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Power outage in Kherson after the attacks

15 December at 23.55 Nora Fernstedt

For the second day in a row, Russia has attacked central locations in the Ukrainian city of Kherson.

Two people have been killed, reports say BBC.

The attacks have hit important infrastructure and according to the local governor, the entire city is without power.

The Russian forces withdrew from the city in November, in what is considered one of their biggest defeats since the outbreak of war.

Since then, Russian rocket attacks on the city have followed each other.

There are also reports of explosions in Ukraine’s second largest city, Kharkiv.

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    According to SOS, it should be an automatic alarm.

    – Emergency services are still there, but they have not found any fire, SOS Alarm states.

  • Ukraine: New Russian offensive against Kyiv

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    Oleksii Reznikov, Minister of Defense of Ukraine, speaks The Guardian that there is evidence that Russia is gathering for a broad, new offensive early next year.

    The data comes after Russia suffered a number of major defeats recently.

  • Chief physician warns against slipping: “Younger people who fall”

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    Magnus Karlsson, head physician for the orthopedist at Mölndal hospital, now warns of the slippage.

    – At the beginning of the ski season there are always more accidents, but it is more than usual this year. It has increased even more in recent days, he tells the newspaper.

    He recommends, among other things, that you use spikes on your shoes or studded tires on your bike if you are going out on the roads.

    Younger people are overrepresented among those who come into emergency departments with slip-related accidents.

    – The older people are a bit cautious, I think. I can imagine that the younger ones don’t think they will fall, says Magnus Karlsson.

  • EU agrees on new sanctions against Russia

    Russia receives a new tough sanctions package the week before Christmas, TT reports.

    At 21:00 on Thursday evening, the leaders of the EU agreed at the summit in Brussels.

    It is the ninth sanctions package since February. Exactly what it contains is not yet known.

    But in the past there has been talk of sanctions against banks, television companies, parties, the intelligence service GRU and several individuals.

    There may also be further export bans on, among other things, camera equipment, drones, hard drives, generators and underwater equipment.

  • Over-fired villa – several units alerted

    SOS has been alerted about a house fire in Lekeberg municipality.

    – We received an alarm about a fully engulfed villa. According to the caller, flames shot out through the windows and roof, says Moa Artursson, team leader at SOS.

    Six units from the rescue service have been alerted to the scene. The police are also on their way to the villa.

    – It’s over-ignited and external extinguishing has begun. We also work to protect adjacent buildings, says Moa Artursson.

    There is currently no information on whether anyone was injured in the fire.

    – It is not confirmed if anyone is still in the house, says Moa Artursson.

  • The rental giant is shockingly raising electricity prices by 525 percent

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    The company has approximately 12,000 apartments in Gothenburg, Stockholm and Uppsala.

    In an email to the residents, the company now writes that the price will be increased from 40 öre per kilowatt hour to 250 öre excluding VAT after the New Year.

    During the autumn, the company warned that the increase could be 650 percent – a price they have now brought down a bit.

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  • Data: The government may be forced to back down on cheaper petrol

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    It is the EU’s new emission requirements that put the government in a dilemma – to keep the reduction obligation as it is now, or pay billions.

    During the election campaign, the governing parties promised sharp reductions in the price of petrol and diesel.

    But according to the newspaper, the government may now be about to break even that promise.

    – The government has probably promised things that you didn’t really understand what they meant, says a source to DN.

    – There has not been a debate fully rooted in reality about the reduction obligation, says another source.

    In an SMS to Aftonbladet, Andia Hemsjö, Ebba Busch’s (KD) press secretary, replies that the government is working on developing a proposal on the reduction obligation.

    “The Government Office is currently working on developing a proposal on how the reduction obligation should be lowered to the EU’s minimum level,” she writes.

    Read more about the petrol price here.

  • Slovakia’s government has fallen

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    Of the parliament’s 150 members, 78 voted to depose Heger.

    He leads the conservative party Vanligt folk, which is part of a three-party minority government.

    The vote of no confidence was brought by the Liberal Party three months after the government lost its majority in parliament.

    Social Democratic Party leader Peter Pellegrini sees it positively.

    – It is the best possible Christmas present for the Slovak people, says Pellegrini.

    The fall of the government means either that President Zuzana Caputová appoints a new prime minister or that the country moves towards new elections.

  • Billström does not expect quick results

    Foreign Minister Tobias Billström (M) Photo: LOTTE FERNVALL

    Foreign Minister Tobias Billström (M) does not expect quick results when it comes to an approval of the Swedish NATO application.

    Now he is on his way to Turkey for a meeting with his Turkish colleague, writes DN.

    – Every day that this process is unnecessarily delayed is a day lost. And that is very, very bad. We have a serious security situation in the world, he tells the newspaper.

    Billström does not want to go into a date for a possible Turkish ratification. At the same time, it has been stated in the Turkish media that the deadline expires in July 2023, just over a week after the Turkish election.

    A date they have to deal with is the NATO meeting in Vilnius on July 11-12, says Billström.

    But it is clear that it would be remarkable if it took that long, says Billström to the newspaper.

  • Man in his 90s robbed

    A man in his 90s has been robbed in Stockholm.

    The police were alerted to the robbery just after 3pm today. According to the elderly man, a man allegedly followed him when he entered his gate. The man then allegedly robbed the elderly man of a wallet.

    In connection with the robbery, the elderly man is said to have fallen over and hit his head. He then allegedly lay inside the gate for half an hour before a neighbor found him and raised the alarm.

    The man was taken to hospital by ambulance. No one has been arrested so far.

  • Covid-19 is increasing – 27 percent more hospitalized patients

    Right now, around 1,700 people with corona are hospitalized in the country, reports say Sweden’s Radio Echo.

    That’s an increase of 27 percent in one week.

    Of those, around 29 people receive iva care.

    The spread of infection is also increasing. Last week, the number of confirmed cases increased by 43 percent compared to the week before.

    – If you look at how it has been in previous seasons, the spread of infection will probably continue for a few more weeks, says state epidemiologist Anders Lindblom, to the radio.

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  • How do they measure the increase in covid cases when the common man cannot take a test that is registered?


    Among other things, there has been a general increase in corona in the waste water.

  • Hello, you wrote yesterday that Donald Trump would release something huge today. Have you heard anything about it yet?

    Tobias Ljungberg

    Hi Tobias!

    We haven’t heard anything new from Donald Trump yet, but we’re anxiously awaiting word from the former president! We will update as soon as we know anything more!

  • Who will win the robins?


    We don’t know that yet! You simply have to keep an eye out and check the program when it is broadcast!

    While waiting for the final, there are several articles here that you can read about how things went during this year’s season!

    All’s Well!

  • Hello Hello,

    Are there any known errors on the Swedish Companies Registration Office’s website? I can’t log in or search for cases


    Hey! Yes, several authorities’ websites seem to be down right now. We are trying to find out more about it now and will report on it as soon as we know more.

  • Why are the chimpanzees in Furuvik shot dead instead of being shot with anesthetic darts?


    It’s a bit unclear, the park’s information manager has provided different information about it during the day.

    You can read more about it here.

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