Latest news – Woman abducted and robbed during the night

Woman abducted and robbed during the night

today at 10.43 Vilma Stockvall

A woman in Eskilstuna was abducted during the night and detained for several hours by an acquaintance.

The woman received several blows and threats, and was robbed of her phone.

A 25-year-old man has been arrested on suspicion of unlawful detention and robbery. He himself contacted the police to give his view of the incident.

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    According to information to The Express so it was a contract murder, and the 15-year-old received 100,000 kroner to carry out the murder.

    Two days after the crime at the sushi restaurant, the payment was made in cash.

    The 15-year-old then went to NK – and bought up the money he earned on luxury goods.

  • Man shot in the eye with carbon dioxide gun

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    The man was bleeding profusely, but was awake and able to speak when the police arrived at the scene. He was taken to hospital by ambulance.

    A man in his 30s has been arrested.

    The police have drawn up a report of serious assault.

  • Six arrested in connection with Charles’ coronation

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    They were according to Sky News part of the anti-monarchy group Republic and headed for a protest in Trafalgar Square.

    According to witnesses, one of those arrested said he was the leader of the group, Graham Smith.

    Follow our live coverage from the coronation here.

  • Almost 1,000 prisoners are released in Sri Lanka

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    The announcement came on Vesak Day, which is celebrated to commemorate the Buddha’s birth, enlightenment and death.

    Only people convicted of less serious crimes are covered by the pardons, says Commissioner General Thushara Upuldeniya.

    – We have released these prisoners from 28 prisons across the country, he says.

    – There were 982 men and six women who went free.

    It is the first time in five years that Sri Lanka has held official Vesak celebrations. In 2019, they were canceled after bomb attacks on churches and hotels in which 279 people were killed in the capital, Colombo.

    The following year, they were canceled due to the corona pandemic and the economic crisis.

  • Man had his car stolen by date – woman and man arrested

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    The woman allegedly stole the car together with a male acquaintance.

    “There is information that a knife must have been visible,” the police write on their website.

    The police manage to track the car via a GPS app and pursue it out onto national highway 40.

    The man and woman manage to drive into three passenger cars. But after a collision near Jönköping, the stolen car comes to a stop.

    Both the man and the woman were arrested.

    They are suspected of robbery, gross negligence in traffic and contagion from a traffic accident.

  • The scientific discovery: Parkinson’s is caused by bacteria

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    The newspaper refers to a new study from the University of Helsinki.

    The study shows that the disease stems from so-called Desulfovibrio bacteria in the intestines, which likely cause the disease, according to the researchers.

    The bacteria spread to people mainly via the environment. In recent years, research has seen more and more connections between the intestinal flora and the disease.

  • The Turkish opposition wants to see Sweden in NATO

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    At the same time, there can be challenges with getting the processes done on time, according to Çeviköz.

  • Man in his 30s found dead in Upplands Väsby – the police are investigating murder

    A man in his 30s has been found dead in an apartment building in Upplands Väsby during the night of Saturday, the police report.

    Several callers raised the alarm about screams from the apartment where the man was found with stab wounds.

    – Medical staff tried to revive the man on the spot, but his life could not be saved. The apartment is cordoned off right now and we are working to find the person who committed the crime, says Per Fahlström, press spokesperson at the Stockholm Police.

    According to Aftonbladet’s information, the man has been stabbed to death.

    The police have opened a preliminary investigation into murder.

    Relatives are informed of the death.

    One person has been arrested, suspected of complicity in the crime.

  • Sentenced to death Swedish-Iranian executed according to information

    Habib Chaab. Photo: MAJID AZAD

    On Saturday, Iran executed the Swedish-Iranian Habib Chaab, sentenced to death, according to Iranian state media, according to Reuters.

    Habib Chaab has already been convicted in Iran for killing 25 people in a military parade.

    He is said to have acted as the leader of the separatist group ASMLA, which has been labeled a terrorist by Iran, according to documents from the court, Reuters writes.

    According to the charges, he planned and carried out bombings in the province of Khuzestan in 2018.

    Aftonbladet has asked the Ministry of Foreign Affairs for a comment.

    Read more here.

  • Young man stabbed at intersection

    A young man was discovered by friends badly stabbed outside a building in Fosie in Malmö, reports Sydsvenskan.

    The friends drove him to hospital, where he arrived at 1am.

    The man is believed to have been attacked at an intersection. The place has been cordoned off and investigated with search dogs, among other things. (TT)

  • Prohibits the sale of pools

    The area of ​​Pyrénées-Orientales in southern France will be declared a “drought crisis” area from May 10, the BBC reports.

    The sale of swimming pools is prohibited, and it will also no longer be allowed to wash the car, water the garden or fill already existing pools.

    France’s minister for ecological transition, Christophe Béchu, says that the area has not had a full day of rain in more than a year and that in such a crisis it is obvious that the water that is available should only be used as drinking water.

    – Climate change is here and now. We need to get out of our culture of abundance. We need to show much more restraint in how we use the resources we have. (TT)

  • The government wants to halve the wolf population

    The government wants to halve the Swedish wolf population, says Rural Affairs Minister Peter Kullgren (KD) to Ekot’s Saturday interview.

    – The government’s attitude in this matter is that we want a significantly smaller wolf tribe than today, he says.

    He has summoned the governors of the counties that have wolves but did not have license hunting this year to discuss the issue. In the last count, Sweden had 465 wolves. (TT)

  • The ex-prime minister was punched in the face

    Former Italian Prime Minister Giuseppe Conte has been attacked during an official appearance in the region of Tuscany, Italian media reports.

    A man protesting against corona restrictions punched Conte in the face and was then immediately arrested by the police.

    Conte does not appear to have been seriously injured.

    “Dissent is justified, but this violent demonstration falls outside the democratic context,” Conte said in a statement.

    Conte was prime minister when Italy became the first country in Europe to confirm cases of covid-19 in February 2020, prompting a strict lockdown. (TT)

  • Ceasefire talks in Sudan

    Fighting in Sudan’s capital Khartoum shows no sign of abating – although the Sudanese army has announced it has sent envoys to Saudi Arabia for ceasefire talks.

    The army said the envoys will discuss “ceasefire details” with the RSF paramilitary forces.

    According to a Saudi diplomat, representatives of Britain, Saudi Arabia, the United Arab Emirates and the United States are also to participate in the talks held on Saturday in the city of Jeddah. (TT)

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  • Will any Swedish royalty attend the coronation of King Charles III?


    Hi Elin! Yes, the King and the Crown Princess are there for the coronation. We will start our live coverage from the coronation shortly!

  • Isn’t it strange that subsistence requirements for labor immigrants are higher than what a university-educated nurse has in Sweden?


    Hi Jennifer! Where do you find that number? The average salary is in any case a bit over 30,000 kroner for people between 18 and 24 years old from what I can see Statistics Sweden’s website.

  • Why don’t you write anything about food prices? Are you bought by the food companies?

    The cucumber

    Hello cucumber! We have done that, both here and in Aftonbladet Direkt.

  • Why don’t you write anything about shooting in Belgrade????


    We certainly haven’t missed that! Here you can read a whole article about the event in Serbia!

  • Interesting, I had no idea they make champagne in Kalix…

    Always learn something new from you Ab..



    Huh! Don’t you know the famous Kalix champagne?!

    Joking aside. Have changed the notice so that it will be clearer what is meant ;)!

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