Latest news – Taxi driver robbed in his car

  • Taxi driver robbed in his car

    A 35-year-old taxi driver has been robbed of contacts in his car in Västerås.

    The police were alerted to the robbery at 03.30 last night.

    Two black-clad and masked perpetrators allegedly threatened the man with some form of affection.

    The police are looking for the suspected robbers.

    No one has been arrested so far.

  • Latest news

  • The bathing summer is threatened by a shortage of chemicals

    This year there may be a shortage of chemicals that clean the emissions from sewage.

    It can affect the water we bathe in, TT reports.

    The reason is that several factories that produce the chemicals have closed as a result of the economic situation and high energy prices.

    One such chemical is hydrochloric acid, which cleans the water before it becomes drinking water or before we can bathe in it.

    – We know that a lack of cleaning chemicals results in impaired water treatment, which in the long run can make the water unusable, says Klara Westling, expert on sewage and the environment at the industry organization Swedish Water.

  • The polling stations in Greece have opened

    Newly married couple in a polling station in Athens early Sunday morning Photo: Thanassis Stavrakis

    Today, Greece goes to the polls for the second time in five weeks. The first round of elections was held on 21 May.

    At seven o’clock the polling stations opened and the first polling station surveys are expected to be presented at 7 p.m., according to AFP.

  • Large fire in industrial premises

    There is a strong fire in an industrial premises in Laholm, P4 Halland reports.

    The emergency services are on site with around 20 units and the police and ambulance are also on the scene.

    The police state that there are people written on the address, but that it is unclear if anyone was in the premises.

  • Human remains – may be missing actor

    Photo: Arthur Mola / AP

    In California, remains have been found in the area where British actor Julian Sands is believed to have disappeared, TT reports.

    It was in January earlier this year that Sands disappeared during a hike.

    According to local authorities, the remains were found by some hikers. The identification of the remains is expected to be completed by the end of next week.

  • 40-year-old man charged

    A man in his 40s has been charged on suspicion of sending a series of threats to both municipal and private businesses in Gnesta, writes SVT Sörmland.

    The various letters are said to have contained white powder, empty casings and a cartridge case and were sent to, among other things, the municipal hall, a sewage treatment plant, a school and a health centre.

    The white powder turned out to be regular flour.

    According to Sörmland News the man is suspected of six cases of unlawful threats. In questioning, he has denied that he is behind the letters, but among the evidence against him are handwriting analyses. (TT)

  • USA: Woman charged with murder after she abandoned her baby

    31-year-old Ohio woman charged with murder after leaving her 16-month-old baby alone, reports Independent.

    The woman who is now charged had gone on vacation for ten days to Puerto Rico and Detroit.

    A neighbor of the woman testified that it was not the first time the child had been left alone.

    “We told her to stop leaving her alone, but she kept going,” a neighbor told News 5 Cleveland.

    The woman is being held pending trial on $1 million bail.

  • Two explosions in central Klippan

    The police are on the scene in central Klippan during the night to Sunday after two unclear objects detonated in two nearby places an hour apart.

    At 23.52, the first alarm was received where an object had exploded in a parking lot.

    According to the police, there were no injuries from the first explosion.

    The second alarm was received on 01.11 and concerns an explosion near an apartment building 100 meters from the first explosion.

    – The windows are blown out and there are shards of glass everywhere. We are on the spot and talking to witnesses, says Peter Martinsson, officer on duty at the South police.

    Parts of the apartment building are cordoned off.

    The police are investigating whether there is any connection between the two explosions.

    – We are trying to find out what detonated and why. We are also looking into whether there may be a connection between the explosions, says Martinsson.

    There are currently no criminal classifications or suspects.

  • Musk on the rocket miss: Made a thousand changes

    No flawless postponement. Photo: Eric Gay/AP

    The Space X rocket Starship exploded four minutes after it lifted off from Earth on its maiden voyage in April this year.

    But now the founder of the spacecraft technology company Elon Musk believes that the drawings were revised and done correctly – hopefully.

    According to Musk, Space X has made over 1,000 changes and now believes that the rocket has a greater chance of successfully reaching the intended orbit in space.

    – It is perhaps about 60 percent, depending on how the separation goes, says Musk according to Bloomberg.

  • Lukas Jacobson


    Sister Marianne is dead – she was 97 years old

    Sister Marianne in 1954. Photo: Nils Andersson/TT

    Sister Marianne has died aged 97, reports Uppsala New Newspaper.

    Marianne Nordström was born in India in 1925 and in 1954 became the first nun in the Church of Sweden.

    – We ended up singing “In heaven”. Then she looked up again, a tear fell on her cheek and then her chin dropped and she was gone, says colleague sister Karin to UNT.

    Sister Marianne opened Alsike monastery where she welcomed refugees who came to Sweden. An activity received nationwide attention after the police raided the monastery.

  • Lukas Jacobson


    Woman dead – found in water

    A 25-year-old woman was found dead in the water outside Hisingen in Gothenburg on Saturday morning, reports Gothenburg Post.

    Relatives have been notified.

    The police are investigating it as a suspected murder.

    – It is to be able to continue work with interrogations, cordons and so on, says duty officer Magnus Schildt to the newspaper.

    Suspicion of crime is very low.

  • More and more people work for the state

    The state’s largest employer. Photo: Björn Lindahl

    The number of employees within government agencies is increasing in Sweden, TT reports with reference to the trade union newspaper Publikt.

    According to the State Treasury’s annual overview, the number has increased by approximately 7,000 this year compared to last year. Just over 248,000 employees work within Sweden’s 342 authorities.

    The police agency is the largest with 33,000 annual workers, followed by the Armed Forces with just over 23,000.

    Just over 40 percent of the authorities have fewer than 50 annual workers.

  • No one was arrested for the explosion in Vällingby

    No one has been arrested for the explosion in Vällingby during Saturday morning.

    The police have confirmed that some form of explosive charge detonated and the national bomb protection has been in place, TT reports.

    No one was injured, but there is damage to the door.

    – There is no one arrested in the case, and since the preliminary investigation is ongoing, we do not comment purely on police operations if there are any suspects, says Pia Glenvik to TT.

  • Woman taken to hospital after boat crash

    A woman in her 70s has been taken to hospital by ambulance after a boat accident outside Bovallstrand in Sotenäs municipality, reports P4 West.

    According to the radio channel, it must have been that one boat ran into another.

    A man in his 20s is now suspected of negligence in maritime traffic and causing bodily harm.

  • MC driver to hospital after accident

    A motorcycle driver has been injured in an accident in Råcksta outside Stockholm.

    The alarm came in at 14.47 on Saturday.

    According to the police website, according to initial information, the motorcycle ran into the side of a car.

    The motorcyclist has been taken to hospital by ambulance with unclear injuries.

    At the moment there is no suspicion of crime.

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  • Why is there nothing in the newspaper or about the possible strike that could affect Arlanda?


    Yes! You can find it here and here, among other things.

  • How is it that when I want to follow up your note about Russia sending wounded to the front with your reference to the magazine “The Insider” I don’t get a Google hit at all on any such magazine?



    It is probably because the article from The Insider is actually in Russian. But if you want to take a look at it, you will find it linked in the notice or here.

  • what kind of weather will it be in midsummer


    Hey Gunnel! It looks like it will be sunny in some parts. Here you can read more!

  • Someone asked what TT stood for?

    Maybe they wanted to know that TT stands for Tidningarnas Telegrambyrå

    and has been a reliable news agency in Sweden for over 100 years.


    Hello all readers 🙂

    There seems to be a lot of interest and divided opinions about what TT stands for, whether it is “Tidningarnas Telegrambyrå” or “TT Nyhetsbyrån”.

    So we clear it up once and for all.

    This is how TT writes on its website.

    “Our independent news agency saw the light of day under the name Tidningarnas Telegrambyrå in 1921. Today we are called TT Nyhetsbyrån and we make news that is read by almost all of Sweden”

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