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The police warn: Take it easy in traffic

today at 12.10 Nelly Kronstrand

After more than 15 accidents during Friday morning, the police in Jönköping, Södermanland and Östergötland counties are now warning of slippery road conditions.

– Take it easy on the roads. Keep your distance, says Marcus Anefur, inspector at the police.

During Friday morning, both single-vehicle accidents and multi-vehicle accidents occurred.

Among other things, a truck and a car collided on the E4 at the height of Jönköping. However, the road must have remained open, albeit with longer queues. No one is said to have been injured in the accident.

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  • Man dead – found injured outside

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    The man was taken to hospital but later died from his injuries. Relatives have been notified.

    One person is arrested. The police are tight-lipped about the incident.

    – We are investigating this as a murder. I have no information about whether the people knew each other or not, says Caroline Karlsson, press spokesperson at the police.

  • Letter with unclear content – police on site

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    The letter was opened by the staff. Police, ambulance and emergency services are on site and the emergency services will examine the contents.

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    According to the police, there are no injuries.

  • Technical error for SR when Beatles song was played on air

    During Friday morning, several listeners reacted to Chinese text appearing in the player on the home screen when listening to the P1.

    According to Sveriges Radio’s press manager Claes Bertilson, it was a technical error with a supplier that occurred when a song by the Beatles was played on air.

    “In this case, the sound was not matched with the original title, but with another language in the service provider’s register, and so there was an incorrect match in our app,” writes Bertilson in an email to Aftonbladet.

    When a song – played on the radio – ends, the title should disappear from the player. Which didn’t happen this time.

    “We will, of course, check why it happened that way, both ourselves and together with our supplier”.

  • Inflation is falling in the euro countries

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    The price of food, tobacco and alcohol rose by 15.4 percent compared to the same month the year before. It was more than in February, where the figure remained at 15 percent.

    On the other hand, energy prices fell by 0.9 percent, a trend break from previous months where the price increase had been in double digits. An effect of the mild winter, but also a sign that the transition away from Russian gas has begun to have an effect.

  • Crew kidnapped by pirates

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    According to Danish TV2 the pirates have escaped from the ship, but at the same time taken three crew members with them as hostages.

    The ship – which sails under the Liberian flag – has 16 crew members left on board.

  • Three arrested after assault

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    On the spot, the man, who had a slight injury to his hand, stated that he was injured when he tried to break up a fight between a woman and a man in Angered in Gothenburg.

    According to the police, a computer was stolen in connection with the stabbing. Three people are said to have been arrested, of which one is suspected of serious assault and two are suspected of theft.

  • Lukashenko wants to declare a ceasefire

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    – We have to stop now. Let’s declare a ceasefire without precautions, Lukashenko said in a speech on Friday.

  • Finland member of NATO within a few days

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    He also added that he is looking forward to Sweden also becoming a member.

    – I also look forward to welcoming Sweden as a full member as soon as possible.

  • Man requested to be re-arrested on suspicion of murder of partner

    A man was today requested to be re-arrested on suspicion of grave breach of peace against his partner who was found dead in a freezer in the couple’s shared home.

    The man is also suspected of murder.

    According to the prosecutor, the woman’s identity has not yet been fully established. But there are indications that the woman is a Norwegian citizen who disappeared several years ago.

    – The body of the dead woman was autopsied during the week. We still have no results to report, several forensic examinations and analyzes of the body remain, says senior prosecutor Linda Karlsson in a press release.

  • Former SD politicians are acquitted of incitement against ethnic groups

    The Supreme Court changes the Court of Appeal judgment and acquits a former Sweden Democratic regional politician who was charged with incitement against a ethnic group, TT reports.

    The man was charged in 2021 after he claimed during a council meeting that people from South Sudan have a lower level of intelligence than other people.

    The former politician was sentenced to daily fines in both the district court and the court of appeals and appealed the sentence to the Supreme Court. He was expelled from the party after the district court verdict.

  • Loud bangs after fire in building

    The emergency services were called on Friday morning to a workplace in Kristianstad due to a fire.

    – When we arrived at the site, the building was completely burnt down and cold. Now we are on site to ensure that it does not start to burn again, says Mattias Östling, officer on duty at the rescue service.

    Östling states that the police were alerted to several explosions at the site already during the night. But according to the officer on duty, the emergency services were only called in the morning.

    – Around 03:00, the police were alerted to loud bangs from the building. It must have been gas cylinders that exploded due to the fire. I don’t know why we were called so late, he says.

    It is unclear what caused the fire. The police will now investigate whether a crime was committed in connection with the incident.

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  • Hello

    Can a convicted felon run for president in the United States?

    Lasse K

    Yes, it seems so.

    There is nothing in the constitution that prevents a person who has been charged or convicted of a crime from standing for election, or taking office as president.

    Here is an article on the matter!

  • Congratulations Finland!

    Does Finland also need to give its approval now before Sweden can become a member of NATO…?


    No, Finland is not yet considered a formal member.

    It is Hungary and Turkey that need to approve Sweden’s membership!

  • Does a can of roe cost 1,400? Just wondering about the thefts at Ica…

    Jeanette Carlsson

    Yes, according to what ICA trader Ulf Svensson states DN it does that.

    It must be quite a large jar… one must assume.

  • According to “my” coop, there is a shortage of minced meat in Sweden and the world now. Is it true? There was no minced meat at all in the store today and no forecast when it will arrive. I don’t have any other stores nearby to check, so I’m asking you at AB if that’s correct? Can’t find anything when I google.


  • Can a pedestrian and a car “collide”?

    In my world, the pedestrian gets hit by a car!


    At the moment, we do not know exactly how the accident happened, so we are sticking to reporting what the police said.

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