Latest news – The defense gets a new torpedo for submarine hunting

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The defense receives a new torpedo for submarine hunting

today at 20:28 Annica Ögren

The Swedish Armed Forces have today received a new submarine hunting torpedo delivered to the navy with the aim of increasing the capability for underwater combat. This is announced by the Swedish Defense Materiel Administration (FMV) in a press release.

The new defense system, torpedo 47, becomes important for the ability to identify and neutralize foreign submarines. It is also particularly adapted to the special conditions around Swedish coasts.

The system will primarily be used by the Swedish submarines and the Visby corvettes, but is also prepared to be used on helicopters and primarily against submarines but also against surface ships.

Torpedo 47 is the fifth-generation light torpedo developed in Sweden and replaces today’s torpedo 45, writes TT.

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    The man was awake and able to speak when the ambulance and police arrived at the scene.

    – Now we will talk to others on the spot who have information to give and witnesses. We will do a crime scene investigation. But the investigation situation looks good.

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    Read more here.

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  • SMHI snow warning in southern Sweden

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    The warnings apply from 05:00 to 14:00 in western Götaland and from 07:00 to 16:00 in inner Götaland.

    – It is a bit uncertain how much of the snow will be able to settle on the roads, but it looks like it is an estimated five to ten centimeters of snow, says Alexandra Ohlsson, meteorologist at SMHI to TT.

    The snow can cause problems for traffic with slippage, slush or poor visibility.

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  • What happens in the Tove case?

    Katarina Berglund

    Hi Katarina,

    The last thing we reported on in the Tove case was that one of the young women suspected of murdering the 21-year-old has asked to change lawyers.

    You can read more about the case here.

  • Why don’t you write anything about all the chaos in Paris?


  • Swedbank works again, I see!

    T Thiger

    Ah! Wonderful to hear! ?

  • When are you fully vaccinated? Took 2 doses, should I take more?

    Good continuation!

    Mr. Viktor


    It depends a little on how old you are, and if you are otherwise perfectly healthy.

    Here you can read what the Public Health Agency recommends.

  • Why don’t you write anything about what is happening in Nagorno-Karabakh and that Azerbaijan has closed the road there for supplies?


    Hello Erik,

    We have noticed this and you can read more here.

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