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Swedish man found dead in Athens

13 January at 23.27 Nora Fernstedt

A 47-year-old Swedish man was found dead in a ventilation shaft in an apartment building in Athens on Sunday.

It reports Athens News Agency.

According to the police, the man fell from the sixth floor of the apartment building, located in the Exarchia area. He had been reported missing by his family in Sweden.

The police are investigating the incident, but do not suspect any crime.

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    – A technical investigation must be carried out on site. We have also knocked on doors in the area, says Monica Bergström.

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    No one has been arrested.

    “No further information about the case can be provided at this time,” the police write on their website.

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    Grume detergent introduced the new packaging last year. Photo: Press photo

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    The flames must be 50 meters high. Photo: Gintautas Geguzinskas

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    Two young women are suspected of murder and grave breach.

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  • Man in his 80s exposed to attempted murder

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    – The plaintiff has received some type of stab wound to the neck and has been taken to hospital by ambulance, says Jonas Eronen, press spokesperson at the police, to TT.

    The injured man is in his 80s. Barely an hour later, a 25-year-old suspect was arrested.

    – The people knew each other from before, but I can’t go into how. There are no more suspects, says Jonas Eronen.

    The incident is being investigated as attempted murder.

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  • Why do you allow the rampant electricity price that makes the electricity companies make billions while ordinary people sit and freeze at home, do not get food for the day or are allowed to leave their homes? Crazy!


    Reasonable question Markus. We don’t have the answer, but we’re trying to put it to those responsible.

  • Another try: is it illegal to on

    public place hanging out a doll with a famous person’s face?


    No. As long as there is no threat or incitement against ethnic groups or the like.

  • What does the law say about hanging a doll with a face mask similar to a person? If so, is there a difference between an ordinary person and the president of a foreign state?


    It is legal. Whoever the doll resembles.

    The appropriateness of the protest with the Erdogan doll is debatable. But it is not punishable.

  • What is the name of the Swedish chairman in 2023 in the EU?

    Thanks for reply ☺️


    Hi Gunilla!

    It is Sweden as a country that holds the presidency, not an individual Swedish person.

    Here you can read more.

  • What is meant by the earth metals found in Kiruna?


    There are 17 so-called “rare earths”, they are all metallic elements.

    LKAB has not specified exactly which ones they found.

    Here you can read more. At the bottom of the article there is a fact box with all the earth metals and what they can be used for.

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