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22 January at 23.52 Lukas Jacobson

Several trucks started burning in Borås during Sunday evening, reports say Gothenburg-Posten.

– There were trucks of various sizes that were on fire. They were standing close to a building, but thanks to us being on the scene quickly, the building survived, says Bo Sandström, duty officer of the rescue service to the newspaper.

The trucks must be owned by a moving company.

Latest news

  • Germany allows Poland to send armored vehicles to Ukraine

    Germany will not stand in the way of Poland delivering the Leopard tank to Ukraine, TT reports.

    This was announced by the German Foreign Minister Annalena Baerbock on Sunday.

    Poland wants to deliver 14 tanks to Ukraine, writes TT.

  • Major police operation – people with weapons arrested

    Several police patrols are currently participating in an operation in Jordbro south of Stockholm.

    According to information to Aftonbladet, the police have stopped a car after a chase and arrested several people.

    They allegedly had weapons in the car.

    The text is updated here.

  • The Minister of Defence: The protests do not facilitate the NATO process

    Defense Minister Pål Jonson (M). Photo: Svt

    Defense Minister Pål Jonson (M) commented on the protests that were organized in Stockholm on Saturday in Svt’s Agenda.

    Partly Rasmus Paludan’s Koran burning outside the Turkish embassy and partly a protest against Sweden’s NATO membership.

    – It does not facilitate our conditions to become members of NATO, says Jonson.

    At the same time, Jonson emphasized freedom of expression and freedom of demonstration in Sweden

    Pål Jonson was supposed to have a meeting with Turkish Defense Minister Hulusi Akbar on January 27. But Turkey canceled it as a consequence of the protests.

  • Twelve injured in new mass shooting

    Twelve people were injured in a shooting at a nightclub in Baton Rouge, Louisiana, on Sunday night.

    That’s what the news agency writes AP.

    A person must be life-threateningly injured.

    The shooting happened at 01:30 last night.

    No one has been arrested after the incident and the motive is unclear – but the police say they have leads to go on.

    On Saturday night, at least ten people died in a shooting in Los Angeles, in connection with the celebration of the Chinese New Year.

  • Paludan: Didn’t turn out as I imagined

    Rasmus Paludan, leader of the Stram Kurs party. Photo: Fredrik Sandberg/TT

    Rasmus Paludan’s burning of the Koran has caused enormous reactions in Turkey, as well as in several other Arab countries.

    During Sunday’s protests in Istanbul, pictures of Paludan were burned.

    Now he says The Express that he had not expected the great commotion.

    – I thought that when I had scored against Turkey, “that was it”. It didn’t turn out the way I imagined, says Paludan.

    But he doesn’t regret it.

    – Oh no. I did it because I think there were important political reasons. Then I feel sad that so many people threaten to kill me.

    He says that the threat to him is more serious than before.

    – I receive very specific threats. On social media, I get maybe 20 messages a minute, five of which are threats.

  • The Turkish election is brought forward

    Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan. Photo: Vyacheslav Prokofyev/AP

    President Erdogan has announced that this year’s presidential election in Turkey will be brought forward and will be held on May 14 and not June 18, as originally planned. Reuters reports.

    Erdogan already hinted a few days ago if he intended to call an earlier election, citing religious holidays and school exams as the reason.

  • USA: Russian agents behind letter bombs

    Russian agents from Russia’s military intelligence service GRU may be behind the letter bombs sent to a series of embassies in Spain last November. It reports New York Times.

    Letter bombs were sent, among other things, to the Ukrainian and US embassies in Madrid, as well as to Prime Minister Pedro Sánchez.

    The statement comes from US authorities who are investigating the events.

    If true, it could be a signal that Russia may carry out more terrorist attacks in Europe if countries continue to provide military support to Ukraine, according to US authorities.

    The US suspects that the Russian intelligence service gave a far-right Russia-based group the task of sending the letter bombs, the newspaper writes.

  • Several dead in attack in Mogadishu

    A suicide bomber killed at least six civilians in an attack aimed at the mayor’s office in Somalia’s capital Mogadishu, writes TT with reference to the police in Somalia.

    Several buildings near the chancellery were damaged by the blast from the attack.

    According to the police, all employees at the mayor’s office escaped unharmed.

    The jihadist extremist group al-Shabab has claimed responsibility for the attack.

  • Compare the Koran burning with Kristallnacht

    Danish Rasmus Paludan with a smoking Koran in Stockholm yesterday. Photo: Andreas Bardell

    Erdogan’s advisor, Fahrettin Altun, compares Rasmus Paludan’s Koran burning outside the Turkish embassy to Kristallnacht in 1938 when Nazis burned Torah scrolls.

    Altun says so in a written interview with DN.

    He is close to the president and acts as Erdogan’s spokesperson when important messages are to be delivered.

    – Would the Swedish authorities dismiss even such terrible acts as freedom of expression in the current situation? The same applies to terrorist propaganda. Sweden has made certain commitments in Madrid. We have heard Swedish ministers claim that they have already done everything they have promised to do. Obviously, that is not the case, writes Altun, to DN.

    When asked how long this process can last, Altun replies:

    – It will take as long as it needs. Let me remind you that Greece vetoed Macedonia’s entry into NATO over a trivial issue, the country’s name, for a decade. Macedonia had to change its name to join NATO. Turkey’s concerns are much more serious. We are talking about terrorist attacks that have killed thousands of innocent people.

  • M: Make gang criminals pay for healthcare costs

    Stockholm opposition regional councilor Irene Svenonius. Photo: Claudio Bresciani/TT

    The moderates in the Stockholm region want perpetrators, convicted of having shot another person, not only to be forced to pay damages to the crime victim – but also to pay for the care costs to the region.

    It reports Stwho took note of the new proposal.

    – We want the region to be able to apply for damages via court to cover the taxpayers’ cost of healthcare, says opposition regional councilor Irene Svenonius (M), to Svt.

    If a perpetrator does not have enough assets to pay compensation, M wants the victim’s compensation to be prioritized over giving money to the region.

    How the party will push the proposal is still unclear.

  • Traffic accident in Helsingborg – major traffic impact

    A traffic accident between two cars has occurred on the E4 at Ödåkra in Helsingborg.

    – There are two cars that have collided, probably during an overtaking, says Patric Fors, press spokesperson at police region South.

    Police, emergency services and an ambulance have been called to the scene.

    – There do not appear to be any major injuries, says Patric Fors.

    According to the police, the accident causes heavy traffic on both E4 and E6.

    – It’s starting to drop more and more. But it’s still limited on E4.

    The police urge motorists to adjust their speed and their distance to vehicles in front.

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  • Hi, I know you can’t deny Rasmus Pauldan burning the Koran, but you can’t deny him protection now that there’s such a shortage of police officers. We have to put a stop to the Danish pig.

    Tobias Ljungberg

    Both yes and no. Type.

    Joakim Nergelius, professor of jurisprudence, explains in this article.

    Oisín Cantwell pondered the question in this column last spring.

    Peter Kadhammar has also written about it, here you can read how he reasoned.

  • Why not just totally ignore Paludan when he burns the Koran!? After all, every individual who worldwide gets upset every time the Koran is burned makes themselves Paludan’s useful idiots. He thus gets exactly the attention he desires, plus a little more.


    In Råslätt in Jönköping, the residents chose to do just that – in the middle of the burning riot chaos last year.

    Here you can read about it.

  • Does the price increase for snus also apply to tobacco-free snus?


    It seems unclear.

    We have contacted Swedish Match regarding this, but have not yet been able to provide an answer.

  • Should I, as a Swede, be upset by the burning of Swedish flags by offended people in, among other places, Ankara? In fact, I don’t care one bit! So easily offended, I’m glad I’m not ???


  • #Lina Thorén

    You answered Linn that the Koran burning hurt some people and that it doesn’t hurt anyone.

    These “some” that you claim are actually 57 countries and 1.6 billion people who are Muslims, so that event upsets every fourth person in the world. Do some reading before commenting on something you have no idea about


    Peter Sundsvall

    Hello Peter! I replied that it provokes some. As far as we know, no one has been injured in the fires.

    It is unclear whether every single Muslim in the entire world is outraged by the move.

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