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Scooter and car in collision

today at 17.28 Emil Forsberg

A snowmobile and a car have collided in Borlänge.

There is no information on the state of the damage.

– The resources are already in place, says the commanding officer of the rescue service, Daniel Holmstrand.

Latest news

  • Over 100 detained in Turkey after the earthquake

    More than 600 people are suspected of crimes in Turkey after the earthquake on February 6, TT reports.

    The suspicions against the accused mainly concern construction fraud and wrongly issued building permits, which is believed to have led to many buildings collapsing in connection with the earthquake.

    Around 173,000 buildings are believed to have collapsed or been destroyed in the quake.

    In total, 184 of the 612 suspects included in the investigations opened in Turkey have been detained.

    – We find new evidence in the buildings, which forms the basis for the criminal investigations, says Turkish Justice Minister Bekir Bozdag at a press conference, according to TT.

  • Woman dead in fire

    The police were alerted earlier on Saturday due to a fire that broke out in a villa in Mörbylånga on Öland.

    Now the police announce that a 65-year-old woman has been found dead in the villa. The woman’s next of kin have been notified.

    The police have drawn up a report of arson.

    – There is nothing to suggest that a crime has been committed. The classification of arson is because we cannot rule out crime, says Richard Lundqvist at the police.

  • Hungary can postpone the NATO vote

    Hungarian Prime Minister Viktor Orban. Photo: Szilard Koszticsak

    Hungarian Prime Minister Viktor Orbán’s chief of staff hinted on Saturday that the ratification of Sweden and Finland’s NATO applications could be postponed, Reuters reports.

    According to the chief of staff, it may take until the end of March.

    Orbán has previously said he supports Sweden and Finland joining NATO, but recently announced that Turkey’s concerns must be listened to.

    – When it comes to Turkey, they are also our allies and that is why we need to hear their voices.

  • Shooting at a restaurant

    The police have been called to a restaurant in Löddeköpinge in Kävlinge municipality after a hole in a window and damage to a parked car were discovered.

    On the spot, the police find that the injuries were caused by firearms.

    “The hypothesis is that it all happened sometime after 9 p.m. last night,” the police write on their website.

    No one is said to have been injured in the shooting. Forensic technicians and search dogs have been called to the scene to investigate the incident.

  • Caught on police surveillance camera – in the act

    On Friday, two people who are suspected of crimes were caught by being caught on film by police surveillance cameras in Stockholm.

    One of the people punctured the tires of a parked police car in Järva. In the second case, the person was filmed stealing technical equipment connected to one of the police’s surveillance cameras in the Old Town.

    Now the police are trying to identify the suspected perpetrators, they write on their website.

  • Spain: Patient does not have the Marburg virus

    Earlier in the day, Reuters reported that a 34-year-old man in Spain may have been infected with the deadly Marburg virus, citing health authorities in Valencia.

    Now the country’s health authority announces that it is not the Marburg virus that the man was infected with.

    The man took a test on Saturday which showed negative.

    However, the man has recently been to Equatorial Guinea, where an outbreak of the virus was previously detected, and he will be tested again in a few weeks.

  • Ikea evacuated

    Ikea in Uppsala has been evacuated.

    According to the rescue service in Uppsala, it must be an automatic alarm.

    The premises have been evacuated, but so far no fire has been established.

    – You think it’s a technical error, but of course we take it very seriously. They will go through the premises and then we hope to be able to open again, says Louise Ridell Ehinger, press contact at Ikea.

    Update 15:44: Ikea announces that the alarm was triggered due to a technical error.

  • Three to hospital after car crash

    Two passenger cars have collided on the E45 near the municipality of Kil.

    Three people have been taken to hospital, of which two adults and one child, the police write on their website.

  • Fire in governor’s house – tram stop closed

    A fire has broken out in a governor’s house in Majorna in Gothenburg.

    – There are people who saw flames shooting out of the window of an apartment in the house and raised the alarm, says Niclas Fågelqvist at the rescue service.

    The rescue service has nine units on site together with two management resources, of which both a response leader and a regional response manager.

    No people should be in the apartment and there are no reports of injuries.

    Västtrafik announces on its website that several tram stops for lines 3 and 9 have been withdrawn due to the fire.

    – This will take time to extinguish. Several hours, says Fågelqvist.

    Update: Shortly after 3:00 p.m., the emergency services announce that the fire is out.

  • Earthquake in Japan

    An earthquake with a magnitude of 6.1 has occurred on the Japanese island of Hokkaido, reports Reuters.

    There are no reports of personal injuries.

    No tsunami warning has been issued.

  • Earthquake in Wales

    An earthquake of magnitude 3.7 has struck in Wales, The Guardian reports.

    The earthquake struck shortly after midnight with an epicenter in the southern part of the country.

    Many people testify to a loud bang and shaking, but there are no reports of injuries after the quake.

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  • His name is Lukashenka or Lukashenko

    Klas Bergström

    Hello! In Sweden, we spell his surname as Lukashenko, but it should be pronounced with an “a” at the end.

  • Have you heard anything more about what happened in the Uppsala mall

    Tobias Ljungberg

    A suspected dangerous object had been found and the mall was evacuated. The national bomb disposal unit was called to the scene and it was later determined that the object was harmless.

    Read more here.

  • Why haven’t you written anything about the Russian ship that docked in Nynäshamn with Russian gas today??

    It is a bigger scandal when all EU countries including Sweden have to follow the sanctions!!!!

    LL Lindqwister

  • Hello, enter the Gym murder and they are released. Is the 17 year old who shot released too?


    Hello! All suspects have been released pending sentencing on March 10.

    The suspected shooter has been placed in SIS home.

  • Hello Hello!

    Why did you remove the post about the police going up with a large number of drones over Sthlm to monitor serious crime/gang criminals? Was the news not true? In that case, it was a great pity.

    Nice weekend!


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