Latest news – Two suspected bombs in Stockholm

  • Two suspected bombs in Stockholm

    On Wednesday evening, the police conducted two separate operations in the Stockholm area after the discovery of suspected bombs.

    The first was found in Tensta at 20.45.

    – It is an object in an apartment building, but not inside an apartment. We cannot rule out that it is dangerous, says Sofia Jiglind, press spokesperson at the police’s regional command center.

    A preliminary investigation into preparation for public destruction and violation of the Act on Explosive and Flammable Goods has been initiated.

    The second suspected bomb was found in Järfälla at 21:49. There, the police have not yet set any criminal classification.

    – That object is outside. We have blocked off and have a larger effort in the area, says Sofia Jiglind.

    Bomb technicians will examine both objects.

    The police are investigating possible connections between the findings.

  • Latest news

  • Crashed after police chase

    A car has crashed after a police chase in Bålsta on Wednesday evening.

    – We had a short pursuit that ended with a vehicle driving into a lamp post in a roundabout, says Mathias Rutegård, press officer at police region Mitt.

    No one was injured in connection with the incident.

    There is no information on whether anyone has been arrested.

  • Warning for rock fall – village is evacuated

    Two million cubic meters of rock threatens little Brienz. Photo: Gian Ehrenzeller/AP

    The Swiss alpine village of Brienz is being evacuated, TT reports.

    The reason is that two million cubic meters of rock are at risk of collapsing and devastating society.

    The centuries-old village is located in the Graubunden region, southwest of Davos, at an altitude of approximately 1,150 meters above sea level. The number of residents today amounts to just under 100 people, writes TT.

    The mountain must have been moving continuously since the ice age, but in recent days there has been a “significant acceleration”.

  • Man dies in motorcycle accident

    A man has died after a motorbike accident in Hörby.

    According to the police, the motorcycle has collided with a bus.

    The man was taken to hospital, but his life could not be saved.

    Both vehicles have been impounded.

  • Police carried out dawn raids on brokerage firms

    The Ecocrime Authority raided a brokerage firm in Stockholm shortly after it opened on Tuesday morning. The suspicions concern eco-crime, it says The Express

    – We can confirm that an operation was carried out yesterday at a real estate agency and at other addresses in Stockholm. The action concerns an ongoing preliminary investigation into suspected serious eco-crimes. During the operation, a number of people were detained, says Niklas Ahlgren, press officer at the Ecocrime Authority, EBM to Expressen.

  • AI in focus at Google’s developer fair

    Google CEO Sundar Pichai. Photo: Jeff Chiu/AP

    Generative AI was in focus when Google CEO Sundar Pichai opened the company’s annual developer fair.

    He presented several AI functions that will be launched for images, writing, programming and the chatbot Bard.

    Most of the AI-related functions are not available yet, but will be released in whole or in part during the year.

    They also presented “med-PaLM 2”, which should be able to answer medical questions.

    It must be developed to be used in, for example, mammograms and X-rays to identify a possible tumor or injury.

    Med-PaLM 2 was presented as a preview feature and is still under development. It has had 85 percent accuracy in tests.

  • Dolph Lundgren reveals: Has cancer

    Diagnosed in 2015. Photo: Richard Shotwell/AP

    Dolph Lundgren suffers from lung cancer.

    The film star reveals this in an interview with Graham Bensinger.

    He states that he was diagnosed back in 2015. In 2020, the disease returned, after which the doctors reportedly gave him two to three years to live, reported TMZ.

    But last year he was treated again, which has meant that the tumor has now shrunk by 90 percent.

    Read more here.

  • Carroll after the verdict against Trump: “Overwhelmed”

    Carroll in connection with the trial earlier in May. Photo: John Minchillo/AP

    Donald Trump has been convicted of sexual assault and defamation against journalist E Jean Carroll.

    Now she speaks out for the first time about the verdict.

    – I am overwhelmed with joy for women in this country, she says NBC News.

    Trump has been ordered to pay $5 million in damages.

    – This is not about the money. This is about getting my name back, she says.

    The dispute between Trump and Carroll has been ongoing for several years and is about a suspected rape in a department store in New York in the 90s.

    The jury acquitted Trump of the rape charges but convicted him of sexual assault.

  • 100 injured in Germany after suspected tear gas attack

    A major effort is underway at a school in Schwäbisch Hall in Germany, reports SWR.

    The police suspect that someone deliberately released tear gas on purpose.

    100 people are said to have been slightly injured. 20 people are being treated in hospital. Including students and teachers.

    40 ambulances, several fire engines and three rescue helicopters are on site.

  • Sanna Marin is divorcing

    Soon unmarried. Photo: Heikki Saukkomaa/AP

    Outgoing Finnish Prime Minister Sanna Marin and her husband Markus Räikkönen are divorcing, says EPN.

    “We have filed for divorce together. We are grateful for 19 years together and our beloved daughter,” writes Marin on Instagram.

  • Kaliningrad gets a new Polish name

    New name: Krolewiec. Photo: AP

    Poland will stop calling the Russian exclave Kaliningrad just that.

    Instead, the exclave will go back to being called what it did before, Krolewiec.

    From the Russian side, the name change has not been well received.

    – It’s not even Russophobia anymore, it’s approaching madness in Poland. This does them no good, and it is not only unfriendly, it is downright hostile, says Kremlin spokesman Dmitry Peskov, according to TT.

  • The Center Pompidou is to be renovated

    The pipes at the iconic national museum Center Pompidou in Paris are to be replaced, reports TT.

    French Culture Minister Rima Abdul Malak stated on Wednesday that the renovation will begin in 2025 and is expected to be completed five years later.

    In between, the museum will be closed.

    In addition to the pipe replacement, the building must be modernized and adapted to the disabled.

    The renovation is estimated to cost 262 million euros.

  • Stockholm does not extend the commuter train agreement with MTR

    Region Stockholm does not extend the commuter train agreement with MTR.

    “Looking at the entire period of the agreement, commuter train traffic has had a good development since MTR took over in 2016. Since last autumn, however, the problems have been great and the evaluation we carried out shows that the agreement has flaws that impair delivery. Therefore, we choose not to extend the agreement,” says David Lagneholm, head of administration at the traffic administration and CEO of SL in a press release.

    MTR will continue to operate commuter train traffic until 2026.

  • Recalling ground beef – after salmonella discovery

    Siljan’s chark has discovered salmonella in ground beef during a routine check and is recalling ground beef products with a use-by date of 11 May 2023.

    It reports P4 The valleys.

    In a press release, the company regrets the incident and writes that the meat was sold in Dalarna and Härjedalen.

  • Adrenaline pen recalled

    Emerade’s injection pens with adrenaline are being recalled, the Medical Products Agency announces.

    A malfunction of the injection pens can lead to them not being activated as they should.

    “There is nothing wrong with the contents of the Emerade pen, but a weakness has been discovered in the trigger mechanism. The error means that some pens cannot deliver adrenaline when the pen is used in an emergency, which can have serious consequences,” writes the Medical Products Agency.

    Patients who have been prescribed Emerade adrenaline pens should be prescribed adrenaline pens of a different type as soon as possible.

    Read more here.

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  • Ask us

    check Ask your questions to the editors here!

  • Why does Russia celebrate a Victory Day from 1945? The Russian Federation was formed in 1991 and has nothing to do with WWII. At the time, Russia was only a state in the Soviet Union.


    Victory Day began to be celebrated in Russia after the fall of Nazi Germany in 1945. In fact, after the fall of the Soviet Union, the parades stopped for a while. But in 1995 the celebration was resumed again.

  • Danny Saucedo isn’t making his acting debut now is he? Wasn’t he in Evil?


    Entirely correct! He was an extra in the fight scene in Ondskan.

    However, he himself says that “Scenes from a Marriage” is his acting debut. Maybe he himself makes a difference between extras and acting?

    Regardless – well done Ninna!

  • Which party in Sweden is the 9th largest?



    The largest party outside the Riksdag, i.e. the ninth largest party, is the Nyans party. They received 28,352 votes, which is equivalent to 0.44 percent of the turnout in the 2022 election.

    In the 2018 and 2014 elections, the Feminist initiative was the largest, but they have retreated significantly and were in this election at 0.05 percent.

  • Shouldn’t journalists be able to tell the difference between them and them?


    Hi Ante! You may think so, of course, but we are not flawless and can make mistakes. We correct them when they are brought to our attention by our colleagues or our keen readers!

  • Why is the headline “Russia: Residents forcibly evacuated from Zaporizhzhya” !? Zaporizhzhya and Europe’s largest nuclear power plant is in Ukraine NOT Russia. Despite occupation and annexation, as far as I know, almost no one except Russia itself recognizes the region as Russian.


    Hi Stefan! In this case, “Russia” should be read as the Russian side in the war, who are the ones who decided on the forced evacuation. It does not imply recognition of the areas as Russian.

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