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Truck with dangerous goods has overturned

today at 17.29 Nora Fernstedt

A truck has overturned on national highway 21 between Perstorp and Klippan.

The car is loaded with dangerous goods, the police write. Right now, it is unclear if any leakage has occurred.

The road is completely closed in the westbound direction. According to P4 Kristianstad train traffic is also stopped.

Latest news

  • Four arrested after explosion

    Four people have been arrested after the explosion in Grimsta. Photo: Aftonbladet

    The four people who were arrested after the explosion in Grimsta last night are now in custody, the police say.

    According to information to Aftonbladet, the crime was aimed at a well-known rapper – and one of the arrested is also said to be a well-known rapper.

    Here you read more.

  • Two million liters of water stop the train service to Kiruna

    There will be no trains to Kiruna until Wednesday at the earliest, according to Vy tåg, which runs the route for Norrtåg, reports SVT News Norrbotten.

    This is due to a water leak. In total, roughly two million liters of water have leaked out near the locomotive sheds.

    The cause of the leak is believed to be subsidence in the ground.

  • Man detained on suspicion of murder in Fagersta

    On December 27, the police were called to an address in Fagersta due to a fight in an apartment. A dead man was found at the scene and another man in his 50s was in the apartment.

    He was arrested and detained on suspicion of murder. The man is said to have been acquainted with the man who was found dead.

    Over the weekend, the man in his 50s was arrested on probable cause on suspicion of murder, reports say SVT News Västmanland.

    The men must have been familiar with each other, according to the police.

    The District Court of Västmanland has made the assessment that the crime classification should be murder.

  • New patient fee – costs to freeze potential siblings

    From the turn of the year, parents who have had children with IVF treatment in Skåne must pay SEK 2,000 per year for frozen storage of fertilized eggs, potential siblings, reports P4 Blekinge.

    – We feel that it is quite reasonable, of course we want to be able to offer siblings, but it also feels ethically defensible that you take a position on whether you want more children – or do you want to destroy these embryos, says Margareta Kitlinski, senior physician at the Reproduction Center in Malmö (RMC), to the radio channel.

    Fertilized eggs for sibling treatment were previously saved for five years – the time has now doubled and costs therefore increased.

  • Biogas car leaks gas – large roadblocks

    A biogas truck has started leaking gas in a residential area in Nockeby in western Stockholm.

    The police and rescue services are on the scene and a large area of ​​a hundred meters in all directions has been cordoned off.

    Residents who are in the cordoned off area have been accommodated by the police.

    The blockade will remain until the car has leaked all the gas. According to the police, it can take several hours as the car was full of fuel when it started to leak.

    At 3:30 p.m., the danger is over.

    – There is a risk with biogas cars that there will be a fire and that it can explode. But the leak was not that strong and after about an hour a tow truck was brought there and taken to a workshop, Hans Olofsson, line operator at the rescue service in Greater Stockholm.

  • SJ cannot say when the spring train tickets will be released

    The Swedish Transport Agency is digitizing its planning system – it affects the train plan for 2023, which comes later than usual, writes Today’s news.

    SJ’s train tickets for December 11 to March 12 were only released on November 9, and even in the spring, travelers may need to plan their trips with shorter notice.

    SJ cannot yet announce when the spring train tickets will be released.

    The country’s largest operator for passenger traffic aims for trips from March 13 until the end of May to be available at the end of January/February at the latest, the newspaper writes.

  • One arrested after explosion in Bagarmossen

    One person has been arrested after the explosion in a gate in Bagarmossen in southern Stockholm early this morning, the police write on their website.

    Four people have also been arrested for the explosion in Grimsta in western Stockholm, which took place an hour earlier.

    The police do not rule out that there may be more arrests shortly.

    There have been a series of explosions in various places in Stockholm since the murder in Rinkeby on Christmas Day. On New Year’s Eve, another murder took place in Vällingby.

    The police believe that there is a connection between some of the crimes, but that several different motives may be behind it.

    – We know that there is a high level of conflict between several of the criminal groups that exist in the county. During the year, we have also arrested several key figures, made large drug seizures and seized weapons from the criminal environment, says Max Åkerwall, head of command at the police in the Stockholm region, in a press release.

  • 330 got stuck on a broken night train – had to wait seven hours

    Around 330 train passengers got stuck on Vy’s night train from Stockholm to Luleå at six o’clock on Monday.

    The train stopped just south of Umeå on the track due to a fault with the locomotive.

    Some passengers had to wait up to seven hours before buses could evacuate them.

    – It is always regrettable, but we tried to get buses as soon as possible, says Tor Kangas on the press call at Vy tåg.

  • One person hit in garage – taken to hospital

    Police, emergency services and ambulance were called to a garage in Hultsfred at around 1 pm in connection with an accident.

    A person has been hit by a car in a garage and is being taken to hospital with unclear injuries.

    The car has been impounded for a technical examination.

  • Incurable coral disease spreads along Thailand

    During the past year, the incurable coral disease yellow band disease (YBD) has spread along the Thai east coast, writes TT. The corals turn yellow and are destroyed.

    – I’ve never seen anything like this before, says marine biologist Lalita Putchim, who works to examine coral reefs.

    Overfishing, pollution and higher water temperatures as a result of climate change are believed by the researchers to be some of the reasons why coral reefs are more vulnerable and susceptible to the disease.

    There is no known cure. Once the corals are hit, they have no chance to recover.

  • Ukraine: 400 Russian soldiers dead after robot attack

    Around 400 Russian soldiers have been killed in connection with a robot attack in the Donetsk region over the weekend, Ukraine says, BBC writes.

    The number of dead could not be verified – the occupation government confirms damage but not to the extent reported by Ukraine.

    The school building in Makijivka was fired upon with the American artillery system a few minutes after midnight on New Year’s Eve, according to a Telegram post from representatives of the forces of the occupying power, writes TT.

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  • You do have free legal aid in case of crime, right? How come the man who bit the policeman’s hand had to pay legal fees?


    Hey! According to The Swedish Bar Association do you have the right to a public defender if you are suspected of a serious crime. If you are then acquitted, the state covers the cost, but if you are convicted, you usually have to pay all or part of the legal fees. This depends on your income.

  • Why haven’t you written that more Tate was innocent.? The police did an investigation but that no crimes could be proven?

    the field

    Hey! According to the country’s public prosecutor’s office, Tate will now be in custody for 30 days. He is being investigated for rape and human trafficking, according to prosecutors.

    Any information about Tate being released has not been confirmed.

  • In the last week there have been a lot of shootings and people have been shot, has the gang war flared up in Sweden again?


    Hey! According to our sources, the police fear that gang violence will escalate sharply after the events of the last few days in Stockholm.

  • Hey! Is there any new information regarding the Towe case, have charges been filed yet or when does it look like it will be?


    Hey! So far, no charges have been brought, so at the moment it is unclear if and, if so, when it will happen. Police and prosecutors have also not released any new information regarding how they suspect she was killed.

  • You write that Andrew Tate was arrested for rape and human abuse, is this really correct or are you basing this on previous rumors connected to Mr. Tate?

    According to sources, it is a regular Swat that affects many streamers


    Hi Satoshi!

    He has been arrested on suspicion of abducting two women together with his brother, the prosecutor says Antena3.

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