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Prosecuted after pub talk about patient

today at 02.20 Johan Edgar

A woman in her 50s sat in the pub and told about a patient – now she is charged with breach of confidentiality, writes Sundsvalls Tidning, TT reports.

The woman, who is employed at Sundsvall’s hospital, has confessed to the crime. According to the indictment, during the pub visit, she must, among other things, tell where the patient was treated and information about the health.

The victim is demanding SEK 20,000 in damages.

Latest news

  • Want to increase privacy protection for hunters

    The Swedish Environmental Protection Agency is proposing changes to increase privacy protection linked to hunting and hunters, as it happens that those who carry out protection and license hunting are exposed to threats and harassment, writes TT.

    The authority wants to strengthen the protection of information about weapons, about the person applying for protection hunting and to strengthen the protection of authorities’ information about hunters.

    However, it should still be possible to issue a decision on hunting, but then with personal data masked due to confidentiality.

  • Peru’s president arrested – accused of coup d’état

    Pedro Castillo, now ex-president. Photo: Martin Mejia/AP/TT

    Peru’s President Pedro Castillo has been ousted and arrested after attempting to dissolve parliament.

    The whole thing is described as a coup d’état.

    A resounding majority in parliament, 101 to 6, voted to impeach the president.

    His replacement, Vice President Dina Boularte, has already been sworn in.

    The shift is historic, as Boularte becomes the country’s first female president.

    “I reject Pedro Castillo’s decision to break the constitutional order by dissolving Congress. It is a coup d’état that worsens the political and institutional crisis,” writes Boluarte on Twitter.

  • Halo around the moon tonight: “Very nice”

    Night owls in the Stockholm area were able to enjoy an unusual sky phenomenon this evening.

    Anyone who looked up could see a brilliant halo around the moon.

    Truck driver Fredrick, 40, saw the moon ring in Bålsta during a break.

    – I thought it was unusually bright. So I looked up, what the hell is that?

    – It’s the first time I’ve seen one like that. It’s very nice in December, a little extra Christmasy,

    Halo phenomena occur when sunlight or moonlight is refracted and reflected by ice crystals floating in the atmosphere, according to SMHI.

  • The Taliban have carried out the first execution

    For the first time since the Taliban took power in Afghanistan in 2021, a man has been publicly executed, writes Al Jazeera.

    The man was shot dead in front of hundreds of people, including several high-ranking Taliban, in the western province of Farah.

    The shot was fired by the victim’s father.

    The convicted man received the sentence after killing another man five years ago. He also stole his victim’s motorbike and mobile phone.

    The decision on the execution comes after Taliban leader Akhunzada last month ordered judges to fully apply parts of Sharia law that include public executions.

  • Voi cuts down – 130 positions disappear

    Last summer, 35 services from Voi disappeared in a first savings package. Photo: Martina Holmberg / TT

    The electric scooter company Voi is coming up with a second savings package in a short time.

    Now around 130 jobs are disappearing, write DI.

    The 130 positions correspond to 13 percent of the workforce. According to the company, approximately 70 full-time employees will have to leave, while the rest are consultants and fixed-term employees or have been vacant.

    Last year, the company made a loss of SEK 888 million.

    “This is a tough decision to make and something we do not take lightly,” writes Voi in a press release.

  • Suspected fire at school in Trollhättan

    A person saw smoke from the roof of Lyrfågelskolan in Trollhättan this evening, according to an alarm received by SOS Alarm at 8:45 p.m.

    It reports the newspaper ttela.

    Emergency services and police have been sent to the scene.

    It later turned out that there was no fire involved.

  • SMHI warns of more snow

    SMHI has issued warnings for heavy snowfall in the coming days. Photo: Magnus Wennman

    Cold temperatures and lots of snow are expected in the coming days.

    SMHI warns that there may be heavy snowfall on the west coast and in Västerbotten.

    A yellow warning has been issued for the southern half of Västra Götaland County and the northern part of Halland County. There it is expected to be 5 to 15 centimeters of snow.

    There are also snow warnings in parts of Västerbotten County. A heavy snowfall of around 10-15 centimeters is expected there during the day. Something that can lead to limited accessibility in traffic and also delays in bus trains and air traffic.

    Here you can read more and see the forecast.

  • Police instructor fired shots inside car

    In connection with an exercise, a police officer from the task force fired a shot, writes Sydsvenskan.

    The incident occurred in connection with the instructor preparing his automatic weapon for the exercise.

    Then he accidentally fired the shot while converting the weapon to a practice weapon.

    No one was around.

    The prosecutor has dropped the preliminary investigation on the grounds that there is no reason to bring charges.

    It will not count as misconduct as the shot was fired in connection with a duty exercise.

    The police personnel responsibility board has decided on a disciplinary sanction in this case salary deduction.

  • Woman found dead in residence

    A woman in her 60s has been found dead in a home in Ljusne.

    The police suspect that a crime may have caused the death, they write on their website.

    Cause of death must be determined through a forensic examination.

    There is currently no suspect. The police have launched an investigation into causing the death of another.

    Relatives have been notified.

  • Major train stoppage – problem at the Swedish Transport Administration

    Right now there is a big train stop, including in Mälardalen, Östergötland and Stockholm, due to the Swedish Transport Agency’s telephone being down.

    – We are in the process of looking at what it is, but we have to stop the traffic as a pure safety measure, says Trafikverket’s press manager Bengt Olsson.

    It is currently unclear whether all trains in the entire country have been stopped or only in certain parts.

    SJ writes on its website that there is a stop to train traffic through Stockholm.

    There is no forecast for when the problem may be fixed.

    Read more here.

  • Rental bikes are stopped – may catch fire

    Just over 1,000 electric rental bikes are removed Photo: Stina Stjernkvist/SvD/TT

    The roughly 1,000 electric rental bicycles in the city of Stockholm are being removed with immediate effect.

    This because the batteries can start to burn, reports SvD.

    – It has been established that it is due to a technical fault linked to the cold. It is not possible to rule out the risk that it could affect more bicycles, therefore the system is stopped and the company collects the bicycles to try to remedy this, says traffic councilor Lars Strömgren (MP) to SvD.

    – For us, it is completely unacceptable that there should be bicycles out on Stockholm’s streets that constitute a fire hazard, he continues.

    He hopes that the error will be rectified by the new year.

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  • What happens in the Tove case?

    Ewa Forstén

  • State a problem with Facebook as you wrote, haven’t they changed their name to Meta?

    Iv’s sale

    The company itself changed its name to Meta about a year ago.

    But their social media platforms Facebook, Instagram and Whatspp are still named as they do!

  • What is happening in Näset, Lindingö? Lots of emergency vehicles… don’t even come close to the hill

    Jens b

    According to the police, it is a medical matter. They don’t want to say more than that.

  • You write that “At the Sunes Elefant restaurant in Visby, Nooshi Dadgostar eats steak and fries drenched in a brownish semi-transparent sauce”, but what did she drink with the food…? It does not appear.

    Pelle brokers peace


    You cannot include everything in your text. In the documentary, it appears to be carbonated water in the glass. It could also be Sprite. But now I fall into speculation.

    Pleasant evening!

  • What happened to Tove who was murdered? No newspaper writes more about the murder that I can find.


    Hi Pia! The police and prosecutors have announced that they will wait to say more about the case while the investigation is ongoing. Both women are still in custody and on December 15, prosecutor Adam Rullman is expected to request that they be re-arrested, if nothing else happens.

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