Latest news – The Swedish Agency for Agriculture’s cat register opens – e-service overloaded

Latest news The Swedish Agency for Agricultures cat register
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The Swedish Agricultural Agency’s cat register opens – e-service overloaded

today at 09.37 Johanna Sundbeck

From January 2, all cats must start being registered with the Swedish Agency for Agriculture. But on Monday morning, the authority reports disturbances in the e-service.

“The e-service is currently overloaded and it may therefore be difficult to register your cat,” writes the Swedish Agency for Agriculture on its website.

– We initially expect a high pressure on our e-service, but at the same time fully understand that not everyone will register their cats immediately. We see it as a long-term effort to get all cats into the register, says Anders Elfström, head of department at the Swedish Agricultural Agency, in a press release.

The new law on mandatory marking and registration of cats should make it easier to find stray cats.

It can also raise the status of the cat as a pet.

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    South Korean President Yoon Suk-Yeol. Photo: AP

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  • You do have free legal aid in case of crime, right? How come the man who bit the policeman’s hand had to pay legal fees?


    Hey! According to The Swedish Bar Association do you have the right to a public defender if you are suspected of a serious crime. If you are then acquitted, the state covers the cost, but if you are convicted, you usually have to pay all or part of the legal fees. This depends on your income.

  • Why haven’t you written that more Tate was innocent.? The police did an investigation but that no crimes could be proven?

    the field

    Hey! According to the country’s public prosecutor’s office, Tate will now be in custody for 30 days. He is being investigated for rape and human trafficking, according to prosecutors.

    Any information about Tate being released has not been confirmed.

  • In the last week there have been a lot of shootings and people have been shot, has the gang war flared up in Sweden again?


    Hey! According to our sources, the police fear that gang violence will escalate sharply after the events of the last few days in Stockholm.

  • Hey! Is there any new information regarding the Towe case, have charges been filed yet or when does it look like it will be?


    Hey! So far, no charges have been brought, so at the moment it is unclear if and, if so, when it will happen. Police and prosecutors have also not released any new information regarding how they suspect she was killed.

  • You write that Andrew Tate was arrested for rape and human abuse, is this really correct or are you basing this on previous rumors connected to Mr. Tate?

    According to sources, it is a regular Swat that affects many streamers


    Hi Satoshi!

    He has been arrested on suspicion of abducting two women together with his brother, the prosecutor says Antena3.

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