Latest news – Residential building has collapsed in Buenos Aires – two dead

Residential buildings have collapsed in Buenos Aires – two dead

today at 12.33 Anna Sjögren

A residential building has collapsed in Argentina’s capital Buenos Aires.

According to the local rescue service, a man and a 12-year-old girl have died in connection with the slide.

An infant and a woman have been rescued from the mobs but more people are said to be trapped in them.

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  • Russia expels Norwegian diplomats

    Ten Norwegian diplomats at the Norwegian embassy in Moscow have been informed that they must leave Russia shortly.

    Norway’s Ministry of Foreign Affairs confirms this for NTB on Wednesday, TT reports.

    According to the Norwegian Foreign Ministry, the Russian authorities state that it is a reaction to Norway’s decision to declare 15 employees of the Russian embassy in Oslo as undesirable in Norway.

  • The Danish police hold a press conference about the Filippa case

    13-year-old Filippa disappeared when she was going to hand out newspapers in the village of Kirkerup in Denmark on Saturday 15 April. The last trace from the girl is a phone call to her bonus dad around 11.30 when she tells him that she is on her way home. On Sunday, April 16, she is found alive.

    In connection with her being found, a 32-year-old man was arrested.

    The police are holding a press conference on Wednesday about the police investigation against the 32-year-old, who has been in custody since April 17, accused of deprivation of liberty, several cases of rape and threats of violence.

    The man is now also suspected in the Emilie Meng case in 2016, Danish police announce.

  • Proposal C: Let the Correctional Service deal with seriously criminal young people

    During the week, the Center Party will present new budget proposals.

    Among other things, the party wants to transfer the responsibility for young people who commit serious crimes from SiS to the Correctional Service as part of a SEK 325 million investment to combat new recruitment to gangs.

    The center also wants to see a skills investment for people in social services where they want to be able to see career services similar to those in healthcare.

    The proposals also include investment in compulsory education for all family homes.

  • Strep throat and coccyx spread in preschools

    Region Västerbotten has noticed an increase in streptococcal infections during the spring, reports SVT News Västerbotten.

    Strep throat and coccyx, which are caused by A streptococci, are spreading in preschools in the county. The symptoms of colic are redness around the anus and itchy blisters. It is mainly transmitted by droplet infection and by skin contact.

    – They are children in diapers and you see it when you change diapers. Small children usually don’t get strep throat, but this way instead, says Gunilla Persson, assistant infectious disease doctor, to SVT.

  • Swedes remaining in Sudan must get to the airport themselves

    Around 150 Swedish citizens are estimated to remain in Sudan.

    Evacuation flights are still running, but Swedes who want to leave Sudan must get to the airport themselves after making their own risk assessment.

    This is what the Ministry of Foreign Affairs writes in an email to TT.

    In the past, there have been convoys to the airport north of Khartoum, but that is not possible now.

  • EU’s climate package largely ready: Changing the playing field

    Environment Minister Romina Pourmokhtari (L) Photo: Jonas Ekströmer/TT

    The EU’s Fit for 55 climate package has largely been negotiated.

    The package contains a series of decisions on how the countries should reduce emissions and change, including electrification, emissions trading and bans on fossil-fueled cars, TT reports.

    According to the government, the package changes the game plan for climate policy and the green transition in the EU.

    – The most important thing is that we have managed to push forward that more countries can contribute, says Environment and Climate Minister Romina Pourmokhtari (L) at a press meeting about the climate package.

  • Russian military aircraft flew over the Baltic Sea

    On Wednesday morning, German aviation detected three Russian military aircraft in international airspace over the Baltic Sea.

    This is what the German air force Luftwaffe writes on Twitter.

    The plane must have flown without transponder signals.

    The three planes were of the Suchoi-Su-27 and Ilyushin Il-20 models.

    According to the German Air Force, it was German and British forces that discovered the plane.

  • The police have cordoned off the area – suspected serious crime

    Police on site at the synagogue at Betaniaplan in Malmö on Wednesday morning. According to the police, a suspected serious crime is being investigated. Photo: Johan Nilsson/TT

    The police are on the scene at Betaniaplan in Malmö in connection with a suspicion of a serious crime.

    – We received information about it during the night and since then we have been on the scene and will continue to be so during the morning, says Katarina Rusin, press spokesperson for the police region South.

    An area around several properties has been cordoned off. It is now being searched by the police.

    – It is within this cordon, both indoors and outdoors that you search, says Katarina Rusin.

    Skånska Dagbladet writes that it is the synagogue and the Jewish congregation’s association house that have been cordoned off.

    Read more here.

  • Employment is increasing in the labor market

    Unemployment was stable in March at 7.3 percent according to trend values ​​from Statistics Sweden (SCB), compared to previous months.

    Employment rises at the same time, reports TT.

    “The situation on the labor market continues to look good, employment and hours worked are increasing. The positive development in the labor market is now primarily driven by women,” writes Louise Stener, statistician at the Labor Force Surveys at Statistics Sweden, in a press release.

    According to Statistics Norway, unemployment is believed to increase to 8.4 percent next year.

  • 1,600 evacuated civilians have reached Saudi Arabia

    A house destroyed in recent fighting in Sudan’s capital, Khartoum. Photo: Marwan Ali AP/TT

    A boat with 1,687 civilians from over 50 countries who have fled the violence in Sudan has arrived in Saudi Arabia on Wednesday morning, TT reports.

    The group “was transported by one of the Kingdom’s ships, and the Kingdom was keen to provide all the basic needs of foreign nationals in preparation for their departure,” the country’s Ministry of Foreign Affairs wrote in a statement.

    13 of the civilians who arrived on Wednesday are Saudis, the rest come from countries in the Middle East, Africa, Europe, Asia and North and Central America.

  • SAS has lost four billion in five months

    SAS has lost four billion Swedish kronor between November and March.

    This is stated by the airline in a press release.

    Since last summer, the company in crisis has started a so-called Chapter 11 process in the USA, an application for bankruptcy protection.

  • Details: 48,000 troops in Ukrainian spring offensive

    Ukraine is preparing a counter-offensive against the Russian forces already in May.

    The reports the New York Times which refers to sources within the US administration.

    According to information from the Pentagon leak, 12 brigades with 4,000 soldiers each are expected to be ready for battle at the end of April, i.e. a total of 48,000 soldiers.

  • Major power outages cause disruptions to subway traffic

    A major power outage causes problems in subway traffic in Stockholm on Wednesday morning, SL reports.

    There has been a stop on all lines – but the green line, among other things, should now be up and running again, according to SL’s press service. However, SL still writes on its website that it is “stopped” and travelers tell Aftonbladet that trains are at a standstill.

    – It is Svenska kraftnät that has had a power outage and it has affected the whole of Stockholm’s inner city. Traffic should now be running again in some areas but not in all, says Helene Jakobsson, press spokesperson at SL.

    – Technicians are working to restore power on the tracks to the red and blue lines, she continues.

    There is still no forecast for when traffic can resume.

    The broadcast on SVT1 has also been down for a couple of minutes as a result of the power cut.

    Read more here.

  • Technical problems for the Morning Pass in P3

    During the morning, radio channel P3 had technical problems. Periodically, there has been complete silence on the radio.

    Just before 07:00, the broadcast was up and running again.

    – We have had some interruption management, we switched over to the radio channel “Din Gata” due to some technical problems, says David Druid, program manager for Morgonpasset.

    At the same time, the presenters regret the embarrassment of the interruption occurring just when SVT director Jan Helin is visiting the studio.

    The interruption may possibly be related to a major power outage such as P4 Stockholm reports on, which affected traffic lights, subway traffic and SVT’s broadcasts.

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  • Regarding spies, how many do we have in Europe, all countries have spies, I think it is foolish to say that you and those countries have so and so many spies, then all countries have them.

    Ferko Tan Mercovich

    Hi Tan! Don’t understand the criticism. Shouldn’t we report on what it looks like in our area because it exists in all countries? Sounds a bit strange I think.

  • Is it some Russian hacker attack that knocked out Forsmark?


    Hi Monica! According to Svenska Kraftnät, it is maintenance work that has gone wrong. Read our report here.

  • According to, there are stops on the green line, Ldingöbanan and Tvärbanan. Roslagsbanan turns the trains around at Mörby. The red line does not run between Hornstull and T-Centralen and the blue line between Stadshagen and Huvudsta and Solna centrum.


    Hi Alexander! We report on this in this article. It seems that the safest means of transport today is unfortunately a boat.

  • Where can you find today’s electricity prices/average on your website


  • Why don’t you write anything about Biden running for re-election in 2024? Is it only Trump that applies.


    Hi Tobe! It’s not just Trump that matters! Here you can read about Biden running for re-election!

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