Latest news – Two trees fell in the middle of a crowd

Latest news Two trees fell in the middle of
  • Two trees fell in the middle of a crowd

    11 min

    Tobias Johannesson

    Photo: Reader picture

    Two trees, almost 15 meters high, suddenly thundered straight down to the ground in Humlegården in central Stockholm at around 4 p.m.

    The police, ambulance and emergency services have been alerted and an area in the park is cordoned off.

    Many people are at the scene but no one has been injured according to the police.

  • Latest news

  • Horses loose on Djurgården: “People fled”

    The horses outside Ulla Winbladh before they broke. Photo: Reader picture

    Several horses are loose at Djurgården in Stockholm.

    – They were parked outside Ulla Winbladh before they ran away. It was chaos. People fled along Djurgårdsvägen.

    The police and ambulance have been called to the scene. According to the alarms to SOS, one or more people must have been injured.

    – We have received calls about horses running loose on Djurgården. We have information about personal injuries, but we are not on the scene yet, says Per Fahlström, press spokesperson for the Stockholm Police.

    Read more here.

  • The preacher was beaten – wrestled down

    A person who preached in central Gothenburg was beaten by a man, writes Gothenburg Post.

    The man was wrestled down by people on the spot and then taken into police custody.

  • The government wants more charging points for electric cars

    To be expanded. Photo: Lisa Arfwidson/SvD/TT

    The government wants more people to be able to charge their electric car close to home. The Swedish Transport Agency is therefore tasked with reviewing the regulations so that the municipalities can speed up the expansion of charging infrastructure, the government writes in a press release.

    – In order to speed up the electrification of road transport, we need to make it easier for more people to choose electric cars, says Infrastructure and Housing Minister Andreas Carlson (KD), in the press release.

  • Man arrested in Italy – suspected of murder in Sweden in 1995

    A man has been arrested in Sanremo in Italy on suspicion of murdering a woman in Sweden 28 years ago, writes Sanremo News.

    The woman disappeared in Linköping in 1995 and the body has never been found.

    The man, who was arrested on Saturday, is said to have had a relationship with the woman in connection with the disappearance.

    Cooperation between Italian and Swedish authorities is behind the arrest, according to the newspaper.

  • Three Swedes arrested in billion-dollar raid in Turkey

    Three Swedes were arrested during a police raid in Istanbul last week, write TV4 News.

    In connection with the crackdown, a search was carried out in a warehouse where one billion in fake dollars was found.

    The Ministry of Foreign Affairs confirms in an email to TV4 Nyheterna that they know that three Swedes have been arrested in Turkey.

    “On Monday, June 12, the Ministry of Foreign Affairs became aware that three Swedish citizens had been detained in Turkey. One of these is still in custody,” writes the Ministry of Foreign Affairs in the email.

  • Biden holds the first campaign meeting before the 2024 election

    US President Joe Biden will hold his first campaign meeting for the 2024 presidential election tomorrow Sunday, writes American CBS News.

    The event is taking place in the state of Pennsylvania, and Biden is expected to campaign alongside union representatives over the weekend.

    It was in April that Joe Biden announced that he was running for re-election.

  • Queen Margrethe quits smoking

    Queen Margrethe during a boat trip to Bornholm. Photo: Mikael Fritzon/TT / Mikael Fritzon

    For 66 years, Queen Margrethe has enjoyed her Greek cigarettes.

    But now she has cheated for the last time.

    The Danish court confirms for The extra sheet that the 83-year-old retired.

    A back operation in February must have contributed to the decision.

    – It is correct that the Queen has not smoked since the operation, says communications manager Lene Balleby.

    As recently as February, the Queen said she had no plans to stop smoking the Greek cigarettes from Karelia.

    – I think the beauty of these cigarettes is that they make all other cigarettes taste bad. When I was young I smoked English Virginia cigarettes, but after my father’s death I realized they were more strong than they were good.

  • Denmark wants to provide fighter jets to Ukraine

    Photo: Harald Tittel / AP

    Denmark may consider donating F-16 fighter jets to Ukraine – if other countries agree and the US approves. This is what Denmark’s Acting Minister of Defense Troels Lund Poulsen says at the Folkemødet, which is the Danish equivalent of the Almedal Week, according to TT, which reports to Danish TV2.

    – Denmark cannot donate combat aircraft all by itself. An alliance of countries is required if we are to be able to donate and maintain a combat air force to Ukraine, says Troels Lund Poulsen and continues:

    – We can’t decide that alone either, it requires American permission because the F16 is an American-developed aircraft.

  • It’s raining in Malmö


    A proper downpour has moved in over Malmö, the first in almost a month.

    According to SMHI’s rain maps, it is the first heavy downpour since May.

    Thunder has also moved in and lightning has been seen. Since June 7, there has been a fire ban in the entire city.

    During tomorrow, the long-awaited rain is expected to move in over more parts of the country.

  • Big fight in Gothenburg

    The police in Gothenburg were alerted at lunchtime about a fight at Hisingen. According to the alarm, the people involved must be armed with the weapon.

    There are a handful of people who are involved in the fight itself, says Jens Andersson, press spokesperson at the police.

    The fight took place on Tuve square. A man was allegedly hit in the face, possibly with a baseball bat.

    – We will see if we can find the suspect, says Jens Andersson.

  • Ikea throws out Mondelez

    Ikea stops selling goods from Mondelez in its Swedish department stores, including Marabou, it writes GP.

    – We will phase out the Mondelez products we have in our range. It is primarily based on a long-term ambition to have as many Ikea products as we can in our assortment. For a few years now, we have focused on Ikea-branded confectionery products and further developed our own chocolate and candy products, so we will sell out of the Mondelez products we have, says Mattias Hennius who is the press officer at Ikea Sweden to GP.

  • Large ground fire – smoke drifts in over E4


    There is a fire in Gröndal in Stockholm.

    – There are several hundred square meters on fire, says Roger Sverndal, management operator at the rescue service.

    The ground fire is right at the Gröndal traffic stop on Essingeleden. The emergency services have just arrived at the scene.

    – There is smoke coming out of E4, so far there is no risk of it being shut down, says Roger Sverndal.

  • Forest fire north of Stockholm

    In Upplands Väsby there is a fire in a forest area.

    – Behind a school there is a fire in a forest area, we have just extinguished the flames in the fire but will remain and extinguish and soak the ground, says Tommy Wållberg, commanding officer of the rescue service.

    According to the fire service, the fire must have been a few hundred square meters in size.

    There should not have been any risk of spreading and no people were injured.

  • Heat wave in Oslo

    It is officially a heat wave in Oslo, Aftenposten reports.

    During Saturday morning, it was 27 degrees in Oslo for the fifth day in a row, which defines a heat wave.

    – In the coming days it will continue to be just as hot, but with precipitation, says on-duty meteorologist Rafael Escobar Løvdahl at the Norwegian Meteorological Institute.

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    Ask us

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  • Haven’t they found the search dog Wilson yet, the one who searched for the children in the jungle? It’s been quiet about it for a few days now, hasn’t it?


    Hi Anna!

    Unfortunately, Wilson has not been found yet.

    The Colombian military wrote on Twitter yesterday that they “will not rest until he is found”.

  • The article (ad) indicates permanent scars.

    Barbro Danroth

  • Regarding the murder of Tove, the convicted girls had appealed, when does that trial start in the Court of Appeal and do you believe in changed sentences? Can they go all the way to HD?


    Hey Tommy!

    Hard to know. What I do know is that the trial was supposed to be held now in June, but that it was postponed at the request of the prosecutor. The prosecutor believes that the trial can be held at the end of July at the earliest. You can read more here.

  • Where can you read about the knife attack in Malmö last night?

    The victim has apparently died.

    Lena Eriksson


    You can read about it here.

  • How did the missing boy on Fårö do?



    He was found unharmed. You can read more here.

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