Latest news – Pirate hostage released: “Relatively unharmed”

Pirate hostage released: “Relatively unharmed”

today at 13.07 Alexander Bönke

The six crew members of the Danish tanker Monjasa Reformer who were captured by pirates for over a month have been released according to the ship’s owner Monjasa, writes Ekstra Bladet.

On March 25, pirates took over the Danish-owned ship. It was later discovered by the French navy off the small island nation of Sao Tomé & Principe off the west coast of Africa.

According to the company, all sexes should be “relatively unharmed”. A total of 16 people were on board when the ship sailing under the Liberian flag was attacked. None of them were Danish citizens.

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    Photo: PP Afthab/TT Nyhetsbyrån

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  • Shouldn’t journalists be able to tell the difference between them and them?


    Hi Ante! You may think so, of course, but we are not flawless and can make mistakes. We correct them when they are brought to our attention by our colleagues or our keen readers!

  • Why is the headline “Russia: Residents forcibly evacuated from Zaporizhzhya” !? Zaporizhzhya and Europe’s largest nuclear power plant is in Ukraine NOT Russia. Despite occupation and annexation, as far as I know, almost no one except Russia itself recognizes the region as Russian.


    Hi Stefan! In this case, “Russia” should be read as the Russian side in the war, who are the ones who decided on the forced evacuation. It does not imply recognition of the areas as Russian.

  • Leif: The answer to your question is that the program is not broadcast live, and that an editor inserted the images when the program was cut together.

    It is not more difficult than that.

    Crisis meeting

  • Masked Singers

    At the same time a name is guessed, a picture of the person concerned is shown.



    Unfortunately, I have no explanation for that, Leif.

    Maybe you can ask TV4, here is a link to them.

  • When you watch the clip when a Russian pulls the Ukrainian flag, there is a warning about “deceptive site”


    Damn it.

    We’ve had some technical trouble here this afternoon. But it should be resolved now. Apologies for that.

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