Latest news – Twelve years in prison for shooting at a pizzeria

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Twelve years in prison for shooting at a pizzeria

today at 12.45 Anna Sjögren

A man in his 20s is sentenced to twelve years in prison after a shooting at a pizzeria in Ockelbo last year, reports TT, which refers to local media.

The incident occurred in August 2022 when staff at the pizzeria tried to reject a disorderly man from the premises.

The man left the restaurant but returned with a gun and fired a shot that hit one of the employees in the arm.

According to the verdict, the man then pointed his gun at the same person’s forehead.

Now the man is sentenced for attempted murder, aggravated weapons offence, aggravated unlawful threat and causing danger to another. The man must also pay SEK 269,000 in damages.

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    Annie Lööf has told in questioning that she received the message and perceived it as a threat.

    The man is now charged with illegal threats, he denies the crime.

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    A legal battle has erupted in Denmark over the anti-nuclear power logo from the 1970s, the happy red sun surrounded by the words “Atomkraft? No thanks”.

    The right-wing party Nye Borgerlige has used the well-known symbol to instead say “yes, thank you” to nuclear power.

    The fund that owns the rights sued the party and demands that it be banned from using the symbol.

    – We consider it unacceptable that they should use our logo and change the text to the opposite, says Siegfried Christiansen, representative of the OOA fund to the news agency Ritzau.

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    On the site Flightradar, you can see how planes are forced to turn away from the airport.

    According to Gazeta, the airspace around the city is currently empty. An anonymous source tells the Russian television channel REN TV that an airspace of 200 kilometers has been closed.

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    According to local Russian authorities, there are delays of up to 12 hours at the airport.

  • Heavily armed police guard the police station in Norrköping

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    The police had finished for the day and were on their way home when he was attacked and stabbed. The case is classified as attempted murder.

    The police will hold a press conference at 10 a.m. regarding the attack.

  • Russian TV and radio stations went out with air raid alerts

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    The messages went out, among other things, in the Moscow region.

    Russian authorities say it is a false alarm and that the TV and radio stations have been hacked, reports the Russian site Kommersant.

    According to a Moldovan news site, the false alarms were also heard in Transnistria, the Moldovan breakaway region.

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  • FYI: Different flights are now both taking off & landing at St Petersburg airport again.


  • Read about the problem of access to vegetables in England. Have UK imports and exports changed significantly due to Brexit?


    Hi Elin!

    The Guardian has previously reported that exports to the EU decreased by 14 percent after Brexit.

    In the case of the availability of vegetables, several British media reports that Brexit seems to have a rather small impact. The main reasons are believed to be problems linked to supplies and the somewhat isolated location of the UK. As well as the high electricity prices that affect domestic production.

  • Is the war in Ukraine over? Minimal news from there! Perhaps more important with the melody festival?

    Otjonsson Otjonsson

  • Hi Anna! Where and how do you see that the electricity subsidy is on its way? Who leaves a message that you wrote that you received? Thanks in advance!


    It seems that the companies do things a little differently, but many seem to be able to see the electricity subsidy when they log on to their supplier’s website.

  • In the article about the police officer Erik and his attitude to cannabis, I think a small mistake has been made.

    In the headline (before you click on the article) it says that he thinks cannabis should become legal. But when you then read the article, it is about decriminalization, which is a completely different matter!


    Good point Caroline. We’ll take a look at that headline.

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