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    When the police arrived, the suspects were arrested on the spot.

    Plaintiff has been taken to hospital.

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  • Sex buyers were sentenced to non-existent sentences

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    In November, the man was caught red-handed by the police when he bought sex from a Romanian woman in a parking garage. For the crime he was sentenced to 50 daily fines.

    The problem is that the offense of fine for buying sex was removed on the first of August 2022. Despite that, the district court in Örebro chose to judge according to the prosecutor’s request.

    Now the prosecutor states to the radio that it was too fast when he pleaded for the crime. The prosecutor also says that he will probably appeal the sentence and ask for a more severe sentence in the Court of Appeal.

    The district court has chosen not to comment on the verdict.

  • Explosion in chocolate factory

    Photo: WPVI-TV/6ABC/TT News Agency

    At least two people are dead and another nine are missing after an explosion at a chocolate factory in Pennsylvania in the United States, write NBC.

    According to the city’s mayor, the explosion, which occurred just before 5 p.m. local time, should have caused the building to move a good meter forward.

    The building was destroyed and eight people were taken to hospital.

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  • When you write: the rescue service has sent 8 units, what do you mean? Are they people or vehicles?

    Why don’t you write what it is

    Henrik Lindvall

    Hello! By units is meant the number of vehicles.

  • did Aftonbladet miss that Frölunda crushed Ferjestad yesterday ?????????

    Bengt Andersson

    We certainly haven’t missed that! Here you can read everything about the match!

  • Why is it not written about the new fungus virus? it goes viral on tik tok and all websites from the US?


    Hello! We’ve written about it here, if that’s what you mean!

  • Saw that there were 2 copper thieves in Värmdö, is there a special brand they are after, have warned my old mother who saves on copper to hide both cups and dishes so don’t open to anyone she doesn’t know


    Hi Bengt! We also initially thought about what kind of copper it could be that the thieves tried to steal – but it was the metal copper, and not copper that you drink from, that the thieves were targeting in this case.

  • Hi.. wondering how the 16 year old girl who went missing.. kidnapped.. has she been found? Haven’t read anything more about her than that they were looking for and want help to find her.. possibly on her way to Denmark..


    Hello! The girl has been found now!

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