Latest news – Person hit on purpose at pizzeria

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Person hit on purpose at pizzeria

today at 15.46 Nora Fernstedt

A person has been hit at a pizzeria in the municipality of Lilla Edet.

The motorist fled the scene and according to witnesses, the collision was intentional.

The police received the alarm at 2:21 p.m.

“The car disappeared from the scene in a northerly or southerly direction, somewhat unclear. The car was brown in color and how many people were traveling in the car is unclear,” the police write on their website.

The person hit has been taken to hospital by ambulance. The extent of the damage is unclear.

The police are investigating the incident as serious assault.

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  • Tried to escape after violent collision

    Several people have been involved in a traffic accident on Laholmsvägen in Halmstad.

    The alarm came in around 2 p.m. A car had come at high speed and driven into a shelter.

    – According to a witness, the one car must have come at high speed, driven off the road and into trees, but then came out onto the road again. There it collides with an oncoming car, says Thomas Fuxborg, the police’s press spokesperson in the West Hallandsposten.

    Two people were in the car. Both ran from the scene after the accident but the police managed to find them after a while.

    One was taken to hospital for a minor injury.

    There were three people in the car that was hit, all of whom had to be taken to hospital.

    According to the police, one of them appears to have broken his leg, one had nerve pain and the third was in shock.

    The perpetrators are now suspected of drunken driving and gross negligence in traffic.

  • Drugs in Easter bunnies at the airport

    This week, Belgian customs seized a batch of candy in the form of Easter bunnies.

    The small rodents in chocolate were found to contain the narcotic preparation MDMA

    The reports the AFP news agency which has also interviewed Belgian customs official Pol Meuleneire.

    He says that the Easter bunnies were posted in Belgium and were going to a buyer in Hong Kong.

    In total, just over a kilo of the preparation, which is used to produce Ecstasy, was seized in the Easter Bunny.

  • Job growth in the US slightly lower than expected

    Just recently, the new employment figure was released in the United States. The figure is 236,000 new jobs.

    This is according to the new compilation from the US Bureau of Labor Statistics. It was roughly the same number that Bloomberg announced in advance. According to Trading Economics, growth of 239,000 was expected.

    236,000 is a decrease from February when the figure was 311,000.

    During Maundy Thursday, the last trading day of Easter on Wall Street, it ended with a marginal rise.

    Among other things, because of the expectations for today’s figure.

    The S&P 500 rose 0.4 percent. The Dow Jones closed at 0.01 percent up and the Nasdaq closed at plus 0.8 percent.

  • Person found dead outdoors

    A person was found dead north of Stockholm during the afternoon.

    The police began work at the scene but later announced that there were no criminal suspects.

    The alarm came in shortly after 2 p.m.

  • Woman hit by bus

    The police were alerted at 1:30 p.m. that a woman had been hit by a bus in Umeå.

    The accident must have occurred at an intersection.

    The woman has been taken to hospital, writes VK. Right now there is no information on how seriously she is injured.

  • Long queues in the Easter traffic

    Full smock on the E4 south of Stockholm Photo: Läsarbild

    Many have taken to the roads during Good Friday afternoon.

    There are currently long queues on the E4 south from Stockholm.

    The Swedish Transport Administration has issued a notice about “slow queues” on the E4 around Södertälje.

    They expect the queues to affect traffic at least until 4 p.m.

  • Israel is mobilizing reserve forces

    Israel Mobilizes Reserve Forces Announces Country’s Defense.

    – The Chief of Staff has given orders for the mobilization of reservists with a focus on the air defense and offensive forces in the air defense, writes the defense on Twitter.

    The announcement comes after several days of escalation in the region.

    Read more here.

  • Man dead after fire in Alby

    A man in his 30s has died after an apartment fire in Alby south of Stockholm on Thursday evening, the police write on their website.

    His next of kin have been notified.

    The man was taken to hospital but his life could not be saved.

    No other people were in the apartment.

    The police have started a preliminary investigation into public negligence.

    What caused the fire is currently unclear.

    – You have to find out in the technical investigation, says Towe Hägg, press spokesperson at the Stockholm Police.

    The apartment has been cordoned off pending a technical examination.

  • The police on the fatal shooting: Left on an electric scooter

    The police still have no suspect arrested for the shooting in Eskilstuna yesterday afternoon where a young man aged 18 was shot to death.

    The shooting happened at his high school and many students witnessed the incident.

    – The information we have is that there are two people who disappear from the scene on an electric scooter, they are dressed in dark clothes, says Camilla Helgesson, acting head of investigations at the police in Sörmland during a press conference.

    The police believe that the suspects are still in Eskilstuna. They want observations, photos and videos that may have been taken from the shooting.

    – If you have seen or taken pictures yourself at the time of the crime, send them to or contact the police on 114 14, says Camilla Helgesson.

    Read more here.

  • Tensions rise in Israel – UN warns of escalation

    Tensions are rising in Israel.

    During the morning, Israeli military attacked several locations in Lebanon.

    According to the military, the aerial bombings were a response to the extensive rocket fire that came from the territory of Lebanon, from the Islamist group Hamas or the Palestinian group Islamic Jihad.

    Over 30 rockets are said to have been fired at Israel.

    Israeli military has also shelled targets in Gaza.

    Two Israeli women have also been shot dead in an attack in Hamra, in the northern West Bank, reports say The Times of Israel. A third person must be seriously injured.

    The situation is described as the most serious at the border since 2006. Now the UN peacekeeping forces are calling for calm to avoid an escalation of the conflict.

    According to Unifil, both Lebanon and Israel have said that they do not want war.

    The spiral of violence began on Wednesday after Israeli police stormed the Al Aqsa Mosque in Jerusalem during the holy month of Ramadan and arrested 350 people.

  • No one arrested after fatal shooting at school

    The police have not arrested a suspect in the shooting death in Eskilstuna yesterday afternoon.

    It was around 3 p.m. that the police were alerted that a man in his 20s had been shot outside his school.

    At 11 o’clock the police in Eskilstuna will hold a press briefing for the media. Aftonbladet will report from it.

    Read more here.

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  • Good morning! Or do you have another greeting phrase, like Merry Christmas, when it’s Easter, that will be my first question.

    My second question, which may be answered if we come back to it, is whether it is possible, is there a valve for NATO to pause Turkey’s membership in NATO.

    And through such a procedure allow Sweden in and enable Sweden as a member of NATO, regardless of what Turkey thinks and thinks?


    Good morning!

    Well, Happy Easter is the closest thing right? According to tradition, one should not wish Happy Easter until Easter Eve, i.e. tomorrow. But I’ve had at least two wish me a happy Easter already today! 😉

    To your second question. It doesn’t seem like there has ever been any exclusion or “pause” of a country from NATO, as far as I can see. So it is primarily unclear whether it will work.

    Also unclear if NATO would want to exclude Turkey, temporarily or permanently. In that case, the concern is great that Turkey would lean against Russia.

    Have a nice time!

  • Why haven’t you written about the shooting in Rinkeby anywhere??


  • I am in Turkey now and everyone is so nice. Not noticing anything at all.


    Hi Christian! Thanks for the report 🙂

  • in which NATO countries is it permitted or prohibited to burn religious scriptures? It would be interesting to know if Turkey’s demands on Sweden for membership are greater than on other NATO countries?


    Hey Henrik! Good question, don’t have any mapping of that. Although Erdogan has said that Sweden will reject its application as long as Koran burnings are allowed, many observers believe that the main issue for Turkey is probably not to stop the Swedish Koran burnings, but that they also have other reasons to slow down the Swedish application. Not least that he is facing an election in a few months.

  • Why have we never had a referendum on NATO in Sweden, a democracy should still let the people choose?


    Hi Rolf! V and MP, who are against NATO, thought we should have a referendum on the issue. But when S and SD wavered on the issue, there was a majority in favor of it in the Riksdag. Those who were against a referendum referred, among other things, to a lack of time and that there was a risk of influence campaigns from Russia. Support for NATO membership has increased among Swedes after the outbreak of war, in April last year 57 percent were in favor of it in our survey.

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