Latest news – The White House in contact with Russia during the Wagner revolt

Tonight, you will find Nelly Kronstrand and Daniel Nilsson here. We are of course still monitoring the accident at Gröna Lund, but are also following what is happening in Russia now after the weekend’s turbulence when the paramilitary Wagner group started and then ended an uprising against the Russian military.

  • The White House in contact with Russia during the Wagner Revolt

    Concern spread in the White House as the Wagner Group turned its guns on the Russian military leadership over the weekend.

    American and Russian diplomats were therefore in contact with each other during the coup and followed the development of events together.

    This is stated by the spokesperson of the US Security Council, John Kirby, according to AFP.

    – Instability in Russia is something we take seriously and we had many questions over the weekend.

  • Latest news

  • Photographer Denise Grünstein is dead

    Photo: JOHAN ENGMAN / TT

    The Finnish photographer Denise Grünstein has died after a long illness, reports TT.

    In the early 1980s, she became known as one of Sweden’s best portrait and fashion photographers.

    Grünstein was 72 years old.

  • Erdogan’s son and Swedish company are being investigated for corruption

    President Recep Tayyip Erdogan (left) with son Bilal. Photo: AP/TT

    Authorities in the US and Sweden are now investigating a Swedish alcolock company for corruption linked to Turkish President Erdogan’s son Bilal Erdogan.

    Reuters reports.

    The company, which is owned by an American investment company, is suspected of having promised payments of tens of millions of dollars in exchange for the president’s son’s help in securing the company’s monopoly in Turkey.

    However, the money should never have been paid out, writes the news agency.

  • US Treasury Secretary to China

    Janet Yellen. Photo: Ludovic Marin / AP

    The American finance minister Janet Yellen plans to visit China for talks with Chinese counterparts, TT reports.

    The visit is expected to take place in early July. Earlier in June, the US foreign minister, Antony Blinken, also visited the country and met, among other things, President Xi Jinping.

    The visits come after major tensions in the relationship between the countries.

  • The accident commission: Has found a deviation

    Accident Commission’s John Ahlberk Photo: Anders Wiklund/TT / TT Nyhetsbyrån

    The National Accident Commission today began an investigation into the Gröna Lund accident.

    Now the authority’s director general, John Ahlberk, states that a discrepancy has been found.

    – The two main wheels have come off for some reason, he says Current.

    Furthermore, he says that it can take between eight and twelve months for the authority to “get to the bottom” of what has happened.

  • Putin and Lukashenko address the nation

    Lukashenko (left) and Putin. Photo: Pavel Bednyakov / AP

    Russian President Vladimir Putin is expected to address the nation on Monday evening, reports AFP and refers to the state news agency Ria Novosti.

    It is unclear what the speech will be about, but according to the news agency, the president will share “a series of important statements.”

    Belarus President Aleksandr Lukashenko will give a speech on Tuesday.

    Read more about the speech here.

  • Russia calls the UN to the Nord Stream meeting

    Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov represents Russia as chairman of the UN Security Council. Photo: Marcus Ericsson

    Russia has requested a meeting with the UN Security Council to discuss the Nord Stream leaks.

    The state news agency Tass reports this and writes that the meeting is expected to be held tomorrow.

  • Gröna Lund’s multi-million loss after closure

    Photo: Robin Lorentz Allard

    Gröna Lund will be closed for at least a week after Sunday’s fatal accident.

    This causes the amusement park to lose around SEK 50 million, reports say Echo.

    “What this will mean for us financially is not something we think about at the moment,” writes Gröna Lund to the channel.

  • Patient died – employee may have fallen asleep

    A patient who had extra care at a hospital died due to a cardiac arrest, reports TT, which refers to local media.

    Now the region’s investigation shows that an employee who was supposed to watch over the patient may have fallen asleep and that the patient therefore did not receive the cardiopulmonary resuscitation that it may have needed.

    – We do not know if CPR could have saved the patient’s life, but it is possible, writes Minna Mattsson, head of orthopedics at the Västernorrland region, in a press release.

  • Man arrested – broke furniture in store

    A man in his 40s has been arrested on suspicion of breaking furniture in a shop in Karlstad.

    The police were alerted to the incident at around 6.50pm. The man must then have used an attachment when he destroyed the interior.

    The man has also broken a window of a neighboring game shop.

    He was arrested on the spot by several patrols.

  • The fire in Avesta flared up again

    Since last Friday, a large forest fire has raged in Målarberget between Avesta and Norberg.

    On Monday, the emergency services announced that they had managed to put out the fire at 4 pm – but when the fire engines were on their way from the scene, the fire flared up again.

    – It was almost finished when it started to burn again, says Jessica Hagberg press contact for the rescue service.

    The fire is once again being fought by rescue personnel and the majority of helicopters that waterbomb the forest.

    – We have no forecast. There is a fear that it could also burn for several days this time.

  • Two hit by tram

    Two people have been hit by a tram in central Gothenburg.

    Ambulance and police have been called to the scene.

    A man in his 50s and a woman in his 65s have been taken to hospital by ambulance.

    The tram has been taken out of service for a technical examination.

    Västtrafik has now announced that traffic is running again.

  • Man robbed at knifepoint

    A man is said to have been robbed on his watch by two perpetrators who were armed with knife-like objects in Stockholm.

    The alarm was received by the police shortly before 19:00 on Monday.

    The perpetrators also allegedly threatened the man’s company before running from the scene.

    The police have had a search operation, but have not found the suspects.

    The incident is being investigated as aggravated robbery and attempted robbery.

  • A car has overturned in central Gothenburg

    A passenger car has overturned and ended up on its roof in central Gothenburg.

    Two people are said to have been in the car, say the police.

    – We are on the spot and trying to find out what happened, we are hearing witnesses, says Anna Hammarbäck, police spokesperson.

    The extent of the damage is unclear.

  • Prosecutor takes over investigation into the Gröna Lund accident

    Police at Gröna Lund the day after the fatal accident. Photo: Robin Lorentz Allard

    The public prosecutor’s office now announces that the police investigation into the fatal accident at Gröna Lund is being investigated by the National Unit for Environmental and Work Environment Cases.

    – What I can say at the moment is that the preliminary investigation is going on intensively to clarify what happened and whether anyone can be held accountable for crimes in connection with the incident, says senior prosecutor Christer B. Jarlås, and continues:

    – Initially, for our part, it is about investigating the crimes causing the death of another, causing bodily harm and causing danger to another and whether someone or a few should be served with suspicion for those crimes.

    He also says that a large number of interrogations have been held and that more will be held.

    – It is about interviews with visitors to Gröna Lund yesterday, those who were affected in various ways by the incident and who have been able to give testimonies, staff at Gröna Lund, staff who were on site from the emergency services and healthcare staff and others. It is still far too early to draw any conclusions or make any further comments, says Christer B. Jarlås.

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    Ask us

    check Ask your questions to the editors here!

  • From how high a height did those who were injured at Gröna Lund fall?

    And has there been no update whatsoever on the condition of the injured yet…?

    Crisis meeting

    At between six and eight meters altitude, the Jetline derailed. You can read an updated version of the event here.

    We are working on updates 🙂

  • Will Gröna Lund’s press conference be broadcast live?


    Hello! Yes, we will broadcast it live here.

  • How do you get robbed of your contacts? Is someone forcing you to open your phone copy your contacts? Or was he old-fashioned and kept everything in a notebook?


    Heh. Cash, of course, it would be. Thanks!

  • What do the martial laws introduced today in Russia mean?


    Here you can read a little about what the martial laws meant.

  • Why is there nothing in the newspaper or about the possible strike that could affect Arlanda?


    Yes! You can find it here and here, among other things.

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