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Spotify plans staff reductions

today at 08.47 Johanna Sundbeck

The Stockholm-based company at Spotify Technology may be affected by the streaming service’s planned cutbacks, reports the news agency Bloomberg, according to TT.

There is no information yet on how many employees may be affected.

A Spotify spokesperson declined to comment on the matter.

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    A suspected dangerous object has been found in a garden.

    The place is cordoned off.

    Read more here.

  • Russian ship participates in military exercises with China and South Africa

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  • Queuing on E18 after crash

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    The police are on their way to the accident.

  • Ulf Kristersson on eel fishing: It was done stupidly

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  • Food prices skyrocket – big increase in just one year

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  • Hi Lina, Do you think we would have reacted the same if it was a Bible that Paludan burned?


    Don’t know Peter. So probably don’t think anything special about it.

    But if that happens, we will report on any reactions ?

  • Hi, I know you can’t deny Rasmus Pauldan burning the Koran, but you can’t deny him protection now that there’s such a shortage of police officers. We have to put a stop to the Danish pig.

    Tobias Ljungberg

    Joakim Nergelius, professor of jurisprudence, explains how it works in this article.

    Oisín Cantwell pondered the question in this column last spring.

    Peter Kadhammar has also written about it, here you can read how he reasoned.

  • Why not just totally ignore Paludan when he burns the Koran!? After all, every individual who worldwide gets upset every time the Koran is burned makes themselves Paludan’s useful idiots. He thus gets exactly the attention he desires, plus a little more.


    In Råslätt in Jönköping, the residents chose to do just that – in the middle of the burning riot chaos last Easter.

    Here you can read about it.

  • Does the price increase for snus also apply to tobacco-free snus?


    It seems unclear.

    We have contacted Swedish Match regarding this, but they have not yet given an answer.

  • Should I, as a Swede, be upset by the burning of Swedish flags by offended people in, among other places, Ankara? In fact, I don’t care one bit! So easily offended, I’m glad I’m not ???


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