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Person has escaped from the district court

today at 12.43Beri Zangana

A person has escaped in connection with a district court hearing on Gotland, the police told Aftonbladet.

– We were alerted just before 12 o’clock that a person who was going to attend a district court hearing had escaped, says Daniel Vikdahl, press spokesperson for the police in the Stockholm region.

The person is suspected of a crime.

– It is not a crime of violence or a serious crime of violence. It is a person that the police on Gotland are already familiar with, says Daniel Vikdahl.

The man is not considered dangerous to the public.

– But it is still a person who is on the run from law enforcement or the authorities, so if you see him, we want you to call 112, says Daniel Vikdahl.

The man was dressed in a pastel-colored punk jacket with yellow accents and gray pants.

The police are out looking in various places in Visby.

– It’s about addresses that we know can be relevant to the person, but also streets and squares, says Daniel Vikdahl.

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  • What happens in the Tove case?

    Ewa Forstén

  • State a problem with Facebook as you wrote, haven’t they changed their name to Meta?

    Iv’s sale

    The company itself changed its name to Meta about a year ago.

    But their social media platforms Facebook, Instagram and Whatspp are still named as they do!

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    Jens b

    According to the police, it is a medical matter. They don’t want to say more than that.

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    Pelle brokers peace


    You cannot include everything in your text. In the documentary, it appears to be carbonated water in the glass. It could also be Sprite. But now I fall into speculation.

    Pleasant evening!

  • What happened to Tove who was murdered? No newspaper writes more about the murder that I can find.


    Hi Pia! The police and prosecutors have announced that they will wait to say more about the case while the investigation is ongoing. Both women are still in custody and on December 15, prosecutor Adam Rullman is expected to request that they be re-arrested, if nothing else happens.

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