Latest news – Source: 0.0001 percent chance of Turkey voting on Finland’s NATO application

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Source: 0.0001 percent chance of Turkey voting on Finland’s NATO application

today at 14.33 Anna Sjögren

Today, the Turkish parliament was to take up Finland’s application for NATO membership.

But now another source says Helsingin Sanomat that it can be postponed.

– The probability [för att Finlands ratificering behandlas i dag] is 0.0001 percent, the official source told the newspaper.

According to the newspaper, it is very difficult to predict the agenda of the parliament, so that it is not excluded.

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    Ringhals 4. Photo: Annika Örnborg/Ringhals

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  • That Coop now lowers the price of fruit & vegetables for members only is strange! Have had fun now and compared the reduced prices against the other store we have here, and Coop is still more expensive despite its so-called reduction. Such good people! – Compare and buy the goods where it is cheapest, the basket I put together, I earn SEK 289 and then on a weekly transaction.


    Hey Maya! Yes, good advice for anyone who is close to several stores!

  • I think what is happening now in the economy is also good for teaching the common man that you have to live with margins and think ahead.


    Hello Peter! It is of course good to think about in cases where people have an opportunity to influence their margins.

  • That the consumption of fruit decreases must be good for public health due to the high sugar content of about 10% and nutritional poverty per unit of weight.


    Hi Lennart! Fruit has little other content than sugar, right? Then of course it depends on what you eat instead of fruit.

  • Aren’t you reporting live from the Tove case today?


    Hello! Yes, we do! Here you will find our live report.

  • Of course, the Swedes’ health will deteriorate when we are in times of crisis! Haven’t bought either fruit or vegetables myself since September -22. Almost only eat pasta with ketchup and oatmeal every day of the week to try to stay fit. Never gym again, no dentist or doctor, but if it’s an emergency, I call an ambulance. Am enough people who live like me?


    Hi Susanna! How tough for you, sending my thoughts and hope you can get some help in the situation you are in.

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