Latest news – Police want Shrek statue

Latest news Police want Shrek statue
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Police want Shrek statue

today at 12.48 am Amanda Hällsten

Police in the US are looking for missing Shrek statue. Photo: Hatfield Police

Police in Hatfield, Massachusetts, are looking for a missing statue depicting the movie character Shrek.

The hundred-kilogram sculpture was reported missing earlier this week.

In a post on Facebook the police have posted a picture of the lost cement troll.

“If you have any information on his current whereabouts please contact our department or return him in the condition you found him. The dragon sculpture he lives with is frustrated and lonely,” the police write.

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    According to witnesses, a large number of police officers with drawn weapons and a dog patrol should have stormed the apartment, write Halland’s news.

    There, the police will now carry out a technical investigation in the apartment and hear witnesses and the suspects.

  • Person trapped under car

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    The alarm about the accident came in on Saturday morning and the person has been taken to hospital.

    The extent of the injury is currently unclear.

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  • Derailed train triggers violent fire

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    There are no reports of injuries, but nearby residents have been asked to evacuate and seek shelter in a school, the news agency says.

    According to an American reporter who is on the scene, it is about a freight train, which was loaded with cars, which derailed. All the cars must have been engulfed in flames. There is also information that some train carriages contain flammable materials.

  • Several reports of abuse

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    Among other things, a 25-year-old man has been arrested on suspicion of aggravated assault. In a home in Älvdalen, the man allegedly attacked a man in his 20s, who had to be taken to hospital due to his injuries.

    Further down in the county – in a residence in Leksand – a man in his 40s was arrested, who is suspected of several cases of assault. ‘

    According to the police, the man assaulted a man in his 60s who had to be taken to hospital by ambulance. The man also allegedly assaulted two women aged 66 and 30, respectively. The suspected perpetrator has a relationship with the victims, the police write on their website.

    A woman in her 20s also had to seek emergency medical care after a man threw a glass bottle at her head at a restaurant in Falun. The man, who is also in his 20s, was taken into police custody due to intoxication.

  • Germany: No evidence that Russia blew up the Nord Stream

    The gas bubbles up after the explosion in September. Photo: Coast Guard.

    The German investigators have found nothing to suggest that Russia is behind the explosions on the gas pipelines Nord Stream 1 and 2. This is reported by the German newspaper World.

    – It cannot be proven at the moment, the investigation is ongoing, says Chancellor of Justice Peter Frank, according to the newspaper.

    With the help of two research vessels, the investigators took samples at the destroyed lines.

    In November, Sweden determined that it was a serious act of sabotage, but there is still no one identified as a suspect in the attack.

    Read all about the Nord Stream sabotage here.

  • They had thousands of images of child porn on the computer

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    It was a female acquaintance of the man who found the USB stick under the man’s bed. Out of curiosity, she must have connected the stick to the man’s computer, and then found the child pornography.

    After a house search, the police were able to find a total of 2,851 images and 508 videos on various hard drives. The films corresponded to at least 30 hours of material, the police told the newspaper.

    The man denies any crime and claims that someone else put the USB stick under the bed and had access to the man’s computer.

    He is also charged with offensive photography and sexual harassment.

    This when he is suspected of surreptitiously filming a female relative by installing a camera in the bathroom. The man also denies these crimes.

  • Brazil has sunk ghost ships

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    The ship will be sunk off the coast of Brazil on Friday, the Brazilian Navy said.

    At the same time, many have protested against the planned sinking, because it is feared that there are many environmental toxins on the ship.

    Among other things, it was stopped last year when it was on its way to Turkey, due to fear of the toxins that the ship could contain.

    Brazil subsequently bought back “Sao Paulo”, but refused to take it ashore because of the environmental risks.

  • New cold record – minus 75.5 degrees

    A new cold record has been set on Mount Washington in the USA, reports NBC Boston.

    On Friday, the perceived temperature of the wind was measured at minus 75.5 degrees, this as a result of cold air masses and strong winds at the top.

    The previous record of minus 75 degrees at the summit was set in 2004.

    The American weather agency NWS has issued several warnings for cold temperatures in areas of the northeastern United States.

    In some locations, temperatures could drop to potentially life-threatening levels over the weekend, according to the agency.

  • Judges asked AI for help in legal cases – criticized

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    The judge would decide whether or not the insurance for a child with autism would cover all the costs of medications. Together with the chatbot, he concluded that it did. He also used previous convictions to support his decision.

    That ChatGPT was used as help has now caused a stir and several of the judge’s colleagues criticize the use of AI in the decision.

    The judge himself defends his actions and says that the program can, among other things, facilitate the “drafting of texts”.

  • Man arrested on suspicion of attempted murder

    The police are investigating a suspected attempted murder after a 35-year-old man attacked two men with an attachment in Karlskoga.

    The attack is said to have taken place in a residence. One of the men had to be taken to hospital by ambulance, but should not have life-threatening injuries, the police write on their website.

  • Poland: Turkey will approve Sweden and Finland

    Poland’s foreign minister says he is convinced that Turkey will admit Sweden and Finland to NATO before the summit in Vilnius in July. This is reported by the Polish site Tvn24.

    – If it doesn’t happen, it will be a failure, even when it comes to trust in the alliance as a whole, says Zbigniew Rau.

    The statement comes in connection with Rau’s meeting with Swedish Foreign Minister Tobias Billström (M) in Stockholm on Friday.

    He also says that Sweden’s and Finland’s entry into NATO is of utmost importance to strengthen security in the Baltic Sea region.

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  • Do you know what Annie Lööf will do now and will she receive any severance pay?


    In an interview with DN in December, Annie Lööf said that she wants to continue working with social change, perhaps in equality, diversity or green transition. But first she will take it easy for a few weeks and be with her family.

    Politicians do not receive severance pay. However, the Riksdag has a special income guarantee after a member resigns or is dismissed. It lasts up to 15 years.

  • The Stockholm Stock Exchange went up by over 4% today, but not a word written about this by AB?

    Peter Berg

  • Is it illegal to burn the Koran in Finland, because Erdogan now demands that it be so and because in the same breath he says he is positive to Finland’s application?

    Johnny Lesser

    Hey Johnny!

    Freedom of expression and freedom of demonstration are constitutional rights in Finland as well. But the Finnish National Police Board tells the news agency STT that similar protests cannot be approved in Finland.

    It would be considered a crime against the peace of faith to burn the Koran.

    All’s Well!

  • Has Hungary accepted and let Sweden’s NATO application go through?


    Hi Sophie!

    Hungary has not ratified Sweden’s NATO application. We reported briefly on this a few days ago, you can read more here.

  • Why no reporting on the incident in Hässleholm during last night until Wednesday morning?


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