Latest news – Then Sweden can be approved – if Erdogan loses

Then Sweden can be approved – if Erdogan loses

today at 04.32 Hans Österman

If President Erdogan loses the election on May 14, Turkey’s new parliament may approve Sweden’s application before the NATO summit in Lithuania on July 11-12.

That’s what Ünal Ceviköz, foreign policy spokesperson for opposition leader Kemal Kilicdaroglu, says in an interview with Neewsweek.

Right now, Kilicdaroglu barely leads Erdogan in the opinion polls, the news magazine states.

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    Eyewitnesses states to NBC that he fired the ball after playing children caused a basketball to roll onto his lot.

    The police have not confirmed the motive, but the 24-year-old is now suspected of attempted murder.

    The six-year-old survived with minor gunshot wounds to the cheek. Her father is still being treated in hospital.

  • Shooting in southern Stockholm

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    – The witnesses have heard a shot and we have found an empty casing, says Ola Österling at the police’s regional command center.

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    Toronto Pearson International Airport. Photo: SOPA Images Limited/Alamy

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    According to the Toronto Sun, the thieves came across gold worth more than SEK 750 million.

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    It appears in documents from the rewritten “Pentagon leak”.

    On the other hand, Wagner has had a cold hand from Beijing. The contact should have taken place at the beginning of 2023 and China is said not to have delivered any weapons.

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  • One to hospital after fire

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    According to Göteborgs-Posten, the emergency services were able to locate the fire, which started for an unknown reason, to a bedroom.

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    Should not be seen as attractive in Russia. Photo: Michal Dyjuk/AP

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    This is reported by the Russian independent newspaper Novaya Gazeta who writes that the trial lasted less than five minutes.

    According to the newspaper, the woman is now required to pay 40,000 rubles, which corresponds to around 5,000 kroner.

    It was during a vacation in the city of Nalchik in Russia that the woman got into a discussion about the Ukrainian president with a waitress at a restaurant. The 70-year-old must then have expressed that she experienced Zelenskyj as funny, beautiful and joking.

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    According to information, the perpetrators are a group of young people.

    When the suspected young people attacked, they also allegedly stole the 50-year-old’s mobile phone and electric scooter.

    The alarm came in just before 8pm on Thursday evening and according to the man, the young people left on the stolen electric scooter.

    To Göteborgs-Posten, the police state that the man suffered injuries to his face, but that he did not want to seek medical care.

    – We are looking for the young people in the area, but so far we have no leads, says Jens Andersson of the police to the newspaper.

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    Alec Baldwin. Photo: John Angelillo/UPI

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    Maxine Klibingaitis in “Neighbours”.

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  • Pro-Russian hacker attack on Europe’s air traffic control

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  • Villa caught fire – extinguishing in progress

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    – There are several people who call in and say they see smoke and flames, says Gabriel Henning, press spokesperson at the Bergslagen police region.

    According to the police, the villa is on fire and extinguishing work is underway.

    Residents were outside the house when the emergency services arrived.

    – It is a person who has been checked by an ambulance. No one has been taken to hospital at the moment, says Gabriel Henning.

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  • Ven to take out the ramp for wheelchair users when the train attendants disappear? They unlock it and put it between the platform and the train

    Train traveler with patience


    That responsibility should instead lie with the station attendants instead according to MTR.

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    Yes, our reporter Amanda Hällsten is there and will cover the verdict, which will come at 2 p.m.

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    Dan Söder

    Hello Dan! Yes, there is, both Vårby farm and Masmo are located in Huddinge municipality. But it’s a bit confusing, there are three municipalities that have metro stations in the area: Stockholm, Huddinge and Botkyrka.

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  • Will there be any egg recalls?

    You become a little hesitant if you want to eat the eggs you have at home.


    According to the information that has gone out, there should be no danger.

    To be on the safe side, you can make sure to fry the eggs properly. Salmonella bacteria die at temperatures above 70 degrees.

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