Latest news – Significant avalanche danger in the mountains

Latest news Significant avalanche danger in the mountains
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Significant avalanche danger in the mountains

today at 20.02 Nora Fernstedt

Photo: Mats Lennartsson/TT

Are you planning a Sunday trip to the mountains?

Then it may be time to think again – or at least stay up to date on the avalanche situation.

In southern Jämtlandfjällen, southern Laplandfjällen and western Vindelfjällen, the avalanche risk is assessed as “significant”, a third on the Environmental Protection Agency’s five-point scale, TT writes.

The areas are also warned of drifting snowdrifts, which means that snow blows in and accumulates on the leeward side of slopes.

At the same time, SMHI has issued a yellow warning for wind in combination with snowfall on Kalfjäll, which is valid until Sunday at 4 p.m.

“Unaccustomed visitors are advised not to go out on the mountain,” writes SMHI.

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  • Stoltenberg says no to Ukraine’s demands

    Jens Stoltenberg. Photo: TT / Olivier Matthys

    NATO Secretary General Jens Stoltenberg says no to Ukraine’s desire to get cluster weapons and phosphorus bombs.

    – NATO has neither recommended nor supplied this type of weapon. We send artillery and other types of weapons, but not cluster weapons, says Stoltenberg to the TV channel RTL at the security conference in Munich, reports VG.

  • Electric scooter exploded in apartment

    At around 18.30 the police were alerted to a fire in Hammarby Sjöstad in southern Stockholm.

    – Residents heard a bang and then there was smoke and a fire in an apartment, says Daniel Wikdahl, press spokesperson at the Stockholm Police.

    It turned out that an electric scooter had exploded while charging.

    The fire was quickly extinguished. There are no reports of any injured persons, but a dog did require treatment.

  • Teenagers shouted that they were going to shoot: “Playing a game”

    Early on Saturday evening, a large number of police patrols moved out to Östermalm ii in central Stockholm.

    Passers-by in the street had had things thrown at them from an apartment.

    – Among other things, they have thrown water balloons. At the same time, a person says that there are armed and masked people running around the apartment who shouted that they are going to shoot, says Daniel Widkahl, the police’s spokesperson.

    The police decided to send out patrols armed with reinforcement weapons.

    But on the spot it turned out to be teenagers with toy guns who were “playing a game”.

    – It is furiously thoughtless. It cannot have escaped anyone what crime we have to work with in the police region, says Wikdahl.

    He compares it to situations where young people brought soft air guns to school.

    – Then very dangerous situations can arise. If things get really bad, the police will find themselves in such a situation where they fire their service weapon.

    It is currently unclear whether a report will be made, and if so, about what.

  • Power back for most storm victims

    Storm Otto, which moved in over Sweden on Friday evening, caused major disturbances in the electricity networks during the night. The winds have now subsided and during the weekend there are no wind warnings left for the area.

    During the night, at most, more than 16,000 households were without power in large parts of Götaland.

    This morning, roughly 2,200 of Eon’s customers were still without power. Late in the afternoon, roughly 500 customers were still without power.

    – The goal is for everyone to have the power back tonight, said Peter Hjalmar, regional manager for Eon in southern Sweden, earlier today to TT.

    At its windiest, it was yesterday in Skåne and up along the west coast. Hanö and Falsterbo recorded the strongest village wind with just over 30 meters per second, according to SMHI. The limit for the hurricane is 33 meters per second.

    It is the Danish weather service that named the storm because it is in Denmark that the wind was expected to reach storm force first, according to SMHI.

    Ferries in Denmark and southern Norway also had to be cancelled.

  • Haavisto: Turkey considers that Finland meets the requirements

    Finnish Foreign Minister Pekka Haavisto. Photo: Antti Hamalainen/Lehtikuva via AP / TT

    Finnish Foreign Minister Pekka Haavisto states that Turkey has said that Finland meets the requirements of the tripartite agreement between Finland, Sweden and Turkey to join NATO, reports Svenska EPN.

    Haavisto says so in his speech at the international security conference in Munich.

    – Turkey has said that the things agreed upon in the tripartite agreement last summer have been fulfilled for Finland, says Haavisto during the ongoing security conference in Munich, according to EPN.

    In discussions that Haavisto has had with Turkish Foreign Minister Mevlüt Çavuşoğlu this week, the Turkish Foreign Minister has emphasized that Finland must negotiate with Sweden.

    However, Haavisto says that Finland has not been informed of Turkey’s final decision regarding the ratification of the country’s application.

  • The bailiff collects millions on the luxury of criminals

    Last year, a new law was introduced that allows the Crown Enforcement Officer to carry out foreclosures remotely.

    The law has become the authority’s new cash cow, reports DI.

    Last year, they collected SEK 145 million in online auctions, which is a nearly 40 percent increase compared to the year before.

    – It is a success, says Crown Commissioner Johannes Paulson to DI.

    Of the roughly 8,400 items that were sold, over 1,000 are linked to criminals. This applies, among other things, to a luxury watch from the brand Patek Philippe, worth SEK 450,000.

    In 2023, expect that the new law will bring in even more money for the state.

  • Woman detained on suspicion of murder

    A woman has been detained on probable cause suspected of the murder of a man in Malå, the police write on their website.

    During the night of Monday, a man in his 30s was found injured in a residence. He later died of his injuries.

    The woman was arrested and detained on Saturday.

    On Monday, a man and a boy under the age of 18 were arrested on suspicion of the murder. The man has been arrested, but the boy has been released.

    Another man was arrested on Wednesday, but has been released. The suspicions remain but have weakened.

  • German armed forces exposed to Russian hacker attack

    The hacker group “Anonymous Russia” claims to have attacked the website of the German Armed Forces.

    According to the group, it must be the site that was hacked.

    However, the site is operational at 3:30 p.m.

  • Chicken meatballs recalled after alarm

    Chicken meatballs are being recalled. Photo: Crown bird

    Kronfågel is recalling chicken meatballs because there is a risk that they contain listeria. The company says so in a press release.

    A total of 23 packs have been sold in a shop in Skärholmen in southwest Stockholm.

    “We take this incident very seriously and are now investigating with the supplier how this could have happened,” says Kronfågel’s quality manager Jonny Zackrisson in a statement.

  • Elderly woman was deceived by fraudsters – took bank cards and codes

    An elderly woman has been called by a person who stated that it was from a telephone company. By saying that they want to help the woman, they have tricked her into bank cards and codes, among other things.

    A person has also come to the woman’s residence and collected things.

    The police say that they have received information about a series of similar scams and urge people to talk to elderly relatives about the risk of fraud.

  • Woman to hospital after accident

    Emergency services and an ambulance were called during the afternoon to the E18 in the direction of Jakobsberg north of Stockholm due to a single vehicle accident.

    A woman was taken to hospital by ambulance helicopter and was not conscious.

    – She was not conscious and has not been identified either, says Daniel Vikdahl, press spokesperson for the police in the Stockholm region.

    The exit is completely closed, according to the Swedish Transport Administration.

    The accident is classified as gross negligence in traffic.

    The alarm came in at 2:46 p.m.

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  • Why doesn’t Sweden withdraw all aid to Turkey if the Turkish regime is going to mess with Sweden’s application. Feels like they want us to beg and beg to be let in by Turkey.


    Hello Fredrik! Wolfgang Hansson wrote quite well about Turkey’s block of the Swedish NATO application here.

  • Agree Boss, come with the facts when it’s ready. Getting a little childish. NATO here and NATO there, there are more important things in poor Sweden.

    Sigvard Holmberg

    Hello Sigvard! I think it is good to report continuously on the NATO process before it is finished. The fact that there are slightly different messages testifies to some kind of balancing act or that there may be different opinions on the matter. And so much time we don’t spend on these different statements that we can’t tell about other things. Last week, for example, we told about people who were affected by the increased electricity prices.

  • What you are arguing about Finland and Sweden entering NATO together one day, the next day Finland will enter alone ? it will be when it is.


    Hey Boss! It is as true as they say, it will be when it will be. And agree that there are slightly different messages from day to day. But it is of course interesting to follow the issue because it has always been said that the countries should and should enter the alliance together.

  • How many have been displaced by the tragic earthquake in Turkey/Syria?

    Mikael Adolfsson

    Hello! The death toll in the disaster has passed 45,000, reported Reuters previously today.

  • Did Otto pass by completely unnoticed? Because everything about the storm seems removed


    Hello! Yes, it probably wasn’t as bad as feared, but some are without power and the train service has not started for a while. What the storm has done will probably show more when people start to wake up. We have a new article in the works, so far the night is summed up in this one.

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