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The new electricity subsidy is approved

today at 08.43 Nelly Kronstrand

Svenska kraftnät’s new electricity subsidy to all households throughout Sweden has been approved by the Energy Market Inspection, EI, reports TT.

Latest news

  • Press meeting with the government

    Now the government is holding a press conference where they are expected to present measures against the so-called LVU campaign.

    Prime Minister Ulf Kristersson, Minister of Justice Gunnar Strömmer, Minister of Social Services Camilla Waltersson Grönvall and SKR chairman Peter Danielsson attend the press conference.

    You can follow the press conference in the broadcast here.

    – What we have now seen is an extensive disinformation campaign against Swedish social services. It is systematized. It started in 2021 and is often about families who spread and are helped to spread films and images that claim that the social service in Sweden kidnaps children of Muslim origin in Sweden, says Ulf Kristersson.

    – This reaches many other countries and spreads an image that Sweden systematically discriminates against families. This campaign has now gained momentum again, he continues.

    Furthermore, he says that it requires a political response. Among other things, the government wants the punishment for violence or threats against civil servants to be toughened, in order to protect people who work in social services.

  • Details: Anna Kinberg Batra becomes governor

    Anna Kinberg Batra. Photo: Jessica Gow/TT

    The former moderate party leader Anna Kinberg Batra becomes the new governor in Stockholm, according to information from Dagens nyheter.

    Anna Kinberg Batra will then succeed Sven-Erik Österberg (S), who has been the governor since February 2018.

    The decision will be announced by Minister of Civil Affairs Erik Slottner (KD) on Friday afternoon, reports Dagens nyheter.

  • A record amount of environmentally hazardous waste was stopped at customs in 2022

    The Swedish Customs Service stopped a record amount of environmental waste in 2022. Photo: The Swedish Customs Service.

    Customs stopped a record amount of environmentally hazardous waste from being smuggled to countries in Africa and Asia during 2022.

    A total of 1,043 tonnes were stopped, which is a substantial increase compared to previous years.

    – Unfortunately, we see that companies and private individuals are increasingly trying to export Swedish waste to developing countries, says Henrik Sjökvist, deputy head of the Swedish Customs Administration’s control department.

    As a rule, few stopped smuggling attempts lead to prosecution. This is because several private individuals and companies can share a container, which makes the issue of liability difficult to investigate. However, the waste is almost always sent back to the exporter, writes the Swedish Customs Administration in a press release.

  • Yellow warning for snowfall

    SMHI has issued a yellow warning for snowfall in Västra Götaland and southern and southeastern Götaland.

    SMHI also warns of slippage, snow slush, poor visibility and snow drifts and delays in train and air traffic.

    The snowfall is expected to last until this afternoon and the weather may affect traffic accessibility.

  • Serious bus accident on E22 – road closed

    A bus with 22 passengers has slipped off the road on the E22 in Hörby municipality.

    Four people are seriously injured and seven people have minor injuries, according to the police.

    The rescue operation is ongoing and the rescue service is on site with several units.

    “It is very slippery at the site,” the rescue service writes on Twitter.

    E22 has been temporarily closed in the northbound direction.

  • Details: 15-year-old arrested for murder

    A 15-year-old boy has been arrested on suspicion of the murder of a boy of the same age in Skogås, according to information to The Express.

    It was last Saturday that the boy was shot dead at a sushi restaurant in Skogås in Stockholm.

    At the time of the murder, the suspect must have been on the run from an HVB home, according to the newspaper’s information.

    A 17-year-old is already in custody on suspicion of aiding and abetting the murder.

  • Explosion on the Avenue

    Something has exploded in a stairwell on Avenyn in central Gothenburg, something like Gothenburg Post was the first to report on.

    The bomb squad has been called to the scene, the street has been blocked off and car and tram traffic has been temporarily stopped.

    – There was an explosion and a pane of glass was broken. It’s at a club or restaurant, says Anders Wennergren, officer on duty at the police.

    At this time, there are no suspects.

    – We have searched the area and we will see if there are cameras from the location, continues Anders Wennergren.

  • At least 17 dead in bus accident

    At least 17 people died when a passenger bus collided head-on with a truck in a tunnel in northwest Pakistan overnight Friday.

    The crash occurred in Kohat district of Khyber Pakhtunkhwa province.

    “We have transported all the dead and injured to a hospital in Kohat,” says Rehmat Ullah from the rescue service.

    Fatal road accidents are common in Pakistan.

    On Sunday, 40 people died when a bus crashed into a pillar, ran off a bridge and caught fire in Baluchistan province. (TT)

  • Whale died from debris in the ocean

    A sperm whale that washed ashore in Hawaii over the weekend likely died in part because it ate large amounts of fishing nets, plastic bags and other debris in the ocean, according to researchers.

    The 17-meter-long, 54-ton whale had enough foreign objects in the opening of its intestinal tract to prevent food from entering, according to Kristi West, director of the University of Hawaii’s Marine Biology Unit.

    “The presence of undigested fish and squid provides further evidence that there was a stop,” West said in a statement.

    The sperm whale had, among other things, seven types of fishing nets, plastic bags, six catch cages and fishing line in its stomach. (TT)

  • CIA: Crucial Months in the War

    The US intelligence service CIA assesses that the coming months will be “absolutely decisive” for the outcome of Russia’s war of aggression against Ukraine, according to the agency’s head, William Burns.

    – We assess that the decision will take place on the battlefield in the next six months, says Burns during a conversation at a university in Washington DC, according to CNN.

    The CIA assesses that Russian President Vladimir Putin is not serious about peace negotiations, he adds. (TT)

  • Chinese spy balloon discovered in the US

    Something suspected to be a Chinese spy balloon is floating high above the United States, writes AP.

    The Pentagon says it is monitoring and tracking the balloon, but has decided not to shoot it down because it does not want to put people on the ground at risk.

    The balloon should be as big as three buses, according to ABC News.

    A Pentagon spokesperson says they assume the balloon is flying over sensitive locations to gather information.

    Among other things, it has been seen over the Malmstrom military base in Montana, where the US has nuclear missiles placed.

    The news about the spy balloon comes just days before Foreign Minister Antony Blinken is expected to travel to China. It is unclear whether this will affect travel plans.

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  • Do you know what Annie Lööf will do now and will she receive any severance pay?


    In an interview with DN in December, Annie Lööf said that she wants to continue working with social change, perhaps in equality, diversity or green transition. But first she will take it easy for a few weeks and be with her family.

    Politicians do not receive severance pay. However, the Riksdag has a special income guarantee after a member resigns or is dismissed. It lasts up to 15 years.

  • The Stockholm Stock Exchange went up by over 4% today, but not a word written about this by AB?

    Peter Berg

  • Is it illegal to burn the Koran in Finland, because Erdogan now demands that it be so and because in the same breath he says he is positive to Finland’s application?

    Johnny Lesser

    Hey Johnny!

    Freedom of expression and freedom of demonstration are constitutional rights in Finland as well. But the Finnish National Police Board tells the news agency STT that similar protests cannot be approved in Finland.

    It would be considered a crime against the peace of faith to burn the Koran.

    All’s Well!

  • Has Hungary accepted and let Sweden’s NATO application go through?


    Hi Sophie!

    Hungary has not ratified Sweden’s NATO application. We reported briefly on this a few days ago, you can read more here.

  • Why no reporting on the incident in Hässleholm during last night until Wednesday morning?


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