Latest news – Russian oil reaches Europe via India

  • Russian oil reaches Europe via India

    3 min

    Clara Knäpper Bohman

    Imports of Russian crude reached record levels in India, with the country buying up to 1.95 million barrels of oil per day from Russia in May 2023, Reuters reports.

    Russian oil exports to India have increased sharply since the start of the war in Ukraine: 40% of India’s oil came in May from Russia.

    According to a report in The New York Times, most of the oil is imported by sea to the ports of Jamnagar in western India.

  • Latest news

  • Clara Knäpper Bohman

    21 min

    Mitsotakis leads in polling station survey

    Heading towards victory. Photo: Yorgos Karahalis / AP

    New Democracy and party leader Kyriakos Mitsotakis are leading according to the first polling station polls in the Greek election, reports AFP, according to TT.

    The party is estimated to get up to 44 percent, while the main opponent Syriza and party leader Alexis Tsipras are believed to get less than 20 percent in the second round of the election.

  • The world’s ugliest dog corrated

    Photo: Noah Berger

    The Chinese naked dog Scooter, 7, has been crowned the world’s ugliest.

    He clinched the win in Petaloma in the US state of California, TT reports.

    The owner Linda Elmquist was then awarded a prize sum of 1,500 dollars, which corresponds to around 16,000 kroner.

    – I am overjoyed and incredibly proud that Scooter has been named the winner of the World’s Ugliest Dog competition. Despite the challenges he faced with his deformed hind legs, against all odds, Scooter has shown us the importance of adaptation and determination, says Linda Elmquist, according to CBS News.

    Scooter was born with deformed hind legs and sometimes needs to get around with the help of support wheels – with that, the judges in the competition thought he deserved the title of the world’s ugliest dog.

  • Fire in apartment on Södermalm

    There was a fire in an apartment at Mariatorget on Södermalm in Stockholm on Sunday afternoon.

    – The fire has been confined to one apartment, but smoke has spread into the stairwell, says Henrik Jynnesjö at Greater Stockholm’s rescue centre.

    There is no information that people were injured or had to seek medical care in connection with the fire.

  • Clara Knäpper Bohman


    Erdogan calls Sweden’s terror law “toothless”

    In a telephone conversation between NATO Secretary General Jens Stoltenberg on Sunday, Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan claimed that Sweden’s new terror legislation is “toothless”, according to Reuters.

    In a little more than two weeks, the NATO summit will take place in Vilnius. Neither Hungary nor Turkey has yet ratified Sweden’s application.

    According to Erdogan, Turkey will not approve it as long as “PKK supporters are allowed to demonstrate freely in Stockholm.”

  • Clara Knäpper Bohman


    Gröna Lund is closed for seven days

    One person has died in connection with an accident at Gröna Lund in Stockholm. The park is closed for at least seven days.

    – Today is a day of mourning for Gröna Lund, says the amusement park’s CEO Jan Eriksson at a press conference.

    The accident happened at half past twelve on Sunday morning. Nine people were also injured, three of whom were seriously injured. Three children escaped with minor injuries.

    – What we know is that the front part of the train has partially derailed. The train has stopped in the middle of the track with one carriage leaning, says Annika Troselius.

  • Clara Knäpper Bohman


    Fire in Ystad under control

    Several homes have been affected by a fire that broke out in an apartment in a row of townhouses in Sövestad, just north of Ystad, during Sunday morning.

    The fire is now under control, the rescue service told TT.

    – We are there for surveillance and will be there all night, says Nadia Hellsten, alarm and command officer at the rescue service south.

  • Clara Knäpper Bohman


    Press conference about Gröna Lund at 5 p.m

    After the tragic accident at Gröna Lund, the theme park’s spokespersons will hold a press conference at 5:00 pm at Hasselbacken in Stockholm, TT reports.

  • Nine injured after accident at Gröna Lund

    Three people were seriously injured in the accident. Photo: Aftonbladet

    Nine people have been taken to hospital after the accident at Gröna Lund, Region Stockholm announces.

    Three people are seriously injured, while the others have minor injuries.

    Three children are taken to Astrid Lindgren’s children’s hospital with minor injuries.

    – The medical intervention on site has been completed and the region’s hospitals are working together to take care of the injured. We have good preparedness in our emergency departments, says Patrik Söderberg, chief physician for pre-hospital care at Region Stockholm.

    One person has died after the accident, according to Gröna Lund.

  • Clara Knäpper Bohman


    The Minister of Culture on the accident: Unbelievable

    Minister of Culture Parisa Liljestrand. Photo: Marko Säävälä/TT

    After the serious accident at Gröna Lund in Stockholm, Culture Minister Parisa Liljestrand (M) writes in a statement to TT:

    – It is unimaginable to hear the news about the terrible accident at Gröna Lund. I visited the theme park myself with my family recently and can’t even imagine the feeling when the happiest of days suddenly turns to the worst.

    Liljestrand continues:

    – My thoughts go out to the victims and their families and loved ones.

  • Seven people injured in the accident

    Seven people have been injured in the accident at Gröna Lund, the police announce.

    It concerns both children and adults, and the people are now being treated in hospital.

    For some of the people, it should not be “serious injuries”.

    – The extent of the damage is unclear, says Helena Boström Thomas, press spokesperson for the Stockholm Police.

    One person has died, according to Gröna Lund.

  • Clara Knäpper Bohman


    Several dead in Russian airstrike in Syria

    At least eleven people were killed in Russian airstrikes in northwestern Syria during Sunday morning, TT reports.

    Seven of the dead are reportedly civilians.

    About thirty people have also been injured, most of them in an airstrike in the rebel-held province of Idlib.

    The Russian forces are fighting for Syrian President Bashar al-Assad. According to the London-based Syrian Observatory for Human Rights, the Russian military says the airstrike is a response to deadly drone strikes by rebels in the area.

  • Clara Knäpper Bohman


    Kristersson: The Russian situation is an internal Russian matter

    Photo: Jessica Gow/TT / TT NEWS AGENCY

    – The situation in Russia is an internal Russian matter,” states Prime Minister Ulf Kristersson (M) in a text message to TT.

    Yesterday, an extraordinary meeting of the National Security Council was held on Sunday due to the domestic political developments in Russia.

    – The government follows developments closely and maintains close contact with Sweden’s international partners. The West’s and other countries’ support for Ukraine does not change as a result, says Kristersson.

  • Gröna Lund: “Will not open until we investigate”

    Annika Troselius, information manager at Gröna Lund, says that they will not open again until the accident has been investigated.

    – We currently do not know how this could have happened. We won’t open until we get to the bottom of it. We are not even currently talking about opening again, she says.

    One person has died and several people are injured after an accident occurred on the Jetline roller coaster today.

    – We don’t know how it could have happened. As it stands now, it appears that the train on the Jetline roller coaster has partially derailed, causing several people to fall out of the carriage.

    read more here

  • Putin after the Wagner coup: The war is the highest priority

    Continues to avoid calling the war a war. Photo: Gavriil Grigorov / AP

    Russian President Vladimir Putin speaks out for the first time since the Wagner Group announced it would halt its advance in Russia, reports The daily newspaper.

    – I am in constant contact with officials in the Ministry of Defence. The “military special operation” has the highest priority, says Putin.

    Since the war began, Putin has called it a “military special operation”.

    Furthermore, he says that he feels confident that all plans related to the war will “come to fruition”.

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  • Will Gröna Lund’s press conference be broadcast live?


    Hello! Yes, we will broadcast it live here.

  • How do you get robbed of your contacts? Is someone forcing you to open your phone copy your contacts? Or was he old-fashioned and kept everything in a notebook?


    Heh. Cash, of course, it would be. Thanks!

  • What do the martial laws introduced today in Russia mean?


    Here you can read a little about what the martial laws meant.

  • Why is there nothing in the newspaper or about the possible strike that could affect Arlanda?


    Yes! You can find it here and here, among other things.

  • How is it that when I want to follow up your note about Russia sending wounded to the front with your reference to the magazine “The Insider” I don’t get a Google hit at all on any such magazine?



    It is probably because the article from The Insider is actually in Russian. But if you want to take a look at it, you will find it linked in the notice or here.

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