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Police blew up app – 42 arrested

today at 06.17 Amanda Hällsten

The police have arrested 42 people in Europe after managing to crack the encrypted app Exclu Messenger, reports AFP.

The operation started already in 2020 and the people were arrested on Friday, when the police raided 79 addresses in Belgium, the Netherlands and Germany.

Police got into the app five months ago and have since been able to read messages between organized criminals.

They have also been able to intercept secret drug transports.

The police raids also led to several drug clubs being blown up, several kilos of drugs being seized along with millions of euros in cash, luxury goods and weapons, according to police in the Netherlands.

Police officers from Sweden, France and Italy have also participated in the operation.

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  • At least 23 dead in forest fires

    At least 23 people have died in forest fires in Chile, TT and AFP report.

    979 people are also said to have been injured.

    Around 2,300 firefighters are working to put out the total of 232 fires still raging on Saturday evening.

    Many of those who died are firefighters and rescue workers.

    Most of the forest fires are raging in the regions of Biobío and neighboring Ñuble, where the government has declared a state of emergency for better coordination with the military.

  • Record number for S – so much difference

    The Social Democrats break a record in Swedish voter opinion, the monthly recurring weighing of various opinion polls that Kantar Sifo does for Swedish Radio. S reaches 36.7 percent of voter support, a figure that has never before been surpassed in the survey.

    Together with their supporting parties, the Social Democrats gather 54 percent, while the government base remains at 44.3 percent. The Center Party continues downward and lands at 5.1 percent.

    Here are the numbers, batch by batch (December in parentheses):

    S: 36.7 (+ 1.2)

    W: 7.7 (+ 0.3)

    MP: 4.6 (+ 0.1)

    C: 5.1 (– 0.7)

    M: 18.8 (+ 0.2)

    L: 3.3 (– 0.2)

    KD: 4.2 (– 0.2)

    SD: 18 (– 0.7)

    Other: 1.8 (+ 0.2)

  • Attempted murder of a woman

    A 45-year-old man was arrested on Saturday evening in Gothenburg on suspicion of attempted murder of a woman.

    The police were called to an apartment in the Majorna district at around 8.30pm on Saturday. An injured woman in her 30s was found in the home. She was awake when the police arrived and was taken to hospital by ambulance. The man was arrested on the spot.

    – The apartment is cordoned off for investigation, says Anders Wennergren at the Gothenburg Police.


  • China’s angry response to the US: “Serious”

    China’s Ministry of Foreign Affairs reacts strongly after the United States shot down the balloon on Saturday night.

    In a written statement it says that China expresses “strong displeasure and protest against the use of force by the United States against civilian aircraft”.

    China claims the balloon was used for weather research and was accidentally driven off course by the weather. The US insists it was used for espionage and was fully manoeuvrable.

    In the statement, the Chinese Foreign Ministry writes that the US is “clearly overreacting and seriously violating international practice” through the shooting down.

    “China will resolutely guard the legitimate rights of the companies involved and reserves the right to further necessary reactions.”

  • The police about the light in the sky: “It’s us”

    Several readers in Stockholm contacted Aftonbladet on Saturday evening about a blue and sometimes red flashing light in the sky.

    By all accounts, it concerns police drones that after a recent decision is used to monitor areas – for example Farsta – where there have been serious violent crimes lately.

    – The blue light is with great certainty police. This is the marking the drones have if they want to be seen or need to identify themselves for flight safety reasons. Sometimes you want them to be hidden too, says Peter Asp, officer on duty at the police command centre.

  • Young man stabbed in the throat

    A 25-year-old man was stabbed in the neck in Skinnskatteberg at around 8.30pm on Saturday evening.

    He is seriously injured and has been taken to hospital by ambulance.

    – The man received cardiopulmonary resuscitation from neighbors, but recovered when we arrived. After he was taken to hospital, we have not been able to interrogate him, says Viktor Åkring Dicksved, commander at the police’s regional command centre.

    Another 25-year-old man was arrested on the spot and detained during the night by prosecutors, on suspicion of attempted murder.

    Both men are known to the police from before. The motive for the crime is unclear.

    Text updated 04.56

  • Three Swedes in an avalanche in Austria

    Three Swedes are said to have been involved in an avalanche in Austria, Kronen Zeitung reports.

    A 50-year-old man is said to have been dragged 150 meters but managed to activate his avalanche equipment. A 48-year-old man was pulled down into the snow masses and dug out by rescue workers. He is said to have been seriously injured in a leg. The newspaper has no information about the third Swede.

    During Saturday, 30 avalanches have been triggered in Austria and at least three people have died.

  • Police action after car chase out in the field

    When the police chased a car between Lomma and Lund shortly after 9pm on Saturday night, the driver drove into a field to get away.

    There the car was dumped and several people fled on foot.

    Now the police have a large operation starting from the medieval-like residential area of ​​Jakriborg in Hjärup. Several patrols, including dog patrols, participate.

    – Three people have been found and are being checked. Possibly there may be more, says Evelina Olsson at the police’s regional command centre.

    The police chase went along Vrangerupsvägen from Flackarpsgården before the car drove into the field.

    – It was quite dramatic. You can see on the car what it has been through. Now we will see if the people have any connection with the incident, says Evelina Olsson.

  • Several arrested suspected of having planned murder against the Swedish consulate

    Several people are said to have been arrested on suspicion of having planned some kind of act against the consulate in Istanbul, according to the AA news agency as well as TRT Haber and Hurriyet.

    According to AA, it concerns the Swedish and Dutch consulates in Istanbul. 15 people are said to have been arrested by security forces in a raid against people said to have links to IS.

    The Ministry of Foreign Affairs responds in an email to Aftonbladet:

    “The Foreign Ministry has taken note of the information and is in contact with our embassies in Turkey”.

    Read more here.

  • Fire in apartment building: “Not under control”

    A fire has broken out in an apartment building in Laholm.

    Several units from the rescue service are on site.

    – We still do not have the fire completely under control. There is some smoke that has spread up into the house from the basement, says the fire service’s interior commander Peter Stened.

    All people who were in the house must have got out, according to the rescue service. There are no reports of anyone being injured.

  • Closes airspace in search of the spy balloon

    The US continues to monitor the Chinese spy balloon.

    Joe Biden said during the evening that the balloon should be “taken care of” but did not say how. According to information to ABC, it was decided to shoot it down.

    Now the American Aviation Agency, FAA, has decided to close the airspace in parts of North Carolina and South Carolina, ABC reports.

    Read more here.

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  • Do you know what Annie Lööf will do now and will she receive any severance pay?


    In an interview with DN in December, Annie Lööf said that she wants to continue working with social change, perhaps in equality, diversity or green transition. But first she will take it easy for a few weeks and be with her family.

    Politicians do not receive severance pay. However, the Riksdag has a special income guarantee after a member resigns or is dismissed. It lasts up to 15 years.

  • The Stockholm Stock Exchange went up by over 4% today, but not a word written about this by AB?

    Peter Berg

  • Is it illegal to burn the Koran in Finland, because Erdogan now demands that it be so and because in the same breath he says he is positive to Finland’s application?

    Johnny Lesser

    Hey Johnny!

    Freedom of expression and freedom of demonstration are constitutional rights in Finland as well. But the Finnish National Police Board tells the news agency STT that similar protests cannot be approved in Finland.

    It would be considered a crime against the peace of faith to burn the Koran.

    All’s Well!

  • Has Hungary accepted and let Sweden’s NATO application go through?


    Hi Sophie!

    Hungary has not ratified Sweden’s NATO application. We reported briefly on this a few days ago, you can read more here.

  • Why no reporting on the incident in Hässleholm during last night until Wednesday morning?


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