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Sweden wants deeper defense cooperation with the United States

today at 12.42 Emil Forsberg

Sweden is preparing an agreement on deeper defense cooperation with the United States.

This is what Defense Minister Pål Jonsson (M) says during his speech at Folk och försvar.

– It will mean that we can get American support in place more quickly and make it easier for American forces to be able to operate in Sweden.

According to Jonsson, it is about storing American defense equipment on Swedish soil and what legal status Americans can have in Sweden.

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  • Prosecutor requests extended prosecution time in Tovefallet

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    However, Rullman states that they have a clear picture of how Tove died.

    “The investigation has a fairly clear picture of what caused the death,” he writes in an email to Aftonbladet.

    At the moment, he is requesting an extended prosecution period of two weeks.

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    Read more here.

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    check Ask your questions to the editors here!

    Latest news

  • Why does Tove’s investigation feel so strange? Long periods of detention for the girls who are in custody, the police being extremely secretive about the circumstances and a what feels like an unusual investigation? Can you boil down the circumstances so that you keep up with where you are now in the process?


  • Isn’t it the case that if it had been Russia that was behind the Nordstream attack, it would have been trumpeted out!?

    But maybe it’s not Russia and then you have to SILENCE it!

    That’s how the media works!!


    Hey Uff! At the moment there is nothing new to report about who is behind the sabotage. On Christmas Eve, we published an article on the hunt for perpetrators, citing European intelligence sources who are unsure of the Russian trail. You can read the article here.

    But the fact that we would, as you claim, “shut down” something is therefore not true.

  • Hey! Do you have any new info on how Jeremy Renner is doing?


    Hey! According to a spokesperson, Jeremy is said to be on the mend.

    – Jeremy continues to make progress and is now awake. He talks and is in good spirits. He will continue to be cared for in the intensive care unit as the situation is critical but stable, says the spokesperson.

    Here is our latest article about it.

  • Hello, I have a question. Do you know who is behind the attacks on Nord Stream yet?


    Hey! There is nothing that has been confirmed yet, so at the moment it is not known who is behind it.

  • How is Finland’s application to NATO going? Have they received the go-ahead from all countries?


    Hey! Hungary or Turkey have not yet ratified either Sweden’s or Finland’s applications to NATO.

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