Latest news – Six people are indicted for the wave of violence in January

  • Six people are charged for the wave of violence in January

    Three different prosecutors have indicted a total of six people for crimes connected to the wave of violence in southern Stockholm in January.

    The persons are charged with attempted murder, preparation for murder and aggravated weapons offences.

    The crimes were committed on January 20, 21 and 22.

  • Latest news

  • Boy suspected of preparation for murder at school

    The police have stopped a planned murder at a school in Kristianstad.

    It was during Wednesday that the police became aware of the incident.

    A boy under the age of 15 has been brought in for questioning and also served with criminal suspicion of attempted murder. He has now been handed over to social authorities.

    The investigation is led by a Christoffer Ramqvist.

    – The case was opened yesterday. We don’t have all the material yet and at the moment we don’t want to say more, he says.

  • Alarm about the smell of smoke in apartment buildings

    SOS has been alerted that there is a smell of smoke in an apartment building in Vasastan in central Stockholm.

    According to the alarm, there must have been a smell of smoke in the stairwell.

    Police and emergency services have been called to the scene.

    Update: The police announce that the smell of smoke arose in connection with cooking.

  • Strike notice in rail traffic is postponed

    Seko has postponed the notice of strike until Monday.

    They assess that there is still room for negotiation.

    “The issues being negotiated are complex and all parties believe that more time could untie the knots,” writes Seko in a press release.

    Read more here.

  • Footbridge has collapsed – 27 injured

    A temporarily erected pedestrian bridge has collapsed in Espoo in Finland, reports Swedish EPN.

    A group of school students were on the bridge when the accident occurred.

    According to the rescue service, 27 people are injured, several of whom are children.

    The cause of the accident is currently unknown and the rescue work is ongoing.

  • Injured person found – suspected of having been the victim of a serious crime

    An injured person has been found in Köping. The police are on site with a large number of patrols.

    – The person is the victim of a serious crime, but we do not know how the injuries occurred, says Magnus Jansson Klarin, press communicator for region Mitt.

    The police have also called in a police helicopter, which is currently circling over Köping.

    The police are currently being tight-lipped about the incident.

    – We are working hard on this, and there are many question marks.

  • They are elected to the Swedish Academy

    Linguist David Håkansson and writer Anna-Karin Palm are elected to the Swedish Academy.

    Håkansson will replace the linguist Sture Allén in seat number 3, while Palm will replace the poet, writer and literary scholar Kjell Espmark in seat number 16.

  • Zelenskyy: Must wait with the counteroffensive

    President Zelensky. Photo: Efrem Lukatsky

    Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelenskyy says that Ukraine must wait with its counteroffensive against Russia, in an interview with BBC.

    He also says that Ukraine needs, among other things, more military equipment from the West before they can launch their counteroffensive.

    – We would for great human losses. It is not acceptable, he says, and continues:

    – So we have to wait. We still need a little more time.

    When and where the Ukrainian offensive will begin is currently not known.

  • C wants to change the reduction obligation

    The Center Party wants to lower the VAT for biofuel and adjust fees and taxes linked to the reduction obligation so that biofuel benefits, reports TT.

    – Want to abolish the carbon dioxide tax and lower the VAT on biofuel, says the Center Party’s climate policy spokesperson Rickard Nordin at a press meeting with party leader Muharrem Demirok.

    This makes it possible to lower the price per liter at the pump by up to four kroner, they both state. – This is in many parts a technical proposal, but it is also simple, says Demirok.

  • Man prosecuted for having spread sensitive information about the defence

    A 50-year-old man is charged with having spread secret and sensitive information about defense facilities in Sweden.

    Lars Hedvall, prosecutor at the National Security Unit, believes that the objects have a high protection value and a disclosure to a foreign power could cause great damage to the Swedish defense.

    In addition, it could make Sweden less able to defend itself in war.

    – I consider the crime to be serious because the information has touched conditions of great importance for the defense of the kingdom. The man is suspected of having promoted, cleared, procured and taken charge of this secret information. He has been behind and administered the database that was the basis for the exchange of secret information, says senior prosecutor Lars Hedvall.

    He is charged with gross unauthorized position with secret information.

  • One to hospital by ambulance helicopter after accident

    One person has been taken by ambulance helicopter to hospital after an accident in Norsjö.

    According to the police, it is a single-person accident.

    The extent of the damage is currently unclear.

  • Wind turbine in flames

    Two of the wings have fallen off the wind turbine. Photo: Mikael Nilsson

    There is a fire in a wind turbine outside Ystad.

    – Most likely there is some technical error. It is the house at the top and three wings that are on fire. Two of them have fallen, says Rickard Nilsson, line operator at the rescue service Syd.

    – It must burn down and go out, he continues.

    He also urges people not to go near the burning wind turbine.

    – The public should not approach the area, as there is still a risk of things falling down. It is on the back burner, but we still want people to think about it, says Rickard Nilsson.

  • Therefore, mosquitoes can be attracted by soap

    Three out of four soaps made the mosquitoes increase their interest in the people who washed themselves, shows a new study which reproduced in The Guardian.

    According to the researchers, the explanation may be that the soaps are perfumed and remind mosquitoes of nectar, something they have as an alternative source of nutrition to blood.

    However, the fourth soap – scented with coconut – made the mosquitoes recoil. It is explained by the fact that coconut oil is naturally repellent to mosquitoes.

  • Trump: “Can end the war within a day”

    Photo: Steve Welsh/TT Nyhetsbyrån

    Former US President Donald Trump claims that he could reach a peace agreement in Ukraine within 24 hours.

    But faced with the wall in a hearing arranged by CNN, he did not want to choose a side between Ukraine and Russia.

    Read more in TT’s article.

  • Six arrested after attempted robbery

    A 25-year-old man was the victim of an attempted robbery at midnight in the center of Vårberg in southern Stockholm.

    – He was beaten several times by other men. They tried to get him into a car, but he managed to break free, says Daniel Wikdahl at the police’s regional command center.

    The man did not need an ambulance to go to the hospital. Six men aged 20-25 have been arrested.

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  • Ask us

    check Ask your questions to the editors here!

  • To what extent do all these fires that have ravaged the world in recent years contribute? Have they caused us to get further from the climate target with emissions?


    Hello! Partially. The fires release large amounts of carbon from the vegetation in the form of carbon dioxide, which in turn further increases global warming.

  • Why does Russia celebrate a Victory Day from 1945? The Russian Federation was formed in 1991 and has nothing to do with WWII. At the time, Russia was only a state in the Soviet Union.


    Victory Day began to be celebrated in Russia after the fall of Nazi Germany in 1945. In fact, after the fall of the Soviet Union, the parades stopped for a while. But in 1995 the celebration was resumed again.

  • Danny Saucedo isn’t making his acting debut now is he? Wasn’t he in Evil?


    Entirely correct! He was an extra in the fight scene in Ondskan.

    However, he himself says that “Scenes from a Marriage” is his acting debut. Maybe he himself makes a difference between extras and acting?

    Regardless – well done Ninna!

  • Which party in Sweden is the 9th largest?



    The largest party outside the Riksdag, i.e. the ninth largest party, is the Nyans party. They received 28,352 votes, which is equivalent to 0.44 percent of the turnout in the 2022 election.

    In the 2018 and 2014 elections, the Feminist initiative was the largest, but they have retreated significantly and were in this election at 0.05 percent.

  • Shouldn’t journalists be able to tell the difference between them and them?


    Hi Ante! You may think so, of course, but we are not flawless and can make mistakes. We correct them when they are brought to our attention by our colleagues or our keen readers!

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