Latest news – Police call at Hisingen after alarm about suspicious goods

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Police call to Hisingen after alarm about suspicious goods

today at 1:28 p.m. Anna Sjögren

Police were called to Hisingen in Gothenburg at 11.45 after someone found an object outside.

The police cordoned off an area but were able to determine after an examination of the object that it was some kind of battery.

At 1:30 p.m. the cordons had been lifted.

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  • Spotify cuts workforce

    Spotify is cutting its workforce by six percent, the company writes in a press release.

    Read more here.

  • Operational disruptions at authorities

    The Swedish Transport Agency and the Police warn of operational disruptions.

    Several authorities have suffered operational disruptions, the authorities write on their websites.

    The police write that it is currently difficult to reach 114 14 and that troubleshooting is ongoing.

    The Swedish Transport Agency writes on its website that it is not possible to contact their customer service due to operational disruptions.

    The employment agency writes that it is difficult to reach the authority by phone precisely as a result of technical problems.

  • Lavrov: Russia’s hybrid war with the West almost real war

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    But soon it can no longer be defined as that, he believes and says that one can instead talk about a real war.

    The reports Dagbladetwhich refers to Reuters.

  • Disruptions at Telia

    Telia’s customers are currently experiencing disruptions, according to the site Downdetector.

    On Monday morning, there were 553 reports of problems with disturbances.

    Customers report problems with telephony, broadband and television services.

    Telia writes on Facebook that they have a disturbance that affects several internal systems.

    – Right now we have disturbances affecting our internal systems, including our website. It also affects the ability to provide our customers with support, says Telia’s press manager Irene Kroon and continues:

    – Telia’s television service Telia play and certain business solutions are also affected. Our technicians are working hard to solve the problem.

    Telia does not yet know what is the reason behind the disturbances.

  • Wagner defector arrested in Norway

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    “The person concerned is detained according to the Immigration Act and it is being assessed whether he should be produced for detention,” says Acting Head of the Legal Section, Jon Andreas Johansen, at the Police’s Aliens Unit to NRK.

  • LPG leaks – school evacuated

    A school in Trollhättan has been evacuated after LPG leaked into a classroom.

    The school discovered a valve was leaking and tried to close it, but heard it continue to sputter. Just before 11 o’clock, the emergency services were called. Police are also on the scene and an area has been cordoned off.

    – The rescue service went in with air tubes and closed the bottle properly, says Fredrik Meurk, officer on duty at the rescue service.

    The school is still evacuated, but they will soon start taking people in again.

    According to the police, it was a connection in a chemistry room that was not tight.

    No one was injured in connection with the incident.

  • SJ’s train tickets are delayed

    During the night to Wednesday, SJ will release tickets for spring train journeys, writes TT.

    But the Swedish Transport Administration is not yet finished with its planning of the track work – this causes delays in the ticket release for Easter and the Ascension.

    The last time the Christmas holidays were released in November, not many customers entered the site due to high pressure.

    – Now we have a queuing system that only allows a certain number of customers to be let through to the site. You get a queue number which you keep until the purchase is made. Then we know that the load is always at its highest during the Christmas holidays and it will be lower now, says SJ’s press manager Tobbe Lundell.

  • The Hells Angels are on trial in Madrid

    On Monday, an extensive trial begins where close to 50 members of the Hells Angels are charged with, among other things, money laundering and illegal possession of firearms, TT writes.

    The German Frank Hanebuth is one of the defendants. He is accused, among other things, of having controlled a criminal faction of the motorcycle club from the Spanish holiday island of Mallorca between 2009 and 2013.

    He risks receiving a 13-year long prison sentence.

    Another 46 HA members are accused. Some of them for drug smuggling and prostitution activities.

  • Government: No increased tax for small companies

    Elisabeth Svantesson at the press conference. Photo: Fredrik Sandberg/TT

    The government wants to review the rules for the so-called 3:12 rules, i.e. taxation of small companies.

    This is reported by TT.

    The government gives the inquiry that is already looking at the rules some additional directives.

    The aim is to promote entrepreneurship, simplifications and improvements to the rules, but no increased tax, says Finance Minister Elisabeth Svantesson (M) at a press conference.

    The rules affect approximately 300,000 companies, according to the minister.

  • Photographed protective objects – arrested by police

    Staff at a shelter in Arboga contacted the police in the morning after they detained a man who photographed the shelter.

    The man is 35 years old and is suspected of violating the Protection Act.

    He was detained by the police and will be handed over to the border police.

  • Poland asks permission to send German tanks

    Poland is to ask Germany for permission to send the German Leopard 2 tank model to Ukraine.

    Prime Minister Mateusz Morawiecki says so according to the news agency AP. He also says that he will gather a group of countries that will send the tanks together.

    – Even if in the end we do not get this permission, we will – within this small coalition – and Germany is not in that coalition, hand over our tanks, together, to Ukraine.

    Poland has long wanted to send the tanks to Ukraine, but Germany has not wanted to approve it. Yesterday, the country’s foreign minister, Annalena Baerbock, said that it will be allowed.

    She then told French television that the question had not been put to Germany, but that they would not stand in the way if they received it.

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  • Hey!

    Do you know what has gone wrong with the employment agency’s website. Unable to enter/log in as a job seeker to get in touch.

    Elisabeth Larsson

    Hi Elizabeth! Arbetsförmedlingen is one of several authorities that have been affected by disruptions during the day. Work is underway to resolve the issues. You can read our article about it here.

  • Hi Lina, Do you think we would have reacted the same if it was a Bible that Paludan burned?


    Don’t know Peter. So probably don’t think anything special about it.

    But if that happens, we will report on any reactions ?

  • Hi, I know you can’t deny Rasmus Pauldan burning the Koran, but you can’t deny him protection now that there’s such a shortage of police officers. We have to put a stop to the Danish pig.

    Tobias Ljungberg

    Joakim Nergelius, professor of jurisprudence, explains how it works in this article.

    Oisín Cantwell pondered the question in this column last spring.

    Peter Kadhammar has also written about it, here you can read how he reasoned.

  • Why not just totally ignore Paludan when he burns the Koran!? After all, every individual who worldwide gets upset every time the Koran is burned makes themselves Paludan’s useful idiots. He thus gets exactly the attention he desires, plus a little more.


    In Råslätt in Jönköping, the residents chose to do just that – in the middle of the burning riot chaos last Easter.

    Here you can read about it.

  • Does the price increase for snus also apply to tobacco-free snus?


    It seems unclear.

    We have contacted Swedish Match regarding this, but they have not yet given an answer.

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