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Rescue operation at watercourses in Solna

today at 14.32 Johanna Sundbeck

The police and the rescue service have been alerted to Solna due to a drowning accident at a bathing area on Sunday.

– Clothes have been seen on the ground next to the watercourse. A police patrol is working together with the emergency services on site, says Towe Hägg, press spokesperson for the police in the Stockholm region.

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  • Expert: Historic increase in fatal shootings

    The fatal shooting in Rinkeby on Christmas Day was the sixty-second this year. The increase in deadly conflicts is historically large, says Manne Gerell, researcher at Malmö University.

    – We have an increase of 38 percent compared to last year and 30 percent compared to the worst year we have seen. It is rare to see such big changes. Although the numbers are low, from 45 to 62, it is a very large increase, he tells TT.

    There is no clear answer to why so many have been shot dead this year. One hypothesis that is highlighted is that the gangs have been pressured by the large crackdowns that the police have carried out against the drug trade.

    – Something has happened. It has gotten worse, but exactly why is hard to say, says Manne Gerell.

  • One to hospital after single accident

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    That after an alarm about a single accident.

    One person had to be taken to hospital in an ambulance in connection with the accident.

  • Xi wants to see “patriotic campaign” against covid

    China abruptly abandoned its strict zero-covid policy in early December. Now the country’s president Xi Jinping is commenting for the first time on the upheaval, reports TT.

    “Currently, the work on the prevention and control of covid-19 in China is facing a new situation and new tasks,” Xi writes in an authority directive, according to the state television channel CCTV.

    The Communist Party’s sharp u-turn in virus policy, with asserted travel restrictions and a halt to lockdowns, has, according to consensus, caused the spread of the infection to flare up.

    “We should launch a more targeted patriotic health campaign, strengthen a locally-based line of defense for epidemic prevention and control, and effectively protect people’s lives, safety and health.”

  • One in ten species will become extinct within 80 years

    The forecasts in two new studies show that the future looks very bleak for animal life on earth, writes TT.

    In the best case, we will “only” lose between 10 and 15 percent of all animal species by the turn of the next century – this on the condition that we succeed in curbing the increase in temperature and stopping the destruction of habitats.

    If we fail, the losses will be much worse – around 30 percent.

    In one study, which is published in Scientific Reports, Japanese scientists have started from the five major mass extinctions that previously affected life on Earth, the first 445 million years ago, and the most recent 66 million years ago when the dinosaurs died out.

    The researchers note that four factors determine whether a true mass extinction will take place: severe climate change, deforestation over large areas, severe pollution by mercury, carbon monoxide and carbon particles, and a reduction in sunlight reaching the Earth’s surface.

  • Millions worth of cocaine was received – in a juicer

    Customs in Germany checked a package with a juicer that was on its way to a Swedish man in his 20s.

    Then they found cocaine with an estimated value of two and a half million kroner, reports say P4 Kristianstad.

    When the man in his 20s had picked up the package, he was arrested. Now he is charged with serious drug crime and serious drug smuggling.

  • Lowest gas prices in six months

    At Christmas, the prices of natural gas, or fossil gas, were the lowest in six months on the Dutch stock exchange TTF, reports TT.

    The price was 83 euros per megawatt hour. It can be compared with when the price was at its highest, in August. At the time, it was 350 euros per megawatt hour.

    According to the site Trading Economics, the trend seems to hold for a while into January.

    The reasons for the decline are well-filled gas stocks in Europe, mild weather, a lot of wind power and forecasts of higher than normal temperatures in the coming weeks or weeks.

  • Fire in villa – smoke divers on their way in

    There is a fire in a villa in the municipality of Kil.

    The alarm came to SOS Alarm at 11.16.

    The emergency services are on the scene with five extinguishing vehicles to fight the fully developed fire.

    – There is a fire developing in the villa. Smoke divers are on their way in, says an operator at SOS Alarm who is responsible for the rescue region Bergslagen to NWT.

    An ambulance is also on site.

    According to SOS Alarm, there is a fire in the villa’s kitchen and facade.

    There is no information that people should be inside the villa.

  • No one arrested after Rinkeby shooting

    No one has yet been arrested after the shooting death in Rinkeby in northwest Stockholm on Christmas Day.

    – We have investigative work that will continue over the weekend, says Towe Hägg, press spokesperson for the police in the Stockholm region.

    The police will have an increased resource in the area.

    – We continue to follow up information that needs to be checked and talk to those who we think may have information to provide, says Towe Hägg.

    Any cameras in the area will also be inventoried.

    According to information to Aftonbladet, the man who was shot to death belonged to the criminal network Dödspatrullen. He was also suspected of having tricked “Einar” Grönberg, to the place where the artist was murdered, according to Aftonbladet’s information.

    read more here

  • Crash on E4 west of Kalix – at least one to hospital

    Two motorists have collided on the E4 west of Kalix. A total of six people traveled in the cars.

    Accessibility on the stretch of road is affected, the police write on their website.

    At least one person was taken to hospital by ambulance. The extent of the damage is unclear.

  • Large protests against blockade in Nagorno-Karabakh

    On Sunday, thousands of people protested in the city of Stepnakert in the Nagorno-Karabakh region against a blockade that cuts off Armenia from Nagorno-Karabakh, reports France 24.

    The blockade has been going on for over two weeks and Armenia believes that Azerbaijan is behind it.

    The US and the EU have called on Azerbaijan to reopen the road, as the blockade risks having serious humanitarian consequences, writes Reuters.

    However, Azerbaijan denies that it is they who are blocking the road, and instead believes that Russian peacekeeping forces have closed it.

  • IF Metall becomes feminist – SD critical

    After a change in the charter in December, IF Metall is now a “feminist trade union”.

    This means that as elected representatives you must share the union’s values.

    Martin Gunnarsson, union secretary for IF Metall, justifies the change in the bylaws with the fact that women are usually treated worse than men in the labor market context.

    The new announcement is criticized by the chairman of the labor market committee, Magnus Persson (SD).

    – This is something that you invent so that you can still keep thousands of people out, says Magnus Persson, to SVT.

    Persson, who was a trade union representative within the LO confederation Byggnad, was forced out because of his political commitment within the Sweden Democrats.

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  • Hey! There have been many colds now, I wonder if it has something to do with the fact that many people have taken the corona vaccine, so sometimes I wonder if that is what affects the fact that many people have colds.

    Nadire Dzeljily

    Hi Nadire! It is true that many people have colds now. The Public Health Authority writes on its website that “several systems show that many people in the country are sick with respiratory symptoms or fever”.

    The Swedish Public Health Agency explains that this may be due to the increasing spread of influenza as well as covid-19 and RSV.

    Hope you stay healthy!

  • Regarding the fire in Orsa. It says that no people were hurt, but how many birds burned inside?


    Hey Ollie! According to Mora Newspaper there were roughly 150 chickens that unfortunately could not be saved.



    Thanks Anthy! Merry Christmas and good luck!

  • I also had a power outage but a UPS saved Christmas Eve and Donald Duck! Completely pitch black in the house but the TV and internet continued to work!


    Smart to be ready Nicklas!

    Good tips!

  • Are you working tomorrow?

    Merry Christmas!


    Here at the editorial office, there is someone who works every day, all year round! Merry Christmas, Harald! ?

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